
Taking My Last Breath

_MysticGalaxy_ · Teen
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Chapter 2: The Snake

       I felt the glares of everyone's eyes on me and I walked through the halls. I didn't want them to see my pain so I just kept my head up and smiled to them. Some greeting me but others looked at me like some kind of monster. I walk into class and Mark was sitting next to Lucas.

"Well well well, if it isn't little miss perfect over here!"

     I heard the voice of someone I didn't want to see today. Alaysia Blackwell. I looked up and there she was with her short white skirt and her Little Pink crop-top. She held her fake a** Gucci purse and wore her hair up in two pigtails. I sighed and smiled slightly.

"Hey Alaysia. How have you been? I haven't been around as you know."

     She rolled her eyes. Of course. Her friend Bella Ruth walked up and saw me. She gave me a slight smile and grabbed Alaysia's arm and led her away from me.

      I knew this was going to be a long day.

     Third period finally ended and we started to head to lunch. I looked into the lunch room and everyone divided into groups. Slightly I giggled to myself and thought..

This place hasn't changed one bit.

     I walked over to the table with Mylee. As soon as I sat down I felt back at home. Everyone was smiling and talking and laughing with me, and I did not feel alone anymore.

When lunch ended we all headed to our fourth period. I always loved my zoology class. I heard that they recently got a pet snake. I entreated the classroom and I felt my whole body light up. They changed it a lot! There were animals everywhere. Lizards, spiders, snake, and even turtles!! I can tell I am going to love this class even more!

After 15 minutes I started hearing whispering in the back of the class. At first I thought that of course it was about me and my dad, but then Chloe Lionheart raised her hand and nervously asked,

"Um Mrs. Blakeer.. Where is the snake?"

Mrs. Blakeer's eyes went dark and she told everyone to not freak out but slowly to get on top of our desks. We did as she told us and she started to slowly look around.

"As my students, you should know this snake is very dangerous because it is so poisonous... so please be caution of your surroundings."

As soon as she said that I felt something crawling up my leg. I looked down and there it was. I tried to steady my breathing and I looked at the teacher. The other students were calling out to her and she slowly started coming towards me. After a few minutes Mrs.Blakeer finally started to get the snake. But as soon as she reached for it. The snake coiled back and snapped at her neck...