
Tale of a {Deicide}

When your whole class got summoned to another world and you are a {Deicide}, how will you cope? The same happened with Hayate and now he will be executed. Will he die or will he run?

HKay · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Another day with the same schedule. I thought as I was getting punched and kicked by Martin. There I was laying on the ground getting beaten up by the students of my class. The bell rang and everyone went to their seats, as I forced myself to get up and take my seat.

"Are you okay?" asked the girl who sat next to me. Abella Clive, is the only girl who has been somewhat nice to me since I moved here from Japan.

"I know you are Asian, but assaulting you for that, isn't a good thing. You should complain about them." she said trying to persuade me.

"It's the same everywhere you go, back in Japan, there were people who bullied others. It's a norm for these assholes, they won't stop but increase beating me if I inform the teachers." I tried to convince Abella not to inform the teachers

"Okay class, we are doing the attendance." The teacher said as he started to take attendance. Then he said my name "Hathee." he said and the whole class laughed again, even Abella giggled a little. "It's Hayate, sir. Ha-ya-te." I told him again, I have kept telling him from the day I set my foot in this school. Even the teachers are here to bully me. Suddenly, a bright light covered the room and we were suddenly in a Medieval-Style Castle.

"Hello Earthlings, My name is Grandeviel El Soro, the king of the 'Holy Empire' of [Earth]." a man in King type get-up declared as we all shivered in his presence, well some of us did while I and 5-6 students didn't.

"Oh, you are good, not being shaken by my [Aura] is quite good." he said to the students who were still standing. A little later all the students and the teacher stood up and started to discuss this matter and then the teacher started to talk with the King.

"Now I will tell you why you all have been summoned here. Years ago, a [Prophecy] said that one day when we will need the help of people summoned from another [Earth], it will mark the start of the 'End'. We summoned you to get your help in defeating the whole 'Demonic Empire' for once and for all and to 'End' the 'Demonic Empire'." he told us about the prophecy which I wasn't listening to and then he came to the part which I wanted the most.

"You all have a Status plate which tells you your {Class}, {Job} and Attributes and other things." he said and then a maid took a shining orb towards him "This [Status Orb] can tell us about your {Class} and {Job} but other things can only be seen by the owner of 'The System'. I would request you all to check your Status on your own and then come one-by-one to show us your {Class} after we have seen your {Class} we will put you in different groups and then you can tell us about your Attributes, Stats, and Skills later."

"What do we have to do to check our Status?" Martin asked

"Try saying Status." the King suggested and everyone started to say Status. "Status" I mumbled and suddenly RPG-like Status plate popped in front of me. I was shocked.



Name: Hayate Xebecs Kakashi

Class: {Deicide}

Job: {Deicide}

Title: ???

Level: 1/10

Species: Human

Evolution System: {Deicide}


Attack: 20 Agility: 35

Body: 2% Mana: ???

Intelligence: 5 Wisdom: 3%

Defense: 10 Health: 100/100


· [Evolution Bar]: A Bar that indicates how much potential the 'Player' has unlocked of the 'Evolution'. It is fused with [Body] Attribute i.e. the percentage shown by the [Body] is the [Evolution Bar].

· [Multi-Task]: This Skill helps in using the mind parallelly. It is fused with [Wisdom] Attribute i.e. higher [Wisdom] percentage will process the Brain faster and 'Player' can think more things parallelly.


I was astonished to see my Status, it was neither good nor bad but I can't tell how good it looked. It was the feeling of satisfaction after seeing my Status. I started to think that I mattered in this world. I didn't know what {Deicide} meant but the King can tell me after he has seen my {Class}.

"Now you child." the King said as he pointed at me and I walked up to the [Status Orb] and put my hand on it and the {Class} it showed was {Deicide}.

"Apprehend him." the King yelled and all the guards came to me and captured me.

'What are you doing?" I yelled

"You have an 'Unholy' {Class}. We will execute you for having it." the King yelled but my teacher suddenly wanted to help me and he begged the King to leave me

"What should I do, Sire Lucas?" he asked a student of our class with honor. It was Lucas Shereef, the guy who instructed Martin to bully me for all the time I've been here. Why is he asking Lucas to answer?

"What is an 'Unholy' {Class}, King?" Lucas asked

"It is a weak {Class}, executing someone with this type of {Class} brings prosperity to the nation and executing someone with this specific {Class} known as {Deicide} helps Empire to win wars. It's all written in the 'Ancient Books'." the King stated and I waited for Lucas' answer hoping that he would save me but that asshole said "So, why are you asking me, you already got the answer didn't you." he laughed deviously and none of my classmates spoke but laughed at me

"What are we waiting for, give me a sword and I shall execute him on the spot." Martin said as he asked a guard to give him a sword

"Killing an 'Unholy' {Class} like that will only bring bad luck. We have a special pit made to kill these types of people. Take him to the [The Pit of Un]." the King ordered his soldiers as they handcuffed me and took me to the execution site. [The Pit of Un] is more like a crater fall on the [Earth] than a hole dug in the ground. I was made to stand at the end of the cliff as the King approaches me with the teacher, Martin James, Lucas Shereef, Chloe Ai(Martin's girlfriend), and Abella Clive with a few more classmates.

"Sire Lucas, if you may." the King said and stood aside to make space for Lucas to kill me, as he approached me I could see a big grin on his face. He stood before me and said "You were weak back there and you are weak now. You are born to be weak." but before he could push me Abella stopped him, I was glad.

"Lucas, I wanna talk to him, please?" she pleaded to Lucas, and to a surprise he accepted it.

As Abella approached me, I became happy but my happiness was stolen after the few words she said "My father worked under your mother that is why I was always so good with you but now, your family's company won't work here, so before you die I just wanna clear all your misunderstanding. Goodbye loser." I was broken into pieces, I couldn't think of anything, I was feeling sad and betrayed more than anger.

One-by-one, all of my classmates came and said something shitty about me, there were some who still thought executing me was wrong but no one could say anything.

Lucas came to me once again "Die, you piece of shit." he said and threw me into the pit. I could see the happiness on Abella and many other of my classmates' faces. They were smiling while I was falling into the 'Abyss'.