
Tale of the Black Sun

In Solentia, where magic intertwines with mystery, and legends breathe life into the realm of reality, a young mage named Saika embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resilience. Trained by the legendary Storm Archmage, Saika has lived in the shadow of her master's reputation, yearning for a chance to carve her own destiny. Drawn by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a desire to make her mark, Saika ventures into uncharted territories of magic. Along the way, she meets unlikely allies and forges powerful friendships that will shape her journey. Guided by her wit, determination, and a deep connection to the spirits of the world, Saika embraces the realm of spiritmancy, a path seldom traveled, yet brimming with untapped power. As Saika delves deeper into the magical realm, she unearths ancient artifacts and deciphers cryptic prophecies that intertwine her fate with the fate of the realm itself. With her trusty staff and matchless wit, she faces the challenges of unraveling forgotten secrets and confronting formidable adversaries. But wait... the enemies of mankind that have long been forgotten are rising from the ashes of war. An original by Entusha.

Entusha · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Sinful Destiny

"You should've taken the path that was meant for you, Saika."


The shock from the lightning spell engulfs my body. My vision goes pitch black, and my consciousness starts to fade. Nothingness consumes my mind, and I feel as though I am devoured even by the notion of death.

But then I feel a faint sensation breezing over me again.

I flutter open my eyes, and my body slowly floats back into perception as I feel a delicate softness beneath me. The sunlight glimmers out from the small opening of the tent to my side. I attempt to move, surprised that I still can, and prop myself up by my elbows.

"Where... am I?" I ask aloud.

"Oh, good morning~" A woman in a maid outfit startles me so much that I scramble out of bed and manage to entangle myself on the sheets. I crash down onto the floor, my legs still hanging over the sides of the bed.

"Who—" before I can even protest, the woman moves to help me up."Stay away from me!" I yell in warning, going to swat her away, but finding my awkward position difficult to leverage much strength against her.

And what's with those pointy ears of hers?

"You... demon!" I say in near-horror.

The woman abruptly stops and puts a hand to her mouth."My, what a rude guest..."

"A guest? Where the hell am I? Where have you taken me?!" I continue my frantic shouting, still unable to process exactly what happened to me.

The last time I remembered, I was fighting with my master.

Who was my master? The legendary Storm Archmage of the Ilyas Mountains. It was only a few days ago that I chose to leave my apprenticeship, cast off his teachings, and pursue the most taboo arcana of all - Spiritmancey.

Creating illusions, controlling minds, erasing memories... such unique tricks are often considered by other wizards to be inferior and cowardly.

But I believe otherwise, and I desire nothing more than to stand atop mountains untamed and achieve feats unimaginable.

My motivation may seem simple to others; no thirst for revenge nor hunt for eternal youth, just pure ambition and determination to excel where others have failed.

"I'm Lotus." The maid lays a hand near her chest and curtsies. "Would you please stop acting so frantic? You're safe here. If anything, you should be grateful that my lady picked you up in the middle of the desert, not scared out of your mind!"

I run a palm over my tired face as I try to recall the events that led me to this point. But try as I might, I just can't.

"You're all clean, clothed, and under good protection; all you need now is a meal." The voice softly takes me away from my ruminations. I roll the pain out from my shoulder and grab onto the floor so I can hoist myself up and out of that compromising position.

The maid offers me a hand, and I take it this time. She's clearly not a demon. Nothing like what would cross my mind anyhow.

The maid would be right at home at some medieval lord's home, with the way she's dressed, the way she acts, the way she looks. She dons a classic black and white maid outfit complete with a head-dress. Despite her pointy ears, the rest of her appearance is far from demonic; she has chestnut long hair complemented by startlingly azure blue eyes.

"What was your name again?" I ask right before settling back onto the bed.

"Lotus. We found you unconscious while we were traveling back here. You must've gone through quite something to be in this state. Do you mind telling me what that is so I can relay it to m'lady?"

"I... ugh..." I still can't recall it too well, especially not with the dazzling decorations all around me to take up my mind.

It's unlike anything I've ever seen. The colorful splendor of paintings and furniture, it's all too dazzling for a wizard like me who's used to the grimy landscapes of the battlefield. Even my former master's living quarters pales in comparison to the vividness of this place.

But as I look around, I spot an object that stands out from the rest. It's... my staff?

"Dear guest," the maid says to grab my attention once more, "Why don't we head out. M'lady is eager to properly meet you."With a dazed nod, I roll myself out of bed and don my cloak.

The maid leads me outside, and as I unlatch the worn leather flap of the tent, a bustling scene unfolds before my eyes. The bazaar comes alive with a symphony of vibrant activity, drawing me into its captivating rhythm. Dozens of people weave through the narrow streets, their footsteps creating a lively cadence upon the packed dirt beneath their feet. The air is thick with the aroma of exotic spices, mingling with the chatter of trade and the clinking of coins.

Lotus, my guide in this labyrinth of commerce, gestures for me to follow her. With an eager curiosity, I step into the flow of the crowd, my senses heightened by the tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents that envelop me. She leads me through the maze-like streets, her voice intertwining with the vibrant atmosphere as she imparts her wisdom.

As we walk, Lotus reveals the intricate workings of the camp. Stall after stall presents a cornucopia of wares, each merchant vying for the attention of potential customers. The air is filled with the delicate clinking of glassware, the soft rustle of fabric, and the rhythmic chopping of ingredients. I find myself captivated by the variety of materials and ingredients on display — colorful fabrics from distant lands, aromatic herbs and spices, gleaming gemstones, and curiosities that whisper tales of far-off realms.

Lotus, with her encyclopedic knowledge, enlightens me about the significance of the camp's commerce. The trading here is not merely a transaction of goods, but a delicate dance of stories and connections. It is a place where cultures converge, where boundaries dissolve, and where the shared pursuit of prosperity weaves a tapestry of unity. Traders haggle with shrewd negotiation skills, while artisans showcase their craftsmanship, breathing life into their creations. The camp becomes a vibrant crossroads where dreams are woven into reality.

Our journey through the labyrinth of commerce leads us to an expansive clearing, where a tent stands regally amidst the smaller ones that surround it. Its grandeur is undeniable, its presence commanding attention.

"We're here. Are you ready to go in?" Lotus says, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and reverence.

"Yes," I reply, my voice steady despite my nervousness.

Lotus gestures to the guards standing by the entrance of the leader's tent, their stoic expressions softening as they recognize her presence. With a nod from Lotus, the guards step aside, allowing us passage into the inner sanctum.

As we enter the tent, the atmosphere shifts, enveloping us in an air of reverence and power. Soft hues of light bathe the space, casting an ethereal glow upon the tapestries that adorn the walls. In the center of the tent, a figure awaits, seated upon a majestic throne, exuding an aura of command and wisdom.

It is her – Rebiya, the Queen of the Dakn, the greatest merchant tribe known for their wealth and expertise in trade. But Rebiya is not merely renowned for her prowess in commerce; she is also revered as the Queen of Poisons, her knowledge of toxic substances unmatched. Our paths had crossed before, during the grand gathering of legendary heroes, where my former master and I went to. Rebiya's reputation had preceded her, her shrewd mind and lethal skills leaving an indelible mark on all who encountered her.

As I approach Rebiya, memories flood my mind – the captivating tales of her trading expeditions, the whispered legends of her deadly weapons. She meets my gaze, her eyes gleaming with recognition, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Ah, the Storm Archmage's brat," Rebiya's voice carries a sense of familiarity and respect. "It is a pleasure to see you once again."

Emotion wells up within me as I respond, my voice tinged with gratitude and admiration. "And it is an honor to stand before you, Queen Rebiya. Your reputation as the queen of commerce precedes you."

Rebiya's smile widens, her voice filled with regal grace. "You are too kind, my dear. Your own accomplishments as a mage have not gone unnoticed. Your master must be proud."

"He is not my master anymore, Queen Rebiya."

A vivid tapestry of astonishment and bewilderment painted across her countenance, revealing a complex blend of shock and surprise. Her features contorted in a symphony of conflicting emotions, caught between the realms of disbelief and intrigue.

"We parted ways," I continued, my voice firm but tinged with a hint of weariness. "I grew tired of living under his shadow, always in the role of an apprentice. I needed to forge my own path, to explore the depths of magic beyond what he taught me."

Rebiya's expression softens, and she leans forward slightly, intrigued by my words. "And what path have you chosen for yourself?"

"I delved into the realm of spiritmancy," I reply, a spark of excitement igniting within me. "I sought to understand the connections between the ethereal and the physical, to harness the powers of spirits and channel their energies through my spells. It is a path that resonates with my spirit and grants me a newfound sense of freedom."

Rebiya's eyes gleam with curiosity as she leans back into her throne. "Spiritmancy... a path seldom traveled, but one filled with immense potential. You possess the courage to break away from tradition and seek your own destiny. I respect that." But her gaze narrows, her tone laced with caution. "But are you prepared for the consequences of betraying your former master? He will undoubtedly seek retribution for what he perceives as a betrayal."

I meet Rebiya's eyes with unwavering determination. "I understand the risks, Queen Rebiya. I have weighed the consequences and made peace with my decision. While I may have left his tutelage, I do not seek to harm him or disrupt his plans. I simply needed to break free from the confines of his shadow and discover my own path."

"As the Queen of the Dakn, I understand the importance of carving one's own path," Rebiya says, her voice carrying a blend of wisdom and authority. "You may have left the tutelage of your former master, but your journey is far from over. Tell me, what do you want to do now?"

"I wish to meet other spiritmancers and travel the world," I expressed to her. "I believe that by encountering them residing in the far reaches of the world, I could expand my knowledge and understanding of spiritmancy. Their unique perspectives and wisdom would undoubtedly enrich my own abilities and offer valuable insights into the realm of spirits."

Queen Rebiya, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief, motioned for a nearby guard to approach her. Leaning in, she whispered a few words into the guard's ear, her voice barely audible. The guard nodded and swiftly departed. Moments later, he reappeared, carrying a bundle of rations, and handed it to me.

With a gracious smile, Queen Rebiya extended her hand towards me. "In your journey ahead, sustenance shall be vital. Take these rations, for they are meant to fuel your spirit and nourish your body," she said, her voice filled with genuine care. Accepting the provisions, I felt a surge of gratitude for the queen's thoughtful gesture, understanding that even in the grandest of visions, practicality and preparation were essential companions.

"Thank You, Queen Rebiya." I replied.

A warm smile graced Queen Rebiya's lips as she gently interrupted my expression of gratitude. "My dear, you need not thank me. The debt of gratitude lies with me," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Years ago, it was you who courageously saved my life when darkness threatened to engulf us."

Caught off guard by Queen Rebiya's unexpected words, I blinked in surprise. Memories flooded my mind, and I recalled a fateful incident from years past. "Your Highness," I stammered, overcome with gratitude, "I... I merely acted out of instinct and duty. It was an honor to be of service and to have played a part in preserving your life."

"Alright, if you say so." she replies to me. "Young one, your words hold great truth," she spoke with a voice that commanded attention. "Destiny is not a fixed path, but a tapestry waiting to be woven. Each individual possesses the power to shape their own fate through the choices they make and the paths they forge. Embrace this belief, for it is the key that unlocks the door to boundless possibilities and a life of fulfillment. May your journey be guided by the whispers of the spirits and the unwavering strength within you."

A grateful smile graced my face as I bid Queen Rebiya and Lotus a heartfelt goodbye. With an eager heart and brimming excitement, I set my sights on the vast wonders that awaited me in the enchanting realm of the desert lands. The prospect of traversing its golden dunes and unraveling its ancient mysteries filled me with an irresistible sense of adventure. Each step forward carried a promise of discovery and growth, as I embraced the windswept journey that beckoned me towards the untamed beauty of the desert.