
24th of june 1941

I woke up in the morning to loud shouting i could hear out of my window but since i was on the 9th story i couldnt quite well hear what was being said so i headed to the dining room where i saw my father who looked completely miserable.

Panicked i asked him was what wrong wondering what could possibly make my brave father falter from his usual cheerful and optimistic character.

Turning his head towards with a morose expression he said :

" Son, i will not sugar coat what is happening and will put it simply.

Hitler has declared war on our nation, and i will have to leave for europe soon"

Absolutely horrified i couldn't muster a single word and ran back to my room denying the fact that my father was leaving for the war since i understood the dangers and risks of it.

A few minutes later i heard a couple of knocks on my door and the sweet voice of my mom.

"Are you okay in there sergey ?"

I didn't answer and my mom fully understanding the fact that i had to cope with the information i received left me alone.

A few hours later i came out of my room for supper but i couldn't follow any conversations nor participate in them for i was staring blankly at my food.

After some time i finally asked the question that was lingering in my head for quite a while.

"Dad, when will you be leaving ?

My father coldly and gravely answered.

I will be leaving in two days."

Refusing to believe it, I didn't finish my food, went back to my room and locked myself in it.

I then started sobbing and soon the sobbing transformed into bawling as i cried for hours on end.

When i stopped crying, i dragged myself to bed and instantly fell asleep.


The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those two powers to partition Poland between them.

Location: Moscow, Soviet Union

Expiration: 23 August 1949; (planned)22 June 1941; (terminated)30 July 1941; (officially declared null and void)

What was the purpose of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?

Commonly known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, after Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, the agreement gave Adolf Hitler a free hand to attack Poland without fear of Soviet intervention. In the night of 23-24 August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact

known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them. Germany claimed Western Poland and part of Lithuania.

Why did Germany betray the Soviet Union?

Hitler had always wanted to see Germany expand eastwards to gain Lebensraum or 'living space' for its people. After the fall of France Hitler ordered plans to be drawn up for an invasion of the Soviet Union.

He intended to destroy what he saw as Stalin's 'Jewish Bolshevist' regime and establish Nazi hegemony.