
1-stealing 5 children

Planet Vegeta - Year 730

A mid-level Saiyan calmly walked into the nourishment chamber

He had a relatively small body, just 1.70, he had good looks, but that didn't mean anything to the Saiyans.

Celeron is his name, with 3500 fighting power he is a good medium level warrior

Finally he arrived in the most isolated and farthest part of the nutrition chamber and observed 5 1-year-old children, all of these children were war orphans and therefore were more isolated

'These children have not yet had any contact with Saiyan education, in other words, they are blank slates that can be educated, as long as they are raised well they can become pure-hearted' Celerion thought

Celerion has just transmigrated, his old name was Jonny, an ordinary 25 year old citizen

As a fan of Dragonball, he loved everything about the work, but nothing surpassed his taste for the beautiful transformation of the Super Saiyan God, red hair with divine ki surrounding his body

without a doubt, this transformation was his love, he always believed that it was never well explored and only appeared rarely, how can a transformation that turns ordinary Ki into divine Ki be bad?

After transmigrating, Jonny didn't care about going to Earth or Namek, his goal is to kidnap 5 children to perform the ritual

Maybe reaching Super Saiyan God through training is the best option, however Jonny couldn't wait to look beautiful with red hair, who knows how many years it would take

Celerion smiled and placed the deactivation code in the 5 children's chambers

As they were children without parents, no one noticed they were missing for 5 hours

But now it was too late, Celerion and 5 children were already on their ship many light years from the planet Vegeta


2 years later

Year 732

Planet Fragun

On this small planet without intelligent life, a man was breathing tiredly, in front of him a huge beast lay dead.

Celerion smiled, his strength reached 26.000 fighting power

Small progress for a transmigrator in 2 years, but he didn't care as his increase in power is entirely due to his improvement in controlling Ki

In these two years, in addition to taking care of the 5 children, he basically did strong physical training and trained his Ki control based on the training of Master Kame(Roshi)

Celerion grabbed the huge beast and took him to his home.

In the house, 5 cute 3 year old children were wearing small battle armor

2 girls and 3 boys

the girls are called Kalea and Mikara, while the boys are called Ryuto, Hiroshi and Takashi

The 5 besides orphans were also of low power at birth, however Celerion knew this was bullshit.

all 5 are only 3 years old, the weakest has 1200 fighting power while the most talented Kalea is already close to 3 thousand

All this power with common, non-heavy workouts

"Dad, you brought more barbecue" Ryuto shouted excitedly

Celerion smiled when he saw the boy run up to the beast wanting to roast it.

His original intention was to raise his children as if he were an uncle or older brother, but in the end being called father made Celerion very happy.

the family of 6 started dinner after the barbecue was ready

After dinner, Celerion observed that even the weakest and most playful Ryuta could control Ki, even in a normal way.

"alright kids, tonight we're going to do the ritual" Celerion

the 5 children looked at their father and were excited

they grew up hearing about the incredible super transformation

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