

It was a rainy day, sun is playing hide and seek behind those dense clouds which are roaring like a lion with grey fur. though it was noon of the day, it was very dark giving a view like that of a late evening. Those green paddy fields with the dark cloudy background with cool breezes and pleasant smell gives wings to soul. sound of rain drops dropping from the roof of our front yard giving perfect choras to the songs of chicks we have. me viewing that scenic frame, hoping my life too to turn colorful like that rainbow. I am Kruthi, I am an eighth grade school girl, an introvert, optimistic and a girl full of goals, dreams and some scars as well. I was from a nine membered joint family, orthodox, whose main source of income is from agriculture as like many others in our small town.

It was holiday for my school on the occasion of some local festival, after having my lunch, I have started my sketch work for my new science project which is related to storage of rain water (like a water shed), sipping buttermilk, which we used to have after meals. my younger brother sonu is helping me to choose colors for my project, the only person in our house with whom I can be me without insecurities. later he slept like a baby beside me and I was thrown into pool of thoughts.

Mine was not a happy childhood, and there are many reasons for that. firstly I am not a social person, my world is somewhat different from the situations in which I am living. I am from a background were people believe that decisions have to be taken by men and adopted by women. men are for education and job, women are for household chores. as I am against to this, people around me are unhappy with me. second is I am very passionate about fine arts, besides education, I almost every time score top in artwork as well, which seems to be time waste to many( as I am not investing my time to learn household chores which girls there are bounded to do). thirdly I used to question about things which seems to be wrong to me. these all resulted in me facing constant comparisons, criticism, verbal abuse, gaslighting, thriving for identity and what not. but at school I am the camp, still as I am an introvert I had very few friends. Arjun is one among those and my first love as well.

With the thunder sound I came back to this world, sonu has jumped out like he has seen a nightmare. its evening now, me and mom about to start the daily house chores drama after having a cup of tea. as rain sloped down my father went to field along with my grandfather to see the situation there. day ended up just like any other boring day but with a pleasant natures touch. we slept under front yard roof after having dinner with rice and sambar and a glass of buttermilk, me and sonu whispering about the movie we saw in the television, while elders are already fallen a sleep.