
We are not going to survive

Pari's pov


There was a short pause. Everyone looked at eachother for a few seconds.

Few of the students got up to see what was going on and then more and more people started leaving. Me and Gungun decided to check this out as well. We saw a big crowd near the girls washroom.

" holy crap... this seems to be serious. " we heard a student whisper. Gungun grabbed my hand and pushed through the crowd and went inside the washroom where few of the girls were trying to wake the girl up. The girl was badly bruised and was bleeding alot. The washroom was trashed. It seemed like the person smashed her head against the toilet stall door causing such tremendous bleeding. Few minutes later the school authorities came and we had to go to our classes. On our way back we saw Rasha and Kateyln in the crowd. Gungun runs to catch up with them.

Gungun : Why are you guys here?

Rasha :  Same reason everyone's here for. 

Rasha : I saw you guys going in there, what's the whole problem?

Gungun :  Some girl was found beaten up in the girls washroom

Pari : damn..... if this is the state of that student, then what about us? 

Rasha : Stay out of trouble and we'll be fine.

Rasha  : Atleast we found some way to waste time rather than to sit in the class.

Everyone gave Rasha a dirty look.

" But that girl got hurt, it's not nice to say that. " Pari said

Rasha " hmmed " and looked away.

We all went back to our classes and sat in our seats.

" What should we do now, Pari "

" I dunno "

" should we make friends? "

" sure, why not? "

We looked for a person to talk to and found a girl to talk to, her name was Mary. Turns out we had a lot in common. We talked alot until Gungun asked a question.

Gungun : Who was that girl who got beaten up?

Mary looked at us for a few seconds and then sighed.

Mary : Her name is Sarah and my friend. What else do you wanna know about her?

Pari : Do you have some bully here or something? Who might do something like this?

Mary : it's most likely to be Luna, I guess... she's the only one who fights with people..

Gungun : Who is Luna?

Mary : She's the daughter of a businesswoman of a famous clothing brand. You know the girl with green hair and stylish clothes?

Pari : I guess she's talking about the girl we fought with yesterday.

Gungun : No wonder she got angry when I spilled the soda over her clothes

Pari : Shouldn't we make a complaint against her?

Mary : We can't.... we don't have evidence, and besides even if we did complain it to the authorities, her parents will get her out of this mess and she will get her revenge on us.

Gungun : But we should do something about it!

Mary : I'm afraid we can't...

Gungun and I looked at eachother for a few seconds, and then turned away from Mary.

Gungun : This isn't right!

Pari : Do you think we should step in? I mean like.. remember what Rasha said, " Stay out of trouble and we'll be fine." ?

Gungun : She wouldn't mind. We have to bring justice atleast. We have to prove that Luna should be punished!

Pari : But her pare-

Gungun : I don't care, I'm pretty sure we could handle her " revenge ".

Pari : Fine...

We turned to Mary again who was lost in their thoughts.

"Hey Mary?" Gungun waved her hands in front of her face. " Yea... sorry I zoned out. " Mary mumbled. I sighed.

Pari : Would you mind..... if we.... helped you in this situation?

Mary : Really? Thank you sooo much!!!!

Mary shot up in happiness and grabbed mine and Gungun's hand and started shaking forcefully. The bell rang, and Mary took her stuff and waved her hands before leaving. " Now I'm pretty scared.." Gungun shrugged. " If we do this wrong...."

" We are not going to survive this hellhole. "