
Love letter? Ew

Third person POV


" Thanks for helping Gungun. " Young Rasha said as she arranged the last set of chairs and desks with Gungun beside her.

" Why do you keep doing this always? Isn't she supposed to help you arranging these? " Gungun asked with her arms crossed. Rasha only gave her a sigh and smile.

" Just leave it, she's spending time with her friends. Someone's gotta do it, or else both of us are going to get yelled at by ma'am. " Rasha rolled her eyes and went to sit behind Khushi, who had just arrived in class.

" Helllllloooo Khushi! " Gungun waved at Khushi's face who was really stressed.

" Can you leave me please! I'm not in the mood. " Khushi yelled at her, furiously searching through her school bag. Gungun turned to look at Rasha who was gesturing that something's wrong with Khushi.

" Khushi's not in the mood to say hi? " Rasha tried to lighten up the mood with her teasing. Khushi only returned a blank stare to Rasha's statement.

" What's wrong? " Gungun asked.

" AAAAAAAAAAAAA FOUND IT! " Khushi grunted in happiness as she found a book under the desk. The others students just starred at her giving weird glances.

" Can you just tell us already? " Rasha asked anticipatingly.

" I thought I lost my maths notebook, but I found it here. Thank god or else I would've been killed by Saraswathi ma'am. " Rasha oohed to her answer.

" You didn't wear your leggings today, Gungun? " Rasha asked looking down to the floor.

" What am I supposed to do? It's in the laundry. " Gungun whined twirling her pinafore.

" HOD is going to catch you today too. " Khushi said.

" At this point, I don't care. Like gurl, you think I'm going to wear leggings in this desert? " Gungun asked.

" I mean, you're right. But you'll get caught again by them. " Rasha raised her hands in defeat.

" Hey, did you do maths homework? " Khushi asked.

" Nah "

" Nope "

" Me too " She said as she raised her hand to high five the two.

" What's with damn classical music in the background? Can't they change it once? " Rasha scratched her ears in discomfort.

" It's for our meditation it seems. These people give us stress and then ' tries ' lessen the stress. "

" Schools are trash honestly. "

Gungun was starring off into space with a cheeky smirk plastered on her face. Rasha was also noticing that while Khushi went on talking.

SPLASH! Gungun waterbended a ball of water onto Khushi's face.

" BROOO!! " Khushi yelled who was soaked in water. Gungun then looked at Rasha who was laughing at Khushi.

" Oh no, you won't. " Rasha covered herself in her plasma shield with Gungun who just pouted. Everybody in the class started to play with their powers after seeing the trio. Khushi was already in her flames trying to evaporate the water. Gungun was trying to break Rasha's shell of protection.

" OKAY OKAY ENOUGH GUYS! " Rasha screamed through her bubble to stop the mess between her classmates. Khushi took the distraction as a chance to sting Gungun with her heat.

" AAOOOWW " Gungun screeched holding her arm.

" Yea, that's how I felt when you did that. " Khushi said.

" But I only threw water at you. It wasn't that painful! " Gungun hissed.

" I don't care! Even I didn't use too much heat on you! " Khushi said in defence.

" Can you guys stop fighting!?! Even the others aren't stopping because of you! Ahh there you are, Dhanya! " Rasha ran to the other prefect who entered with her group of friends.

" WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! " Oh no! The teacher had caught their class misbehaving.

" YOU TWO OVER HERE! YOU COULDN'T HANDLE YOUR OWN CLASS?! " Poor Rasha and Dhanya, they are going to get yelled at by their teacher.

After the scolding..

Rasha and Dhanya sighed and walked to their seats. The teacher had no one else to let her anger out on other than her two class prefects.

" Ah damn it! " Rasha grunted in anger as she bent down to take her maths notebook from her bag, but suddenly her partner, Bewlin, grabbed her hand gently. She silently handed a card to Rasha, she was confused.

" Read this! I don't know what it really means but read it! It's weirdly interesting! I think one of our classmates wrote it. " Bewlin said. The card was decorated beautifully, with many doodles on its corners with ' I'm sorry ' written on its front page.

" What? " Rasha was really confused, but was interupted by her strict teacher's scary voice. She decided to quietly keep the card inside her desk.

" Did you read it? Looks like a love letter. " Bewlin whispered.

" No I haven't.. I'll read it later. " Rasha whispered back quickly. Love letter? This word was stuck in Rasha's head. There was no way a seventh grader is capable of writing a love letter, or maybe? Rasha wasn't able to concentrate in class, she wanted to read it so badly.

" Now can someone tell me what is a transversal? " Rasha jumped out of her thoughts when her teacher's demanding voice rang through her ears. Nevermind, this class is way more important than that letter.

Timeskip after class...

" That's it for today. Now prefects, make sure you get all of them to band class. And do not misbehave! " their teacher yelled the last line to her mischievous students and walked out of the classroom. Some of the students started leave the class one by one to their band class. Bewlin and Rasha stayed in their place as she read out the letter. The card had a beautiful painting of a landscape inside. And on the page was a long paragraph...

I'm sorry

Hey Mn, I'm really sorry for breaking up with you.. I shouldn't have listened to Jani. I really do love you, just take me back. Jani was talking about you talking sh@& about me. I just really fu@$#* up big time. I wanted you to read it yourself, so write me back please

Love <3

" Bro what the frick?! I'm dyin. " Rasha was laughing so much that Bewlin had to hold her in place to keep her in balance.

" What is it about? And who wrote it? " Bewlin asked.

" I- I'm not real- HAHAHAHHA aaaaaa I'm really sure.. b-but wh- heh who's Mn? It's someone's initials for sure. " Rasha said in between her laughter.

" So it's a love letter? " Bewlin asked as her interest perked up.

" Of course it is! What else could it be?! Such a pathetic way to get back togather. " Rasha said in disgust. She despised kids who were in relationships at such a young age.

" Let's tell the others! Wait, should we keep it as a secret? " Bewlin questioned before getting pulled out of the class by Rasha.

" For now, let's tell our best friends, okay? "

" Okay! I'm excited! Let's teleport! "

" What?! What if some teacher sees us?! "

" Don't worry, it's not like they're gonna shout us when there's no kids in the field to crash on. "

" Uhh- AAHH- "

Bewlin and Rasha had fallen into the portal. Within few seconds, they had teleported to the field, where their other classmates were scattered in groups walking to their band room. Bewlin and Rasha panted for a few seconds as they had used their powers on teleporting, then they started dashing through the group of kids talking in their friend circle.

" AY- WAIT GUNGUN AN-D KHUSHI-I " Rasha yelled a little louder for her friends to hear who was gossiping already. Bewlin went the other way to her friend, Alexa who was walking by their classmates.

" What took you s- "

" Do you guys have any idea what me and Bewlin found?! "

" No? Wh- "

" It's a love letter! From our class! "

" What?! Really?!?! SHOW US NOW!! "

" Wait let Bewlin and Alexa come. "

" Stop keeping us in suspense! "

Gungun and Khushi was bombarding questions at Rasha who calmly walked away with a grin on her face, hesitating and reassuring them that she will show it to them after reaching their class. Bewlin and Alexa increased their pace and kept up with the trio, following them.

" Bro, you actually found a love letter? " Alexa whispered in disbelief.

" Yep, and I can't wait to show you the most hilarious confession ever! "

" Why can't you show us here? "

" It's a secret, I'm telling you, it's worth the while. "

The group quickly walked to the building, sliding the glass doors open, just to be hit with cold air. They walked down the stairs, waiting for no one. Gungun and Khushi skipped their way into class. The group rushed to the last row making sure their other classmates don't steal their seats.

" Now show! "

" Wait, make a circle. No one should see this. "

Everyone started arranging themselves in a circle with annoyance.

" Here yo- no no no I will hold it! "

Rasha said as she snatched the paper from her friends hands who was about to tear it apart. Khushi huffed in more irritation.

" Hey Mn, I'm really sorry.. "

Everyone started reading the letter while Rasha and Bewlin tried to prevent themselves from laughing. The faces of the others dropped as they read further, a face of disgust but also very confused.

" Where did you find this?! "

" Who wrote this?? "

" Haha this is the first time ever witnessing a confession. "

" Damn, hormones in these kids these days. "

" What do you expect them to do other than this, Khushi? "

" What's hormones? "

" Ahh I forgot we've got an innocent kid. "

" Aye, I'm not so innocent. I know what dating is, okay?! "

" I can't wait to tell the othe- "

" No! "

" Why? " " Yea why? "

" I think it will end up in a big issue. "

" Of course not! Our classmates would actually promote this crap. "

" No no, if someone complained, people will point at us and we will get in trouble. Most importantly, I'm the prefect. I can't loose my dignity. "

" No one cares, let's just keep it as a secret. "


" Doesn't Gungun have an assignment to complete? " Rasha asked, she knew very well that she had ruined the whole mood.

" Way to go Rasha! " Khushi said with sassiness, rolling her eyes.

" Why did you have to go a cliff hanger?! " Pari jumped at Rasha.

" Gungun has an assignment to complete! It's because of Travis! He's the reason why she still hasn't completed her work yet! Blame him for the cliffhanger! " Rasha pounced back at Pari who was flustered.

" I-I'm sorry Gungun.. I can talk to him if y-you want? "

" No gurl, I don't need his help anyway, he's not going to get great marks from this anyway! "

" Wh-hat? "

" That's my girl! " Khushi encouraged Gungun who was standing with pride after what she has decided to do.

" What's going to happen t-to him? "

" Oh nothing, she's just going to complain about him. " Khushi completed the sentence for her.

" Oh nevermind, I want-ted take a revenge too after he s-stole my diary. "

" Well don't worry then, Gungun's going to avenge you. " Rasha said.

Gungun gave a ' Is that was I supposed to do? ' look to Khushi.

" But what happened after you found the love letter? " Pari asked who still wanted to know after that.

" After we're done with helping her. " Rasha spoke, picking up her tablet along with her hundreds of coloured pens.

Pari whined as the both of them got up to help Gungun while Kateyln smiled at her.