
Haunting Dreams-5

(10 years since Divine Sect was Destroyed)

(Amatsu was now 10 years old;he has totally forgotten about his origin; he has been working for the Assassin Sect as a slave since he was six,he swept the floors,washed the clothes of the Assassins with the help of other slaves;some of his own age and some older,just for a little amount of food which was given every alternate day and all of the slaves had to stay inside a small room together without any proper sleeping mattress,and if any work was not done correctly the slave was not given anything to eat the entire week and was beaten furiously)

Somewhere in the Streets of Assassin Sect:-

Shopkeeper:Catch that Bastard,he stole my fruits...

(A weak boy who can clearly be seen starving from hunger was running with all his might)

Amatsu:If I am caught,those assassins will skin me alive for stealing.....

Aimi(Waving Hands):Come on brother,hide here....

(They both hide inside a dark alley)

Shopkeeper (grasping for air):Where did that boy go?He was as fast as a wolf,If i catch him I will beat him to death

(The shopkeeper runs in the opposite direction)

Aimi:Why did you steal brother?

Amatsu:I was starving these soldiers don't feed us enough,we work for them like animals and all they give us is a piece of bread that too tastes like shit...

Aimi:Brother, forget about all that,a very happy birthday to you,I made this bracelet out of twigs for you,I hope you like it...

Amatsu(Starts crying):Aimi;I love it,I will keep it with me till the day I die,you know I never had a family, seeing other kids coming to the Assassin martial building to learn martial arts,I often wonder where are my parents,are they dead?or they abandoned me because I was a burden for them...These damn Assassins beat me if I ask such questions,the only family that God gave me is you, a little sister,I will do my best to protect you...

Aimi:You have me for eternity,I will never leave your side , let's go back or they will start beating us....

Amatsu (Wiping his tears and smiling):Ok,sister let's go,but on the way let's celebrate by eating these fruits.....


(After walking some distance they reached a building with a magnificent gate and a big board on which Assassin Sect was written in bold letters-This was the main building of the Assassin Sect , Assassin Sect controlled three districts and it was the third district and the 3rd vice leader stayed in this building with a lot of Assassins and children from rich families came here to learn Assassin martial arts for participating in the annual martial arts festival and in hopes of achieving a higher position in the Murim world meanwhile those children who come from modest family are only taught martial arts that is enough to be a low rank Assassin)

First Assassin:Where were you both?

Aimi:We were sweeping outside...

First Assassin:Oh, really where are your brooms...

Second Assassin(Shouting from a distance):What the fuck are you doing talking with the slaves,come here the captain is calling for a mission....

First Assassin:I will be there,you two go help other slaves in washing clothes...


(Assassin disappears into the shadow)

Amatsu: Let's go.....

(It was almost night when they finished washing clothes)

Aimi:We should go to sleep everyone; today's task is done..

(All the slaves):Ok

(All the slaves enter in a small stinking room;Aimi and Amatsu slept in the corner of the room,Amatsu provided his shoulder to Aimi as a pillow,and they were sleeping blissfully untill);

Amatsu's Dream:"A woman whispering revenge, revenge, revenge, you have a destiny to fulfill,take revenge for your sect,find the sword that'll change your life, revenge, revenge")

Amatsu (Wakes up;Sweating and shaking):This dream again....

Amai:What happened brother,why are you Sweating,

Amatsu:The same dream again,it is haunting me,I don't know what is wrong with my head...

Aimi:Sleep brother,I am here with you....

Amatsu:As long as I don't dream it will be okay,my head hurts whenever I see this dream...

Aimi:It might be a dream of your past life...

Amatsu:Might be....

Amatsu: Anyhow;Good night,Sorry for distributing you...

Aimi:Good night brother....

(They both sleep)...
