
Tale of Two Brothers [The Throne Saga]

In the mystical world of Alos, nestled within the continent of Helios, lies an ancient secret bound by the mysterious power known as Alma. This tale unfolds in a secluded wooden cabin, home to two brothers, Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel, bound by blood yet divided by destiny. Ray'Daniel, with his platinum blonde hair and strange silver eyes inherited from a mother he never knew, is a dreamer, drawn to the mysteries that surround their father's disappearance and the greater secrets of their world. Ra'Hashmel, slender, a bit taller, and cloaked in the darkness of his night-black hair, is the skeptic, hardened by loss and wary of the unknown. One stormy night, Ray'Daniel is thrust into a vivid dream, a vision of a Helios torn apart by a great war, a battlefield soaked in rain and blood, presided over by an enigmatic warrior of light. This dream, however, is more than a mere figment of the imagination; it is a portent, a glimpse into a destiny that calls to both brothers. It speaks of an ancient prophecy, of two chosen ones destined to rise from Helios and confront the encroaching shadows that threaten to engulf their world in darkness. As the brothers grapple with the implications of Ray'Daniel's dream, they find themselves at a crossroads. Ra'Hashmel's skepticism clashes with Ray'Daniel's belief in their prophesied role. Yet, beneath their disagreements lies a deep bond, a shared yearning for answers that propels them forward. Guided by the enigmatic power of Alma, they embark on a journey beyond the confines of their simple life, into a world brimming with magic, ancient secrets, and the remnants of a forgotten past. Alma, the lifeblood of Alos, is a source of untold power and mystery, its secrets jealously guarded and sought by many. It is this power that the brothers must learn to wield if they are to unravel the mysteries that surround them, including the truth behind their father's disappearance and the deeper significance of Ray'Daniel's prophetic dream. Their journey will take them across Helios and beyond, into the heart of the ancient conflict foreseen in Ray'Daniel's vision, where the fate of their world hangs in the balance. As they venture forth, Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel will encounter allies and adversaries, face trials that test their strength and resolve, and discover the true extent of their own powers. But above all, they will uncover the significance of their bond, the dual key to fulfilling their destiny and averting the catastrophe that looms over Alos. This is a story of adventure and discovery, of secrets hidden in the shadows and the light of truth that seeks to dispel them. It is a tale of two brothers, chosen by fate, set against the backdrop of a world where magic intertwines with reality, and where the mysterious power of Alma holds the key to salvation or destruction. The journey of Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel is only the beginning, a first step into a saga that spans the breadth of Alos, promising mysteries unveiled, alliances forged, and a battle against the evil that seeks to consume all.

ThroneSaga · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 25: The Party

"Listen up, all of you! If you have chosen to join these ranks, you have forsaken your family names, titles, homes, and heritage. We who choose this path are no longer who we were before the trials. Although you have not yet entered the gates to the academy, you have lost the people you once were. You have become brothers and sisters. No longer does your social status matter. You are all known as Knights in the Trial. You are all equals." The authority and power in his voice were undeniable. Yet, among the crowd, some nobles couldn't hide their disdain for such ideals, their faces twisting into sneers directed at those of lesser birth. In contrast, those from humble origins welcomed his words with bright smiles.

Ray and Ra exchanged a look of mutual understanding and appreciation for the man's acknowledgment of their equal standing. They nodded to each other, their spirits lifted, before their attention returned to the commanding figure before them. "My name is Sir Marow O'Shae. I am the head of the Royal Knights." His introduction caused a stir of murmurs and whispers among the crowd, the significance of his presence at the trials not lost on anyone. The chatter quickly faded as he resumed speaking. "Many of you will fail this first of these three trials, so allow me to get the formalities out of the way. Many of you know Garith, the head of the Guardian Knights; they are in charge of the defense and security of the inner walls of Alleria.

The other knight beside him is Saffira, head of the Noble Knights. They are responsible for protecting the noble district and serving as our forces' vanguard. Their duties include safeguarding noble lineages and undertaking missions beyond our city's walls. The Royal Knights, my command, represent the pinnacle of knighthood within our kingdom. The knights serving under me embody the highest standards of combat proficiency and moral integrity, epitomizing what it truly means to be a Knight of Alleria."

As the murmurs of awe and speculation began to subside, Sir Marow Rolland's voice once again pierced the air, commanding the undivided attention of all present. "Now, for the task at hand," he continued, his gaze sweeping across the sea of faces before him. "You will be divided into teams of five. Each team will have a mix of talents and origins. Remember, the strength of a knight lies not only in their arm but in their ability to unite with those of different strengths."

He paused, ensuring his next words would sink in. "Your objective is clear. South of the river, a day's journey from here, lies a cave. Within its depths, a flag has been hidden. Your mission is to retrieve it. Be warned, the path is fraught with natural and... otherwise challenges." The hint of a smile played on his lips, suggesting his knowledge of the obstacles and dangers that would test them to their limits.

"Each team will venture into the cave in search of their flag. There are enough flags for every team to emerge victorious, but do not let that fact breed complacency. The cave is a labyrinth, its secrets well guarded." Sir Marow's tone turned serious once more, underscoring the gravity of their undertaking.

"Be mindful, you have three days to complete this Trial. Those who return here, flag in hand, will advance to the next stage of the trials. Those who do not..." He left the sentence hanging, the implication clear. Failure to secure a flag meant the end of the journey for those aspirants.

As the declaration reverberated through the crowd, a noticeable sense of anticipation and apprehension hung in the air. The idea of uniting in teams and embarking on a grand quest stirred a primal sense of adventure and camaraderie in many, while the daunting nature of the challenge ahead tempered their excitement with a sobering dose of reality. The crowd stood in silence, their hearts pounding with a mix of emotions as they contemplated the task that lay before them.

Ray and Ra exchanged a determined glance, their earlier resolve now reinforced by the task set before them. They understood the importance of unity and shared purpose in the trials to come. The challenge is not only to test their individual skills and courage but also their ability to work as part of a cohesive unit.

As the group of candidates began to sort themselves out, Ray and Ra noticed a clear divide forming between the nobles and the commoners. Despite this, they remained by each other and didn't let the shifting alliances affect their resolve. The nobles, with their fancy titles and long family histories, tended to stick together and exclude those who came from different backgrounds. This made it difficult for the commoners to be fully included in the group. But Ray and Ra didn't let this get them down and continued to stay positive and strong.

Ray and Ra found themselves struggling to secure a fellowship due to subtle exclusion. This was not because they were inadequate, they knew their skills were far superior to any of the nobles here. Ra balled his fist a surge of Almeich energy filled the area, the monk that stood with a small witch looked towards him. He could feel the Alma in Ra like a gentle breeze that could soon turn to a storm. The division was built up from ages of the deep-rooted prejudices of birthright. A propblem that they had always knew existed in these lands but, to witness it first hand made both of them fill with angerpropblem that they had alwayts . Feeling isolated and alone, they stumbled upon two other people, the monk and the witch, who were also sidelined and without a team. Despite their unique backgrounds and skills, they faced similar challenges. 

Approaching with an openness that bridged the gap of their initial separation, The monk extended the olive branch of camaraderie. "It seems we're the remnants left by the tide," he began, his voice tinged with humor yet underscored by a genuine offer of alliance. "How about we join forces? I believe together, we could be more than the sum of our parts. Or at least make it out the gates."

Ra, whose presence was as calm as it was imposing, nodded in agreement. "I am Ra," he replied, his voice as calm as a distant storm. "This is my brother Ray; he usually talks more than this." He looked at Ray rather than at the other two. "Indeed, the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Fate, it seems, has chosen our assembly." The monk laughed. "I am Zoho. No need to be so edgy there, Zayma." He clasped his hand. The word Zayma was used as a term for brother or someone close to you. 

Next to him, the girl with the fiery red hair and a stance that spoke of untold secrets, grinned widely. "Elara, at your service," she declared with a flourish, her broomstick momentarily twirling in her hand. "And I'm all for stirring the cauldron a bit. Seems like we've got ourselves a team, then."

Ray, though silent, conveyed his agreement with a firm nod, his demeanor adding a solid foundation to their newborn group. His silence was not one of indifference but of contemplation, and his tacit approval resonated with a conviction equal to any spoken word. He was reading their Alma and trying to think of their next steps. He looked up at La'ru, who seemed to be doing the same. He knew there was no way she would stay here while they left. Whether they wanted it or not, they may have an extra team member watching them from the shadows. 

Ra smiled, surprised by their quick consensus. "Perfect. We'll set out right away, head south, and face whatever awaits us in that cave. Together, we'll bring back that flag and prove ourselves more than worthy of advancing."

As the group solidified their plans, Zoho added, "Our journey will require not just physical strength but the wisdom to navigate the unknown. I have trained my body and mind to face such challenges. But look, to keep it honest and real, I don't do well in caves. "

With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, Elara chimed in, "And I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that might just give us an edge. After all, what's a witch without her spells? Don't worry, mister monk. I will keep you safe."

Ray smiled and spoke softly. "I think we will do just fine." He broke his silence with a nod. "My brother and I don't mind dark places." 

The teams around them seemed strong, and they looked down on the underdogs they had clearly made themselves. Not only did the others look more prepared in their new armor, showcasing their weapons and magical items. They also looked a lot older than the four of them. The new group did not mind. They were filled with excitement and newfound drive to show all of them that they would make it. 

Yet, this observation did nothing to dampen the spirits of Ray and his companions. Instead, it fueled a surge of excitement and determination within them. They were undeterred by the apparent advantages held by their peers; if anything, they were motivated by the challenge. The other teams' noticeable disdain and underestimation only strengthened their resolve.

"We might not have their armor or their years," Ray said, his eyes sparkling with unshakeable resolve, "but we have something far greater. We have the element of surprise and each other." Ra looked at his brother and smirked. Maybe he was healing and returning to himself, he thought.

Zoho, ever the calm in the storm, nodded in agreement. "True strength," he mused, "comes not from the weapons we wield but from the spirit that guides us. Our journey together will be a testament to that truth."

Elara, whose vibrant energy seemed to defy the situation, grinned. "Let them look down on us. By the time we're done, they'll be looking up to us. We're going to be the first to bring back that flag. They will be wishing they were on our team."

Ra, though silent, shared a look with his teammates that echoed their sentiments. His quiet demeanor did not hide his fierce determination, a promise of steadfastness and support that would be crucial in the trials ahead. He watched as they gathered together; he closed his eyes and sighed. As long as they do not slow me down this will be easy, he thought. 


Their unity and shared drive shone brightly as they gathered their modest belongings, without the flashy armor or the exotic weapons their counterparts boasted. They were the underdogs, yes, but underdogs with a point to prove. In their diversity, they found a unique strength—and they held many within them a multitude of skills, wisdom, and courage that no amount of gleaming metal or enchantments could match.

The challenge laid out before them was daunting, but they faced it head-on, with hearts full of hope and minds set on victory. They knew the road to the cave and the trials within would test them in ways they could scarcely imagine. Yet, they also knew that together, they were more than capable of facing whatever lay ahead.