
I'm not even hoping for good things

" What makes you say that? " Khushi questioned.

" I'm starting to question myself. Do you think there is a third party involved? " Rasha said

Gungun : Wait, so you're saying that... she is not the one who did it?

Rasha : No, no, no... I meant like, is there another person helping Luna?

Khushi : * makes confused face *

" Wait, lemme check the video " Rasha said, pulling out her phone.

" It's so old, don't you think it's time to buy a new one? " Khushi remarked.

" This phone is for storing whatever things I want to, like to blackmail people. Let's say, if I did have a new phone, and someone got their hands on it, my money will be wasted. And besides, I have another proper phone to call. "

" You've got all planned " Gungun said with an impressed look, to which Rasha winked.

" Luna please, just admit it. It was you who did it! "

" Why would I do that, huh? After she tried to sabotage her plan?! "

" After SHE tried to sabotage her plan.. " Rasha repeated the words.

" She could be talking about Stacie " Gungun said

" Stacie? I'm not sure " Khushi replied

" Hmm... I mean Stacie is just a fake friend to Luna and Luna doesn't even care about her friends, with that logic.. do you think she will help Stacie if she did it? "

" Hmm.. could be? "

Khushi : Shouldn't we check up on others?

Gungun : Right, I'll give them a call * starts to search for her phone *

Khushi : Bro, wouldn't Stacie attack us in our sleep or something?

Rasha : Nah, it would cause too much commotion. But remember to keep your things in secret places, we can't trust them. Besides, you can fight back.. right?

Khushi : Of course I can!

Gungun : Guys, they're in Mary's dorm

Khushi : Kay, let's go

The three of them got up and left the dorm to find the others.

" Where is it though? " Rasha asked

" Wait, I dunno. It's room no. 393 " Gungun said as Khushi facepalmed.

" Eh, we'll find it ourselves " Rasha exclaimed as she took the lead. After a few minutes of roaming around, the trio halted as they heard distant mumbling.

"Hmm... it's some other people " Rasha said, stepping forward.

" 389, 390, 391.... Yea! It's here! " Rasha pointed out. Khushi knocked on the door while Gungun glanced at those girls who were laughing. Rasha noticed that and looked the direction where Gungun was looking at.

" Bro what are they saying? " She asked Gungun, turning her head towards the door.

" I can't hear it very clearly. Why do you want to know? " Gungun said.

" Nothing " As soon as she said that, the door opened. The three of them entered.

" Hopefully Mary isn't hurt too much. " Gungun said.

Khushi : Mary don't you have a roommate?

Pari : It's Sarah

Khushi : Ohh

Gungun : Why did you go there, Mary?

Mary : It was to confront her.

Rasha : * closes door * Now tell us, the whole thing.

Mary : So first, I think it was around 6 pm after the lecture. I decided to confront her, myself, hoping that she would probably listen. I went after her to talk and first, she acted very innocent because I think Jeffrey was there and told me ' Let's go talk privately ', and brought me to the dark corner behind the stands.

Rasha : * Sighs * Did she say anything important?

Mary : I don't think so...

Rasha : I think you should just stop any sort of communication with her.

Mary : What do you mean?? I have to help my friend...

Khushi : Mary don't worry

Mary : Huh?

Pari : We've got a plan

Gungun : Guys, let's go get dinner now

Rasha : yeah, I'm hungry

Kateyln : Did you guys shower yet? I did

Gungun : I'm going to take a bath and have dinner. What about you Rasha?

Rasha : Me too, I want to try your new cotton candy body wash.

" What? Then you should give me something to use too. " Gungun

" You can have my... uh... morning glory perfume? " Rasha compromised while Gungun nodded.

" I'm feeling very cold, I'll go change my clothes," Khushi said.

" I'll stay here with Mary until you guys come back. " Pari said.

" Me too " Katelyn agreed. Rasha, Gungun, and Khushi got up and were heading to their room.

" Hey Khushi, just one thing, I think Stacie would be there so lock the bathroom door, okay? " Rasha said

" Obviously I will do that. Why did you say that? " Khushi asked curiously, taking light steps.

" What if, for taking revenge, Stacie takes pics of you undressing? Just a thought.. " She replied.

" Stop scaring me "

" Like it has happened to people before, that's why I told you " Rasha mumbled her response. Gungun looked at Khushi who was starring at the floor the whole time.

" You've made her even more cautious than before, RM " Gungun chuckled.

" No like seriously, we've already started our beef with them, way earlier than expected. And Stacie is your roommate, which makes it even worse. " Rasha reassured.

They had reached their rooms, Khushi used her key and poked her head a little to check.

" Nope, Stacie isn't there. " Khushi grinned

" Eh, be cautious," Rasha said as opened the door.


Next day ( after class )

Rasha's POV

Oooof, it's my first day at the music club. And I did not want to socialize at all. I went to the music room which Katelyn had told me and saw many students scattered around, with papers in their hands. Oh crap, did I have to bring something to this stupid club? I entered the crowd and didn't know what to do. I tapped the shoulder of the nearest person I could find, unfortunately, he was in a hurry.

" Hey! I'm new he- "

" Move away! Cole, come fast! " he pushed me away and out the door with his friend. Okay, now what should I do? I searched around to see if there was anyone familiar. Nope, not even a single person. But then I did see Jeffrey entering the room with his guitar. A few of the students were surprised to see him there. I kept looking at him for a minute until he noticed me. I acknowledged that smiled, and waved. Jeffery put on a fake smile and waved back. And to my surprise, a girl followed him into the room... It was Luna, who was clinging onto Jeffery. She is in the music club!?!? This is even worse than I thought. 

" Hi, I'm new here. Can you tell me, what are these papers for? "  I asked a girl beside me chattering with her friends.

" Oh these , it's about the singing competition. " she replied " Ryan is going to get screwed by the teacher " she said to her friends. I really wanted the flyer too, I checked around to see any stack of papers. No, it isn't anywhere.

" Hmm.. this flyer useless to me, do you want it? " I felt so someone tap my shoulder and turned around. It was the guy I talked to in class.

" Oh yea, thanks. Why don't you want it? " I asked him as he passed the flyer.

" I'm not going to participate in this competition, I have better things to do. " he said with a smug look on his face.

" Oh I forgot name, what was it? " he asked

" My name is Rasha... heh, I also forgot you name. " I said nervously.

" I'm Chris. "

" By the way, why were those guys in a hurry? I think one of the guys were Cole. " I asked him.

" Hmm.. It was Ryan and Cole, the music teacher had assigned them to put them on the green pin boards outside, around a week ago. And their lazy a$$ didn't do it at the right time, so they dashed outside to put it up. " Chris said. I looked at the flyer and read it.

" What?!? The selection is just three days away?!? " I was shocked, I have very less time to practice.

" Well, good luck for the selection. " Chris was about to leave when I grabbed his arm.

" Wait, what am I supposed to do in this club? " I quickly left his hand, feeling embarrassed.

" We usually sit around playing our instruments, or the teacher will be teaching something. Ryan and Cole are not here, so I think you can go talk with people now. " Chris said.

" Oh ok, so you're going? " I asked. I needed someone for company.

" Yea, my friends are waiting for me, I just to you because you seemed confused about flyer. " Chris walked away to his group of friends. There were couple of chairs in the corner so I went and sat there. I looked around to see everyone in their own groups having fun in this stupid class. I begin to stare at wall weirdly and didn't realise Luna coming towards me.

" Hey! I didn't expect you to be in this club. " Luna said with an ugly, sugary sweet voice. What the hell? Why is she talking to me like this?

" What do you want? Don't you have any other work? " I replied in sassy tone.

" Oh it's nothing, I just wanted you to be my friend. You seem very lo- "

" Friend?! I'd rather burn myself in my own fire than to be friends with you. " Then it struck me, Jeffrey is here. She is doing it only to impress him I think. I glanced at Jeffrey who was not even looking at Luna, he was busy playing with his guitar's strings. Luna sat next to me, with a look of annoyance as she knows that Jeffrey isn't looking. She punched my pinched my arm with her long nails until it started to bleed. I just starred at her deadess straight, this pain ain't nothing to me.

" Now I know you're also a rival of mine, but remember, what I showed you yesterday was just the starting. "

" If you support me, nothing is going to happen to you or your friends. " She whispered.

" Well, by what I did for Mary yesterday, clearly means that I'm never going to support you. " I grinned at her.

" Just wait until the time comes, I have already planned a surprise. " Luna got up from her place and stomped on my foot. In turn, when she took a step, I kept my leg between. She stumbled and fell. Alot of the kids turned to her direction, Jeffrey for some reason, came up to her and helped her get up. What is wrong with him? He's helping his crazy obsessed fangirl. Probably he likes her too I guess...

" WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!? " a Sir had entered the room, with a panic look.

" Go back to your seats!! " he demanded. Everyone rushed to their chairs and took their instruments.

" I don't want anyone to be roaming around in the class. I will come within few minutes. " And with that, he left. As I thought, some of them just got up and went to their friends to talk. I checked my watch, it was 5:30 pm.

Just ten more minutes...