
Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Vicente, a renowned criminal in his time on Earth, dies during an escape when betrayed by one of his trusted associates. However, this is not the end of Vicente's journey. Just when he thought he would die, he suddenly finds himself in a strange place, in a body different from his own. Without understanding why or how, Vicente finds that, strangely, he has been reborn! In his second chance, this time in a magical world full of possibilities impossible on Earth, he will follow a fantastic journey in search of the answers to his questions. Meanwhile, he will use his own means to survive this new reality where, once again, he will suffer heavy losses! Join Vicente on this new journey in his unique family with the old mafia ways! *** Add the novel to the library and vote for it for more chapters. *** Notice: This is a fantasy story and, as such, is not related to any fact of reality. Disclaimer: I don't own the cover; if its original creator wants me to take down or put credit, leave a message in any chapter, and I'll do it as soon as possible. https://discord.gg/4437dvvk9x

RVN_1998 · Fantasy
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909 Chs

About the Throne of Darkness Pentagram Hunt

'That's a good question,' Vicente looked at his group, particularly at Layla. 'The time had come for them to learn about the Throne of Darkness.'

'So you intend to hunt with them?' Torne asked.

'Not exactly. But it is a fact that I can't hide the truth much longer. It would be too risky to attack the Nixlas' Shadows without me having at least two magical essences on the throne. But I'll have to justify a few things to them,' Vicente considered.

He knew it would be difficult to explain that he wanted to hunt pentagrams from the Dark Path.

The pentagram he had in the crystal around his neck didn't interest him. He wanted all of his Throne of Darkness pentagrams to be cyan.

As long as he did that, it was very possible that when he completed the 5 or 6 pentagrams of this magical form, the yellow essence of this magical form would develop to the indigo grade!

That would probably make him the strongest on the continent!