
Tale of The Greatest Mage

Anonymous000099 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

There's a teenager on the tallest snow mountain who's never been down the mountain and only trains every day, and that kid is the greatest mage in the universe.


A man's voice could be heard resonating in the mountains.

"Damn brat, WAKE UP!!" The man yelled.

"Tsk...old man you could see that I'm still sleeping" a boy answered.

With a rage in his voice, the man said "It's time for you to train! No slacking off!!"

"Ok ok, just stop yelling!!"


My name is Zigg I'm 13 years old, and the guy shouting earlier was my master. He teaches me every day with a one-day break, but after all I do is sleep due to the hellish training this man always gives me.

I live with my master on this mountain, where it snow a lot, and I've never had any friends and my master never took me down because he believed it wasn't time yet.

I never met my parents, thus according to my master, who said he found me in a box on the streets and chose to take me in as a his student.

My master said I'm a genius which I guess is true. I could wield the 6 elements, Fire,Ice,Wind,Earth,Shadow, and Light. I also use sword as my weapon.


"Coming Down" I answered.

Our house is made of wood, and I'm always surprised that it doesn't get swept away by heavy winds.

I saw the food on the table, and I said to myself, Mashed potatoes, it's always the same. My face had a disappointed look on it, but I didn't reveal it to my master, and I'm still breathing because of him.

"Sit down Zig, I'm telling you something,"

"What is it, Master?"

"You're coming down the mountain, and I've already enrolled you in a school; in addition, I'll give you some money. Make sure you get a job; I'm not going to give you any more money. Don't come back until you've proven you're capable of beating me,"

"My face was packed with joy, but it was also sad. What about you master? Are you not going down with me?"

"I have affairs to deal with,"

'Affairs, huh,' I thought.

"So, master, I'm done dining, and now it's time to practise!" I said

"You're not training today because you're going down the mountain. Pack your things,"

There's something going on here, Well, they're not going to be able to defeat my master!

"Yes, Master," I said.

I'm curious who's fighting master, because I saw him battle a magical beast and defeat it with a single blow.

Dragon, perhaps? I wish I could see, but he is forcing me to come down in the mountain.

"Are you done, Zig?" Master asked.

"5 minutes more!" I answered.

I'm all set! I'm looking forward to meeting new people!

"Well then Zig, Hold into my shoulders," Master said.

We were teleported as soon as I grabbed his shoulders.


We are here already?! Master....Master.....MASTER IS AMAZING!!

I saw a woman approaching us. When I saw the woman approaching my master, he set up a shield between them so I couldn't hear what they are talking about. Tsk master is never willing to reveal his true identity!

Many plants and trees can be found here! There are also fountains and a huge number of people's. But isn't the school a little too large?

The woman and master seem to have finished chatting.

"Eleanor Norris here, and I'll be looking after you. So, if anything happens, please notify me. Come on over and I'll show you around," Eleanor said.

"Uhm, alright," I answered.

I turned back to say goodbye to master but it seems that he's gone.

Eleanor gave me a tour of the campus, and I made some new friends along the way. She's a nice person.

"Well then Zig, Here's your classroom. If you need me, Come find me in the office," Said Eleanor.

"Uhm!" I replied.

The kids are so noisy that I could hear them yelling and shouting.

Eleanor seem to be mad because of this. She opened the door and said "Quiet!! There's a new student, I ask you to treat him right,"

Eleanor pulled me in.

"Hello, My name is Zig! Nice to meet you all!!" I said while bowing down.