
Tale of a {Deicide}

When your whole class got summoned to another world and you are a {Deicide}, how will you cope? The same happened with Hayate and now he will be executed. Will he die or will he run?

HKay · Fantasy
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6 Chs

[The Tower of Un]

"What the heck is this?" I said while I was standing at the door with my jaw drooped and shocked face. In front of me was a giant-ass tower and around it was beautiful scenery but one thing was missing, the exit to get out. Even this tower is sealed. "FUCK!!" I screamed in frustration, I just started to run back and I ran for hours, slashing all the {Zombie}s coming in front of me and then I reached that hole again. I punched it, kicked it, and thrashed it but the wall won't break. I tried my best but couldn't get the result I wanted, at this point I wanted to die but then I thought I fell from a very high place, so maybe the {Tower} is to climb my way back. And so I ran again, slashing all the {Zombie}s in my way, and reached the {Tower} once again.

"[The Tower of Un]" I read under my breath the name of the {Tower} just like [The Pit of Un]. I stood in front of the {Tower}'s door and gathered some courage before I opened the door. I opened the door to find a huge hall of books. Damn, they are way too much to read, and where the heck is the stairs? I was lost in my thought when I was greeted by a voice "Hello." which scared the shit outta me. "What the fuck was that?" I said as I started to find the source of the voice.

"You can't find me." the voice said

"Who are you?" I questioned still searching for the source

"I'm the writer of 'Ancient Books', you can call me [Warrior Priest Un]." he said and I cringed

"So, you are the bastard who wrote the books which made me executed." I yelled at him "Who the fuck are you and where are you hiding?"

"Calm down. I'm just an after-image of original [Warrior Priest Un] which was given his own conscious to think." he told me

"So, why the fuck did you write those books?" I asked still angered by the fact that I'm talking to the person who technically executed me

"I wrote them for my benefit as well as for you." he said which made me cringe so hard that I wanted to kill him

"I was fucking executed, how is my benefit in there?" I yelled at him again

"If I wanted to kill you, I could have written to execute your type of people with a {Sword} rather than throwing you in a pit. People like you get thrown in the pit and come here where I tell them all they need to know about their 'Unholy' or 'Undemonic' {Class}." he made a valuable point and then one word intrigued me

"'Undemonic'?" I asked being somewhat calm

"'Unholy' and 'Undemonic' are hidden {Element}, {Rank}, {Class} etc. They originally went by the name 'Space' for 'Unholy' and 'Time' for 'Undemonic'. These {Element}s come once in a millennium and even the {God}s who rule over each Planet/Realm are scared of it." he told me everything he knew about 'Unholy' and 'Undemonic'

I, then again confused by one of his words, asked "What are Planet/Realm?"

"Planet/Realm means planets in the 'Space'. This world is somewhat old-fashioned and does not have access to 'Space' due to some reasons." he told me

"Tell me everything about this Planet/Realm shit." I ordered him and he started to tell me about it "I have to start from scratch. Let's see, there are many 'Species' in this UNIVERSE.


· Human(Holy)

· Demon(Demonic)

· Dragon(Holy/Demonic)

· Vampire(Demonic)

· Angel(Holy)

· Devil(Demonic)

· Dwarf(Holy)

· Demi-Human(Demonic)

· Spirit/Fairy(Holy)

· Elf(Holy)

· Phantom(Demonic)

· Monsters(Unholy/Undemonic; Created for both sides to kill)

· God

Mostly each 'Species' own its own Planet/Realm. Traveling between Realms is possible. Each Planet/Realm is covered with a hidden power which is made by the {God} himself. You cannot break this barrier to travel in space and visit another Planet/Realm through 'Space'. Each Planet/Realm is monopolized by one 'Species' but has other 'Species' living on it too." he then continued on and I pretty much got to know about the whole UNIVERSE.

"So, what am I here for?" I asked him

"Oh right, you are here to awaken your magic and fuse it with your body." he said

"W-what, I have 'Magic'?" I asked him astonished by what he told me

"Yea, you have." he told me

"But my [Mana] is-" I was cut in between by him saying "You are currently {Human} and your {Element} is 'Unholy' and 'Undemonic' as you are a {Deicide}, that's why 'The System' cannot tell your [Mana] limit. Once your [Evolution Bar] has reached [100%], you will {Evolve} into a new 'Species' and then your [Mana] will be visible."

I was staring into thin air with my jaw dropped from not being able to follow what he was saying, I shook myself and said "Sorry, I lost the track of you, after {Evolve} and stuff."

"You didn't check it?" he asked

"What are you talking about?" I questioned

"You never wanted to check what does [Evolution System] means. Just open your Status and click at the [Evolution System]." he instructed me and I did it.



Name: Hayate Xebecs Kakashi

Class: {Deicide}

Job: {Deicide}

Title: [The one who is destined to kill the {God}]

Level: 10/10

Species: Human

Evolution System: {Deicide}


Attack: 50

Agility: 60

Body: 30%

Mana: ???

Intelligence: 50

Wisdom: 15%

Defense: 35

Health: 145/150


· [Evolution Bar]: A Bar that indicates how much potential the 'Player' has unlocked of the 'Evolution'. It is fused with [Body] Attribute i.e. the percentage shown by the [Body] is the [Evolution Bar].

· [Multi-Task]: This Skill helps in using the mind parallelly. It is fused with [Wisdom] Attribute i.e. higher [Wisdom] percentage will process the Brain faster and 'Player' can think more things parallelly.

· {Most Basic Swordsmanship}: It is a mix of many Skills; [Sword Swinging], [Calm Swordsman]. (Lvl 6/10)

· [Hybrid Stomach]: 'Player' can eat anything available in this UNIVERSE.

· [Partial Zombie Body]: A Skill acquired by eating nothing but [Zombie Flesh] for 3 months. It is a skill, once acquired by a living body, that can [Heal] faster by eating [Zombie Flesh]. (Lvl 4/10)


I noticed that my [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] increased, I was happy and then I did what he instructed me to do, when I clicked on [Evolution System] another screen popped up.

Evolution of Deicide(Starting as Human/Demi-Human):

· Human/Demi-Human

· Unholy Human/Undemonic Demi-Human

· Unholy and Undemonic Human(Fusion of Human and Demi-Human)

· Unholy and Undemonic Hybrid 1(Fusion of Human, Demi-Human, Dwarf, and Demon)

· Unholy and Undemonic Hybrid 2(Fusion of Hybrid 1, Spirit, and Phantom)

· Unholy and Undemonic Hybrid 3(Fusion of Hybrid 2, Elf, and Vampire)

· Unholy and Undemonic Hybrid 4(Fusion of Hybrid 3 and Dragons)

· Perfect Unholy and Undemonic Being(Fusion of all the 'Species' except {God})

· Perfect Deicide(After killing {God})

I was shocked to see this kind of 'Evolution' existed and I can evolve into it. I was about to faint after what I saw when he called me again.

"You saw it, now you understand. Let's begin the 'Magic' awakening ceremony." he said as some type of dark light started to cover me and fused with me.