
Chapter 4- [[Dance of Madness and Death]]

The darkness shrouded the dense forest in night time, human eyes can barely see thing or two in range of less than 1 meter infront them. That if they was grace by moon light that escape through the dense canopy of tree leaf.

In this abyssal darkness forest dash a thin man in black robe with symbol of red clouds. The thin man only wearing pair or crocs, dashing from tree to tree on the ground.

He leave a mark on the every 5th tree that he passed to mark his way from the campfire he set up. The place once stood the mighty home of Black Carpenter Ant.

Inside this forest there are rarely open space like the place near the nest. Most of the tree here on maximum 2 meter apart from each other. Yes Maximum not minimum. There are place in here where 2 tree was so close to each other and barely 1 inch apart.

And that if we did not count the bush with sharp thorn that can pierce human skin easily. But the sharp torn can't even left mark on his skin.

He decided to make the ant nest as his base, because all the near tree in 10 meter radius near that has been bite down by Black Carpenter Ant left open space suitable for him to live.

Jacob was walking in 'slow' speed while leaving mark on each 5th tree that he passed by. Yes it 45 Mph (72.42km/h) is slow speed for his full speed.

Average human can run for 15 Mph(24.14 km/h) and he can run 20 time of that in his full speed totaling about 300 mph!(482.80 km/h) it a startling speed for a normal living being without using any tools.

He doge tree by tree and leave mark for the 5th using stone, without stopping. If he wanted he can just climb on tree and start jumping on top of tree to other tree like ninja, but he choose not to because his aim is to hunt for food.

He was hungry right now, he can take anything as food, yes anything even a rat will do. Dashing here and there finally he was grace by lady luck smile.

He found a huge boar half size of mature cow. The boar have huge sharp tusk that can easily impale its prey, it mouth was dripping with saliva.

'Snot snot'

As he find the boar the boar also see him, giving few snot with it huge snout. Jacob did not use the ground detection method so he did not know if the boar is alone or bringing its gangs with it.

The boar was smart and did not dash straight to him like the boar on earth, but wait for a few seconds and then give a loud piecing roar, less than five seconds passed by then ground started to shake.

Jacob was thinking that the boar wanted to ram him after it roar and he was in ready position to fight back.

Rumble Rumble Rumble.

Then a boar of same sizes come from near bush. The boar from the bush was not alone, come with it the 8 other boars. They all was in ready position to charge toward him.

"Fuck this group of board wanted to do ram volley and left no prey escape!"

Cursing in single breath, he wonder how come the boar in this place know how to use strategy. Then he remembers the 1.5 inches black carpenter ant and it make sense to him.

The animals become huge and aggressive and that mean even a rabbit know how to bite back and not just run away. By that, predators animal need to improve they strategy.

The boars ram together like volley of arrows toward Jacob in fast and rampaging like manner.

He then lower his stance and dash toward the original boar that he find.

Bang! Crack! Crunch!

As his punch landed on the boar head a loud bang and sickening crack and crunch sounded as his fist break the boar skull and sank into the brain turn it into mush potato.

It did not end up only just that, the impact from the punch is unbearable to the boar neck and end up snapping and make sound of fresh celery being crunched.

The impact by the single punch send the brain mushed and neck snapped boar backward and crashing into ground 4 meter away.

Not stopping at the original boar Jacob then began jumping and spinning his legs as soon as the fist landed on the original boar.

He then give other boar tornado kick toward the boar belly and end up sending it 10 meter away dashing past the tree and hit the tree and it almost uproot the tree.

The boar that was sending flying crashing to the tree sliding slowly toward the ground unmoving like sack of potatoes. Its orifice was flowing with blood signify it inside crushed.

Stopping not by the last kick, Jacob rush to other boar, this time he did not bother use any technique, he just dash in punch and doge the other boar strike.

His doge was so close that it was horrifying to watch and can make ones heart jump out from one mouth. Jacob always almost hit by the boars yet the boars keep miss him by hair's breadth away.

The punch that he throw become more faster and faster in lest then 1 minute after the boars volley ram all of them was dead.

The original boar and the second boar corpses still in good condition but the other 8 was in lot worse condition.

Some of the boar corpses have it head smash open, some was torn into two from they soft belly while other has limbs pulled out from them.

It was bloody scene. When the battle was finished Jacob was bathe with blood, his golden blonde hair become red, his lips smiling creepily, and in light blue iris of his eyes there was a tint red of madness.


Before he can even calm himself he heard loud wolf howling

Contrary to popular belief in encounter of pack of aggressive wolf, Jacob did not prepare himself for battle, he did nothing sort of stance in martial arts.

But his smiling face become wider, his blue iris retreat back while the red tint of madness replacing the retreat light blue color.

He start to breath from his mouth, his body become a bit shaky.

The wolf rush out from the bush, it was 18 of them in single pack. What worse is they are just only little bit smaller than the boars that he just encounter.


The alpha wolf giving a short howling before charge at him with other wolf in pincer formation.

The wolf come toward his way because they smell a lot of blood and thinking that two predators fighting about themselves and end up injured and wanted to scoop in and get easy prey with his pack.

Know not to him, his luck from his seven generation of wolf ancestor has just run out when he meet this man cover in blood.

Jacob did not just standing idle when the pack of wolf charge at him, like how the boar charge at him he rush to them and throws 3 punch.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But this time it much much faster and stronger sending the 3 wolf flying in shocking speed crashing toward the tree.

In single dash Jacob take down 3 wolfs, the alpha wolf was so shocked that he instinctively stopped his rushing motion, nailed stop to the ground.

In his entire wolf life he did encounter many human hunter. Although they were strong and can match with single wolf and some can hold 2 wolf but none of them was this stupidly strong that can send 3 wolf flying to they death in single dash.

'No this is bad! I need to command them to retreat' thought the alpha wolf.

Before he can even issue a howling of retreat, a face flash Infront him. The face was smiling creepy widely. It iris was red as blood, his pupils become black abyss that can stunned people who see it.

The smiling face and the eye's give him chill down to his spine, but before the alpha wolf can even feel the chill toward his spine, he saw the head less wolf body in reverse as if the ground and sky changing place.

'The body look familiar, whose is it? Big Awe or ... Wait! That my body!' was the last though of the alpha wolf before his vision fading into nothingness.

The alpha wolf head was rip apart from his body cleanly and fast enough to leave a lingering though in it.

The other wold saw they leader become headless corpses, they then howling and run in all direction to avoid becoming pray toward this human shape demon.

Basking in boars and wolf blood Jacob roar like beast high on ecstasy pill. The fourteen wolf that escape run much faster after they heard the beast roar.

In all of they head they only can think single thing

'I must escape this demon! I must escape!'

How could the demon that akin high on ecstasy pill let them escape?!

Jacob then chase them and rip them apart 1 by 1, compare to his full speed they speed was akin to baby crawling. 1 by 1 of the wolf down to earth, breathe stop and soul leaving the body.

Head was smashing, limb was torn apart and body was ripped in half.

The smell of iron permeated throughout the air, as a pack of wolf lost forever inside this jungle not a single one was spared.

After sends the wolf souls toward border of after life, Jacob fall down on both of his knee, his arm was wide open as if he wanted to hug the sky, his smiling face look toward the heaven.


He then give loud heart shattering roar toward the sky. The red madness on his iris retreat back like sea water on low tide while the light blue color come out like wave in high tide. His smiling recede slowly until it become his normal smile.

In the abyssal night the bird was dead asleep awake and fly away toward other direction as Jacob in center. Not only the bird other animal also run away.

The roar was akin to uncontrollable madness that treat to consume all sane being and it awaken the fear deep inside they heart and running away is all the choice that they heart giving them.

Huffing and puffing the fresh air that contains trace of blood, Jacob feel his body refresh.

"Ahhhhhh! It sure nice to let out some steam once in while"

He did not seem shock about what just happened and the way he was acting when he was excited and battling wolfs and boars.

Because that was state he was too much familiar with, it an art that he trained. The art of killing, the line of berserker of his own art.

The art name was [[Dance of Madness and Death]].

After calming himself. He drag the wolfs and boars corpses stack by stack toward his base.

With his current strength and speed it will very easy for him.

It became easier to him when he knew the direction of his base by the mark he left on each 5th tree he pass by.

With his full strength and speed it take him less than 10 minutes to bring all the corpses to his base.

Open his blood soaking Akatsuki cloak, he then proceed to jump up to the tree in one go jumping as high as 7 meter into the tall tree branch.

He then hanging the cloak on tree to dry left him with green t-shirt that also soaked with blood. Left no choice he then take off his green t-shirt and hanging it beside his cloak.


He jump from the tree toward ground leaving a mark on the earth. Jumping from the tree the necklace with C shape pendant that he wearing dangling on his chest brushing with the air when he jumped to ground.

Even though Jacob was thin as bean sprouts his thin body still showing muscular outline.

His C shape pendant was long as a man fist when they make C shape using they pinkie finger and thumb. At the end of one the C point there are O shape handle that we can put index finger into it.

Jacob then put his index finger inside the O shape handle and his left hand holding the other half C shape pendant and pull it apart.


Sound of metal sounded when he pull apart the pendant. The other half of the pendant in his right hand was shining with steel light when light of campfire hit on it.

It was Kerambit and other half is just a wooden sheath that hiding the Kerambit blade.

The Kerambit on his hand was gifted by his teacher's teacher. He give him the Kerambit after he finished the 3rd gate test.

He then skinned the wolfs and boars, 10 boars and 18 wolfs in total. Jacob got the appetite of 20 people after adding the attributes points. Not just simple 20 people but 20 fat people that do heavy things.

He was planned to build back his fat because once again his fat proven itself useful and saving his life, up to this date it already 2 time that his fat save his life!.

His Kerambit was not like other Kerambit that use normal iron or even alloy. He did not know where his teacher's teacher got this iron, it even harder than tungsten and not brittle at all.

To this date he had try using this Kerambit doing stupid thing like cutting wood or even stone. But what it left make him speechless. The blade was still ungodly sharp.

He slice the wolfs and boars from bellow the chin toward the tail, that if they still got they head and was in full body intact. The blade cut the skin and fur like hot knife through butter.

Doing repeating works was never boring toward the person who have strong focus. In less than one hour he already gutted all the boars and wolfs and cut then into large chuck and put it on stick but it near large camp fire.

Yes large campfire because Jacob though that if he need to cook a lot of meat he need a large fire. Well he not wrong in this case.

After putting all the meat onto stick and put it near campfire to cook, he then put his right hand into ground.

He wanted to see that if any predators or scavenger will come when smelling the blood from the battle or smell of sizzling meat being cooked.

Strangely he did not hear anything not even bird was near him. That make him puzzled, he did not know that his shouted scare the shit out the animal inside this forest.

The animal near him be it predators or preys all run with they tail between they legs, scare silly by his roar.

Shrugged his shoulder he then walking toward the tree, lay his back again it and sit down.

He then take the blue Tupperware beside him on the ground, open it and drink it.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

"Ahh... the water already left less than 500 ml, tomorrow I need to find the river to replenish my water supply"

Putting the Tupperware back on ground beside him, he then look at the huge campfire surrounded by a lot of meat on stick.

Staring at camp fire his mind wonder into his memories, the 1st time he meet his teacher after unsatisfied with his karate training.


Guys/Girls sorry for late publishing the 4th chapter.

Brace your self for flash back tomorrow!

The_Ice_Is_Coolcreators' thoughts