
Chapter 7 Secret Art [[Birth of the will]]

Evening day after yesterday,


Jacob was send crashing to the ground, this is the third time today he was got kick and punch to the ground by Alumir the pain is still unbearable to him. Every single time he was beaten to the ground by his teacher his brain freeze for a few second because of the pain.

'Dammit…dammit why my plan did not work?!'

'His movement keep changing and did not have distinct pattern'

'His movement was totally random, and even if I counter one of his move the other will come like flowing water and bashing me to ground again and again.'

'Worse of it all it as he taunt me and doge within breath of hair!'

Seeing Jacob was thinking and did not get up from the ground Alumir shouted to him.

"What use you thinking right now?!"

"Even if you keep thinking until all your hair turning white it will be no use!"

"Right now all you need to focus on is to move forward albeit you in much of pain!"

"If you did not come to me I will come to you!"

Did not wait for him to get up Alumir walk to him and sending him flying again with a kick toward his stomach.


"STAND UP!" shouted Alumir forcing Jacob to stand up.

With mucus coming out from his nostril and mouth Jacob did not have much choice but to stand up and facing the beating coming toward him. Even if he did not stand up Alumir still will beat him.

Standing up, he rush toward Alumir again with all his might and deliver a flurry of punch and kick yet he still beaten to ground by Alumir. At the end it still same as yesterday he can barely move because of intense pain and force to drink the dark green water.

His painful day, keep repeating until 3 month have passed.


Jacob was sending crashing to ground again, but this time he stand up immediately, there is no mucus coming out from his nose nor was his mouth.

His brain was no longer cannot bear the intolerable pain, and he no longer immobilize from all the pain. It been two hours he was beaten by Alumir today. Full two hour and yet he still can stand up without much effort.

The only same thing about him is that he still fat teenage boy. For other people if they have been beaten and suffer an intense pain for 3 whole month they will surely lose appetite for food. But no such thing happen with him.

At the end of the two hour intense beating, Alumir suddenly stop hitting Jacob instead he just throw him to ground with simple move.

"3 month already passed and you already finish the test of Gate of Pain, you successfully stand your ground for whole 3 month and did not quit nor was you give up and keep going forward." Alumir nodded his head as giving his approval toward Jacob.

"Today I will teach you our legacy secret art the [[Birth of the will]], it a what we will call flower(bunga) watch closely" he then proceed to remove his upper cloth showing his define muscle that filled with scar all over his body.

After he make sure Jacob siting on the floor and watching him with his full attention only then did Alumir begin to move.

He stand with his both his leg closely, standing straight like spear he Clasping his palm together bring it toward his nose and bowed his head a little then he suddenly raise his head and dropping his palm to side gracefully like fallen leaf in the autumn.

Lifting right leg walking forward so smoothly like Carp swimming in the river, Alumir lower his stance follow closely behind his right hand toward the sky and down to earth like swallow rising toward the highest sky and rushing down to lowest earth.

as soon as his right hand reach lower as his stomach his left hand that idle beside his waist rushing infront him like snake catching the mouse in the middle of dark night. One move change to other and keep changing until Alumir return to his original position and ending with the same hand clasping and head bow.

His dance was soo smooth like flowing water, it showing softness in the outside but hidden the hardness in the inside. If not for Alumir remove his upper cloth in advance Jacob will not see that as Alumir dance his muscle was flexed it veins pop up as if he lift the heavy weight.

If not for the absent of the clothe Jacob will think this secret art only pushing the body toward the extreme softness.

"Now stand up and follow my movement carefully, at first you did not need to squeeze any muscle, just follow me closely." Said Alumir.

Standing up from the floor, Jacob stood beside Alumir, as Alumir begin to dance slowly he follow the step by step. Jacob movement was awkward and barely passable for same kind of movement. After repeating it for 25 time his movement was still awkward. And Jacob started to get anxious as the movement was hard to imitate and he still fail to copy it after 40 time.

"Don't worry, even if it look that I make it easy it kind of hard to imitate it, the dance drive from 3 animal, The Carp, The Swallow and The Snake and in the dance each animal contain 9 movement of they own. Even I your teacher that your grand teacher use to call me genius need to practice for at least 100 time before can barely imitate the movement"

"When you practice this secret art you must forget all the thing that you learn from karate, as it will be useless for you. It not like I look down on other martial art but our secret art contain our own combat movement. If you wanted to keep your karate movement you need to find other teacher that use karate as base of they secret art."

"Your luck already run out when you find me and to find other secret art user will be really hard as finding a needle in hack sack. Now don't waste time it already 5.50 pm go home and train the secret art?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you, do not come to this place in 3 months, you need to train alone as I can only show you the movement and you will learn it by yourself, now, now don't waste time go back now"

Return to Earl James mansion, Jacob having dinner with his mother and father as they talking about they daily life like always.

After resting after dinner, Jacob then begin his secret art training. His movement was still awkward after he done it for 60 time and only smooth after he reach 70 time and by time he reach 100 time it was already smooth flowing like water.

But compare to his teacher movement his movement was only an empty dance without a soft power nor was it hard power. But Jacob did not give up, as they say Rome is not build in single day!

And he was planning to train just dance movement for 10 whole day with increment of 100 repetition each day.

That night after showering with cold water he do his ritual and sleep like a log, because even if he only perform the empty dance it take a quite a toll to his body.

His daily life was quite intense, dull and repetitive at same time, and it was around eating, spend time with his family and girl, training, watching anime and sleep.

In end of the 1st month his flower already contain soft power.

In end of the 2nd month his dance was already contain hard power from his muscle.

In the end of 3rd month his flower was fully bloom and contain soft and hard power in it.

As he train the secret art around 10,000 time a day, his smooth movement and hard movement was merging into each other and effect his daily life as even if he wanted to lift a cup it look like feminine and masculine way of doing thing combine at make it look rather bizarre.

He only get rid of that after mid of 3rd month of training. And the only thing he can't get rid of is increasing sex drive, as before he already have high sex drive and need to do it at least 3 time a day but after he reaching 2nd month of training he need at least 4 to 5 time a day.

And when he reach 3rd month it further increase to 6-7 time a day. At first he worry that he will broke Linda body, but strangely nothing happen and Linda did not voice any painful sensation either.

What he did not know that his sperm started to change when he training the secret art and when he reaching 2nd month his sperm carry a special healing and body improvement property.

As it not only heal the soreness from the intense sex but improve her body making it more durable, skin more white and smooth, her black hair become darker and her breast and ass grow bigger and well proportion and her brain become smarter as her body have overall improvement.

As Linda body become more seductive it increasing his lust further. Even Alumir did not know that Jacob sperm have body improvement property as those who practice the Secret Art [[Birth of the will]] will have his body mutate and have only healing property in they sperm.

This thing only happen when Jacob Earl James blood line mutate under practicing the Secret Art [[Birth of the will]]. Because in 1000 years of Earl James blood line he only one who somehow god know awaken the Blood line of the 1st family head the Earl James that training in long loss powerful secret art called [[ Heavenly Sky Lion ]].

The secret art was so powerful that it change the Earl James eyes hair and nature. His dark brown hair changing into golden blonde as lion mane, his black eyes change into light blue of sky and his nature changed into possessive and dominant person.

And Jacob carry somehow awaken the blood line during puberty after having intense fever. That bloodline is some part of fault when come to his defensive nature of his possession.