
Chapter 1:

Raven drifted open from his slumbers, interrupted by such an uneasy dream which set upon a landscape which felt familiar, but was alienated by such vast change one could almost pass it off as unrecognizable

The feeling of what was home was stripped. The smell of fresh air and foliage rejuvenated his body, finally free from the sickening stench from the dream.

His body stretched as a massive yawn escaped his maw, peering around the clearing as it seemed unnormally empty, but he guessed training had started.

He dreaded training. He was skimpy and much smaller than the other dragons. At times, he stood no match. Oh to hate the gleaming sun's rays which stripped every bit of energy from his frame, and he despised the blistering heat while trying to stay moving and doing his best to not get taken down by someone over triple his size. He stretched his thinned body out of the shaded cavern. Monetarily, his vision was obstructed by the drastic change in lighting, the brilliant orange quickly warming his charcoal scales.

With each waking day he longed to go slip straight back into a slumber instead of following the other dragons routines, his kind much preferred the night and were not nearly as well adapted to the unforgiving sun, and the prolonged exposure of bright skies. He wasn't like the others he usually trained with, wearing the scales of blues in greens, which helped mask their appearance against luscious foliage or the deep blue heavens above. Instead, his body was matted with dark grays, blacks, and other shadowed values. He didn't mind it, though, shining in a stunning iridescence, similar to the feathered body of a crow when hit by the sun. But, the beauty does nothing for a bloodthirsty dragon looking to tear each limb from his small body.

The heat was already getting exhausting, his tail flicking in frustration.

"Finally awake, aren't ya?" Flare had joked, the iridescent dragon startled out of his thoughts as the voice was unexpected.

He gave a giggle from the scare.

"Oh shut up, why don't you wake up for the night training next time you'd complain?" He snapped back.

"Maybe grumpy, you should just deal with it. Come on, it's not that bad, okay? Here, come practice in the shade with me. " The golden dragon explained, glistening with stunning amber and ruby hues, eyes dotted with a bright orange, flickering like a flame as the light illuminated it.

Raven peered at the floor for a moment before turning back, speaking through gritted teeth


The both of them paced underneath a massive oak with a stretching canopy that stood in the center of the main training grounds. The ravenous sun struggled to reach the grass and earth through the dense stretches of leaves. The tree held various claw marks from past dragons, the dirt beneath it raw with consistent action bombarding any plants attempt at life.

The two dragons exchanged glares, hanging low as they studied eachothers actions. Flare had made the first move, lurching forward with an extended talon, raking at the smaller nightscale.

He winced as the sharp claws slid across his flank, stepping back for a second as the golden dragon regained his balance.

He crouched low, now both slowly stepping in a circle. Once again, Flare was the first to make a move, lunging forward with talons extended, pushing off the earth below with mighty hind legs. With a yelp of suprise, Raven slithered to the left as the airborne dragon lurched towards him, unable to readjust in the air. Raven slid underneath, pushing up against his chest, maw gripping onto his shoulder. In a swift move, he had gained control, sweeping the larger dragons' legs as he grasped at open air for support. To no avail, he was on his back shortly after, pinned under dark talons.

"Not so tough now, big guy, aren't ya?"

He teased with a smile, his expression changing as he felt the weight underneath him shift, with a gasp he clung to the dragon, but he was unable to keep the massive body still. His eyes opened again, and now the position switched to where claws locked him to the ground. He let out a growl of annoyance, trying to wiggle free, but there was no chance for freedom under the massive Solarius heafty muscular frame.

"It was a good attempt, I'll admit, quit losing your focus, you dumb bird," Flare muttered lowly, hissing up against his ear.

"Go ahead, bask in your glory. You got me,"

Raven gave a snarled response as he peered up at the larger dragon. "Now get off me, I can't breathe!"

Flare giggled as he stepped back, giving Raven some room to get to his talons. He returned the kind act with a flick against his flank from his slim tail.

"Ow! What was that for? Is it someone jealous?" Flare joked. He whirled his tail back towards Raven, but he was quick. In a fluid motion, he had snagged the tail, kicking him off balance as claws raked out to catch onto steady ground, but the sandy earth refused to comply as he tumbled.

"Gotcha! Quit losing your focus. If you were as smart as you were big, then the Solarius army would have use of you."

Raven teased, lying down beside Flare, splotches of golden rays laid on their bodies as they rested beneath the oak.

"I'm not dumb, I'm just not used to fighting your kind! Besides, if you were an actual enemy, you would be ashes"

Raven giggled as he shifted to his talons, lifting out one to help Flare to his own, nearly topping as he grabbed with more force than anticipated.

"But that's if you'd be able to catch me,"

Both stood underneath the shielding of the tree as they conversed, shadows casted across the floor as three frames soared overhead, catching both of the dragons' attention.


Raven squinted as he tried to make out what was above, three gray dragons flying in formation, the middle holding another of contrasting color against their bland scales.

What were they bringing?

As one knows, curiosity killed the dragon, and Raven was one who was quite fond of snooping around, and it seemed by the captured expression of Flare that the newcomer seemed to be a topic of interest.

With careful talons and unguided determination, they slipped into the undergrowth, forgetting about their previous objective of training as a new focus came to mind. Between gaps in the thick treeline, Raven could spot the three distinct frames as they darted through, lower now, suggesting that their flight was soon to end.

Hearing the fluttering wings only signified their actual proximity to the patrol, ushering each other to stay silent, snaking forward through the thinning underbrush. He had been in this area before, known as the imprisonment section of Artirius.

After passing a ridge line, they now had view into the prison, thick silver bars stretched upwards in a cage shape, encapsulating a small stone matted floor. Raven stayed low, nearly invisible in the shadows of the undergrowth as Flare practically stood out as a beacon. Luckily, the guards had their eyes set on the mysterious dragon. It lashed out its talons as they attempted to set him into the small cage.

The stunning display of scales had turned to spot flare with relative ease.

"Stay low! I don't want to end up with them, pebble brain. "

He listened, but it was too late. The dragon mouthed out, helping me before turning to meet the guards with a fierce gaze. It seemed as time slowed as the dragon barred its teeth before lunging forward with such agility and precision that it was inescapable for even the most skilled fighters. His razor-sharp teeth latched onto the smaller peachy dragons neck.


The guards cried out in harmony as they attempted to separate the blood thirsty beast from the guard, but it was already far too late. A scream shifted into a gurgled cry as he convulsed underneath the tight clasp of the attacker before falling silently to the floor below motionless. They other two dragons surrounded like vultures, both ready for any movement. The largest of the dragons stepped forward, a snarl sounding out as his tail lashed.

"Think about it. How would we look with another sectors dead dragon on our soil?"

He growled, wanting nothing more than the taste of fresh blood on his tongue after what he did.

"Well, what the hell can we do to punish him? He was on our lands in the first place, and trespassing is punishable by death!"

His eyes darted between the gem colored dragon and the other guard, biting his tongue as he knew there was nothing he could do.

"Maybe we could kill him and dump him somewhere. The queen doesn't know of his presence yet. Let's just say we found his body okay?"

Once again, tension started to rise. All were twitching with the possibilities of a fight. It seemed as if every subtle movement would leave them flinching, and it only took a few heartbeats before the two guards pinned the gem-like beast to the floor.

"Get the hell off me!"

He yelled through gritted teeth, shifting his weight to push the guards off his body, but the sheer mass of the others proved too much.

"Trapped, oh, I'd love to feel my teeth against your pretty little neck. One downside is that such a unique scaled body would be a little harder to hide. they"

He pushed his muzzle closer, piercing eyes seemingly gazing into his soul

"My name is Jake, I just wanted to let you know since I'll be the last dragon you'll run into. You should be honored"

The trapped prisoner opened his maw to contest but was quickly pinned shut by Jake's talon.

"Only speak when I say so bitch, or whatever you even are"

The dragon studied his body before lifting his talon to allow him to catch a breath.

"Now-Whats your name?"

The two stayed silent, Jake wasn't to fond of not having an answer when asking for one.

"Speak for me idiot! I asked a question!

The prisoner gave a squeak of surprise as a talon pressed against his neck.

"Okay okay! I'm Jade, now will you get the fuck off of me?"

Jake wasn't to appreciative of the back talk, he gave a short huff of agitation before striking his talon across his face. This would be enough to fully set him off but he held his composure. Surprisingly he had listened, unpining his smaller frame from against the floor, both backing up simultaneously to leave the prey some room. Jake shifted his attention to the door, sliding his claw beneath the lock before giving a quick thrust on a little switch which rested inside the metallic gate, q very quiet click sounded out. A simple and surprisingly well hidden way of in and out, the other guard did the job of blocking the only true way of escaping from Jade's vision, but Raven and Flare picked up on the method with ease.

"We will be back, don't do anything stupid because I am not afraid of leaving you for the vultures, I could care less that your 'protected by the prophecy'"

The smaller guard gave the last few words to the prisoner before slipping away with the corpse of the fallen one. With both of their backs turned Flare and Raven slipped forward from the obstructing shrubbery, Jade turned to meet the two approaching frames.

'How did he know we were approaching?'

'And what does he mean, protected by prophecy?'

Raven pondered before a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"You coming to harass me too?"

The both of them paused in their steps, eyeing each other. Jade scanned the two frames, confusion drifting over his face as his gaze slipped over Raven.

'You've seen me before, haven't you?'

I recognize you

The voice pierced through Raven's skull while silence still filled the clearing. It sounded clear as day, his eyes widened in confusion, trying to make out what was happening.

"What's wrong? Quit staring so much you're gonna weird him ou-"

His voice trailed off as Jade opened his mouth to interject.

"You are part of the prophecy, aren't you?"

Prophecy? What does he mean, and why am I learning this now?

"I uh..-" Raven stuttered, confused.

"The dream, I've seen you..and you"

Flare? I could remember Jade's vibrant frame, exposed to the dim moonlight as it struggled to stay unobstructed from the clouds. The scene still was vivid in my mind from the previous morning,

A divided world, saved by three..

Distant thumps and rambles juxtaposed the silence. The guards were returning with their rambunctious actions. The three understood the scenario, slipping back into cover to observe the return. The dragons shuffled, and the sun was high enough to make the solarus stand out like a sore thumb against the darker, sun stained foliage.

"Psst, what are you doing! Do you think that's hidden?"

Oh no

The two guards from earlier made their way over the ridge, now having a view over the prison.

'Stay safe, Raven…'

With a quick shove, he pushed the sun colored dragon behind the tree. He gave a short hiss of dissatisfaction from not being able to see what was going to happen.

Raven, you'll need to listen to me

In the distance behind the three guards was another much darker and ominous body stood sulking, red eyes contrasting the almost indistinguishable matted black body. His gaze was observant and impatient. They were waiting for someone or something.

A bright flash flickered across Raven's sight, a vision filling his sight as yowls pierced his ears. A bloody scene lay in front of him, the three guards laid still, their golden scales tainted with death, darkened maroon painting their still frames. Jade stood overlooking it all, as the last guard gargled in a final cry. His mouth jutted open to speak, but only a trickle of blood spewed out, his body swayed as he fought to stay conscious. His attempts were futile, eyes drifting shut as a thud from Slates dark body echoed through the clearing. Stunned by all this, Raven looked down, heart dropping as his own talons were marked with red.

I caused this, didn't I?

"You didn't think we were going to just leave you alone here, confirmation came through, your little 'prophecy' can't save you now,"

Oh no

Raven knew what was about to occur, tension rose as eyes darted around, every movement studied, watched, looking for vulnerability and a moment to strike. Anticipation gripped Raven by his throat, staying low as the three guards circled Jade. Within a heartbeat, the new and smallest guard had thrown Jade into the dirt, a plume of dust erupting, Jade hissing with anger.

"Don't mess with me, okay? You don't kn-"

The guard shushed him with a well placed strike on his mouth, drawing his chin to meet his gaze.

"Know what? What do I need to know, huh? Only thing I know is that your time is nearly up, just embrace it pussy. I think your beautiful little patterns would make well in the palace, strung up for everyone to see that we gutted your lifeless corpse"

He growled as his muzzle slipped forward, confident as he licked his lips.

"You better share the scales"

The other guard to the right jutted out, smiling as he brought up a talon, grazing against the side of the frame in admiration, yearning for the possibility of the new tapestry.

"Just don't ruin the scales or the queen would be pissed, Slate"

The three surrounded and pinned Jade to the floor beneath them, all standing over with evil intent, the fourth dark frame still lurking in the rear.

"We've got to do something!"

Raven whispered with urgency, shifting his weight between two talons from anticipation.

"And what the hell do you think we would do? Look at Slate, he's bigger than me! Much less look at you, you are like a third of his size, smooth brain!"

"And what will happen if we don't? He dies? I'd trust three against three much more than leaving him to fend for himself"

Flares eyes met Raven's with a dissatisfied sigh, he knew it had to be done.

"Just remember your battle training, alright?"

"Alright" He said uncertain, fear grasping at him with its tendrils, even Raven doubted the seemingly unmatchable fight, but he needed to trust his intuition.

The duo studied as the three guards stood facing Jade, distracted and moving in, they had to be quick.

Raven's scales shifted from charcoal to a mirror like appearance, confusing at first glance as it felt indistinguishable to make out what is what. The Solarius shifted his mighty talons forward through the undergrowth, as silent as they were the red eyed beast which lurked in the foilage refused to break their stare.


Raven could tell how shifty Flare has been, his gaze flickering towards the mysterious frame

"I don't like him" he whispered, uneasiness in his tone, "I've never seen a dragon look like that."

"What the hell do you think you guys are doing?"

A voice sounded out from behind, the both of them too scared to turn and meet her gaze. A look of panic spanned Raven's face.

"Is that.."

"Now, son, why the hell are you here and not at training? You can not be snooping around like this!

Do you not know the danger this puts you in?"

Raven felt a thud ripple across his flank, he turned to meet his mother's disappointment filled gaze, he avoided eye contact at all cost while Flare sulked back, pretending that he was invisible to the two. Raven peered around, and the three guards had turned their attention towards the queen.

"Alright, leave for now, go on, you can play with your food later,"

She spoke sternly, dismissing the guards as one opened their mouth to detest, but with an annoyed look from the queen, he quickly shut it and stepped towards the exit as he snarled behind her back.

"You better get to telling, and you better have damn good reason to be here,"

The gem colored dragon shifted, turning towards the queen as he stared, the gaze felt intimidating and more as a warning than a glance.

'Does he not know what he's looking at?'

The queens face suddenly became flushed with shock, her azure eyes flicking backward for just a moment as she scanned the two sulken dragons that hung low, fearing her every move.