
Taking Every Possible Chance

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Taking Every Possible Chance

Taking Every Possible Chance

by Jacob Ilom 


This book is dedicated to you, wonderful reader. I feel grateful for you every single day, and my hope is that you will enjoy this book. Happy reading!

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Chapter 1

"The kiss started softly then slowly built in intensity. His lips were smooth, and his tongue gently grazed mine. I untucked his shirt and eased my hands up his back to his strong, smooth shoulders."

I paused to refill our margarita glasses from the pitcher and chuckled at my best friend, Courtney. Her big, blue eyes were wide open and she was leaning so far forward that I feared she might topple over.

She was normally the one with the sexy stories, so I was enjoying having one of my own, for once.

We were seated at our usual table for our Sunday night ritual – tacos and margaritas at Joe's Bar & Grill. Joe's was an island-themed restaurant that reminded me of the thatch-roofed eatery where my parents used to take me when we went on our annual trek to the Florida Keys. Even though Joe's was located in Harbor Shores,

Michigan - about as far from the tropics as could be - it was usually teeming with patrons, both locals and tourists.

Joe let us have the best seats in the house with a fantastic view of the lake, even though we were given "family pricing." Courtney had been a waitress at the restaurant for over two years, but Joe knew never to schedule her to work on a Sunday night. Our girls' nights

were sacred.

Courtney grabbed the pitcher from my hand and quickly sloshed more of the frozen concoction into our glasses. "Go on," she demanded.

"My fingers were shaking as I unbuttoned his shirt." Only Courtney knew of my insecurities in the bedroom and the reasoning behind them. She nodded, encouraging me to continue with my play-by-play.

"I refused to give in to my fears. So, I ran my hands along his flat abs and over his chest as I removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. As I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear, he undid the buttons at my

shoulder and lowered the top of my dress. That's when he discovered that I hadn't been able to wear a bra because of the open back style of my dress. I think he liked that." I smiled and chuckled, remembering the look of awe in his eyes as he gazed at my ample breasts.

"I bet he did!" Courtney hooted with laughter. She looked terrific, as usual, with her blonde pixie haircut and huge, sky blue eyes. She oozed sexual confidence, but she had admitted to me on more than one occasion that she was totally jealous of my chestiness. My boobs were, in fact, one of my only body parts that I felt were above


"He used just the right amount of pressure as he rubbed his thumbs over my taut nipples. Then he began kissing and licking and nibbling his way down me. My whole body quaked when he suckled on my breast. I ran my fingers through his hair and arched my back toward him as he gently tugged on my nipple with his teeth."

"Everything okay tonight, ladies?" Joe asked. Neither of us had seen him approach the table, and we were startled by the interruption.

"We're fine." Courtney snapped the words, causing Joe to hold up his hands in mock surrender as he made a quick retreat.

Courtney let out a deep breath as if she'd been holding it. "Geez,

Abby, this story is making me horny. I'm going to have to find a hot guy to hook up with and work off some of this sexual tension."

I wondered for the hundredth time if Courtney ever wanted a more

serious intimate relationship than the booty calls and one night stands that she currently enjoyed. She seemed to be content with her life, so I had never pushed the issue with her.


"So?" Courtney prompted impatiently. "Where was I?" I asked, perplexed.

"Nipples, teeth, tugging," she reminded me.

"Oh, right. His hands glided down my hips and under my silk panties. In one smooth move, he slid my dress and underwear off. I stepped out of them and stood before him wearing only those ridiculous Louboutin heels that you talked me into buying. He seemed to like that view, too."

"They are fabulous shoes. I'm glad to hear you finally put them to good use. Did you wear them the whole time?"

I nodded, smiling, before continuing. "I struggled to undo the snap of his jeans as he eased me back on the bed. He lifted one of my legs

and rubbed my ankle as he began kissing his way up my calf. He gently rubbed his hands along the inside of my legs. Then those magical thumbs began massaging circles up to the apex of my thighs."

I stopped to take a bite. "Damn, don't stop now!" Courtney

commanded. I had already shoveled the food in, so I did a "mouth's full" motion at her and continued chewing. At her exasperated look, I gulped the bite down and continued.

"His lips and tongue followed the path that his hands had taken. I became so worked up that I was writhing and brazenly pushing myself up towards him. His head was between my legs as he used his fingers to spread me wide open. He paused for a moment to look up at me with the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen. He looked directly at me and uttered the words, 'You're so beautiful.' I was panting and aching with need as he began to lower his mouth to me."

"Uh-huh," Courtney said, urging me on when I paused.


"Then the alarm went off."

"O-M-Geeee!" Courtney screeched as she pretended to bang her head on the table. "It was all a dream? You've gotta be kidding me. What happened on your blind date?"

"The date was a dud. He spent the whole evening complaining about his exes, and then he wanted to split the check. I mean split the check down to the penny - as in, I ate more of the appetizer than he did, so should pay for more than half of it." I rolled my eyes. "He definitely wasn't the guy of my dreams. Or anyone else's," I added somewhat


I'm sure my eccentric boss, Annie, had meant well when she set me up with Marcus, telling me that she was sure he'd be the love of my life, but he was clearly not the man for me. "Maybe there isn't a man that's right for me," I grouched.

"Please tell me you used the battery-operated gadget I bought you to finish off the work that dream-guy started," Courtney said. She narrowed her eyes at me, assessing, then said, "I can tell you didn't. You're too grumpy. There's nothing wrong with a vibrator, Abby. It can ease some of that tension that's been building up for way too long."

"You mean forever?" I quipped.

Courtney smiled at me, but it didn't reach her eyes. She knew how sensitive I was about this subject. After all, how many 28-year-old divorcees had never had an orgasm? I felt like the only one.

"I can tell where your mind is going, so just stop." Courtney gave me the look that she uses when she means business. "Don't go down this path again. There is nothing wrong with you. That two-pump-and- dump bastard, who was married to you for two years but didn't take the time to learn how to please you, is the one who should be feeling bad about himself."

I snorted with laughter at the name she had called my ex-husband then started giggling uncontrollably. "You are the one who needs to

stop. You're going to make margarita shoot out of my nose. Where do you come up with this stuff?"

"I've been saving that one, waiting for the perfect time to zing it." She grinned and lifted her glass to clink with mine.

Chapter 2

As I got ready for work the next morning, I was thankful that I had remained coherent enough the night before to drink a bottle of water when I got home. Courtney would appreciate me making her have one as a preemptive strike against a hangover as well, even though

she was pissy about it at the time. The second pitcher of margaritas may have been a bit much.

I downed a couple of aspirin and another bottle of water for the slight headache I had. Then I snuck into Courtney's room and quietly left the same items, along with a piece of buttered cinnamon bread and

some orange slices, on her bedside table. She looked so peaceful and sweet lying there. It made me wish there was a way for me to make her see in herself all of the wonderful qualities that I saw in her.

On a whim, I tiptoed through her girly bedroom and went to her en

suite bathroom to grab a fuchsia lipstick out of her enormous makeup case. I drew a huge heart on her mirror. Inside it I wrote, "You make everything better."

Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to walk to work. I left the 100-year-old lakeside cottage that Courtney and I shared and headed down the shore side of the sidewalk. The breeze off the lake was a little chilly, but the sun was shining, and the lake was calm. I felt great about leaving those little pick-me-ups for Court.

She was always quick to say that I had saved her life. When she had arrived in Harbor Shores penniless and alone, I had taken her in and given her a place to stay. I knew the truth, though. She is the one who had saved me.

She had arrived in our quaint town just a few months after my parents' deaths in that horrific car accident. They had been taken from this world in the prime of their lives due to a careless drunk


driver. I had just left my ex, Larry, after walking in on our real estate agent, Trudy the floozy, sucking his cock in the living room of our

condo. We had decided to sell our condo and move out of the city in hopes of finally starting our family. Instead, I moved alone to Harbor Shores to the cute, lakeside cottage my parents had left me.

I suppose I should thank Trudy because I had been unhappy in my marriage for a long time. It had never crossed my mind to leave him though, because I felt, as my parents had felt, that marriage is forever.

Seeing Trudy on her knees, with her fake tits bolstered up by my

couch as she cupped my husband's balls in her nasty hands with their blood-red, cheap, press-on fingernails, and her bright red lips sliding up and down his dick, sealed the deal for me on getting a divorce. I

couldn't erase that hideous mental image, no matter how hard I tried to un-see it.

When I described the scene I had walked in on to Courtney - including the sight of Larry with his head tipped back, mouth agape, looking at me with a glassy, uncaring stare - unwanted tears had

started to well in my eyes.

Courtney patted my knee and said, "Honey, that's just head-face. They all get it when they're getting a blow job." Then she dropped her face into an exact replica of the blank look Larry had given me, and we both whooped with laughter.

The memory made me smile. The message I had left on Court's mirror was perfect. She really does make everything better.

As I walked along the lakeshore, I noticed that tourists were starting to trickle into town. It was mid-April, still early for snowbirds and vacationers, but each year the tourism season seemed to be starting earlier and lasting later into the fall. For a small, quiet town like

Harbor Shores, Michigan, that was great news for the local businesses, like the trendy shop that had employed me since I moved here.


As soon as I opened the door to Eck, Meck & Dreck, my wacky boss Annie attacked with questions. "How was it? Did you two hit it off? Was it love at first sight? Are you going out again? Why aren't you telling me all about it?"

"I was waiting for you to take a breath." I smiled at Annie. She looked lovely today with a sunshine yellow scarf tied in her unruly, red curls and a bohemian skirt flowing around her. In typical Annie fashion, she was wearing turquoise Converse high-tops. The

combination would not be flattering on most, but somehow she made it work.

She looked so hopeful that I hated to disappoint her by telling her about my less than stellar date with Marcus. I decided it would be best to rip the bandage off quickly. "It's a no-go," I said.

"Not even one more date?" she tried. To her credit, when I shook my head, she let it drop immediately. "No worries," she said as she breezed past me. "Plenty of sardines in the can."

I chuckled at the motto she had chosen, as unique as Annie herself.

Annie had become like a second mother to me when my own mother had passed away. She had been there to help me through the complete devastation of the loss of my parents, and the crumbling of my marriage in a way that only a mother could.

She knew that the money from my inheritance made it so that I didn't need to work for financial reasons. I needed to work for my sanity, though, and she insisted on paying me. On the sly, I set aside almost all of the money I earned from working into a mutual fund for

Courtney or Annie, should they ever need it. It felt good to know that the two women I cared most about would never have to worry about monetary problems.

I began turning on the myriad of twinkle lights that dotted the store as Annie propped the bright purple front door open, jingling the bells on


the handle and yelling down the sidewalk, "Tchotchkes! Get your one-of–a-kind artsy-fartsy treasures here!"

As usual, people couldn't resist Annie's magnetic charm, and it

wasn't long until the store was bustling with activity. I liked being busy and helping people find the perfect gift for a loved one or a

special souvenir. It was terrific getting to see people when they were at their most relaxed and happy.

I smiled as I watched Annie open a huge cardboard box that

contained the new teapot line we would be carrying. The ceramic teapots were animal shaped, and they were beautiful. Annie

exclaimed over each one like a child on Christmas morning. "Look at the giraffe! Oh, I think the dolphin is my favorite! Such beautiful

colors on this parrot! Oh, Abby, look. The cow has a calf." She bubbled with uninhibited joy as the crowd that had gathered around her leaned in to see what she would discover next.

Suddenly, I felt almost overwhelmed with gratitude. Courtney and Annie were two of the most wonderful people on Earth, and they

were my family now. I was healthy and had a terrific job that I loved. My parents had left me a magnificent cottage within steps of the beach in a beautiful town, which I had been able to escape to after my divorce. I was an incredibly lucky lady.

The only thing missing was a man in my life, but who needed one of those, anyway? In my brief history with them, they seemed to be far more trouble than they were worth.

Chapter 3

The next morning when I stumbled into my bathroom, I found a message scrawled in pretty, light pink lipstick on my mirror. "Say 'Hi!' to a cute guy today." The words were followed by a huge, winking smiley face with long eyelashes.

Oh, Courtney, I thought, I just came to the conclusion that I don't need a man. I left the message on my mirror, though, as a reminder to have fun and not take things so seriously.

Since I had the whole day off, with no special plans, I decided to go for a workout in the park. After a quick shower, I donned my capri yoga pants and a sports tank, then I coated my exposed skin with

sunscreen. I knew my mother was smiling down on me for that. She had always insisted on moisturizing and protecting. I pulled my thick, brown hair back into a simple ponytail, skipped makeup (other than

cherry Chapstick, of course), and tied my bright purple tennis shoes.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I decided that I was a solid six with my glossy, chestnut hair and big brown eyes. I wasn't going to win any beauty contests, but with make-up and a sexy dress, I could pass for a six-and-a-half, maybe a seven. At least I wouldn't scare

anyone off. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said to no one in particular,

since Courtney likely wouldn't roll out of bed until it was time for the lunch shift at Joe's.

Buster, one of Courtney's strays that she was constantly taking in, shifted his head along the floor to watch me go. I told myself that it

would be a much better workout without him, but the spotted basset hound had such sweet, sad eyes that I couldn't resist him.

"Do you want to go?" 'Go' must have been the magic word because he thumped his tail twice and started to maneuver his squat little legs in an attempt to gain enough traction to stand up on the hardwood


floor. It was such an operation that I was tempted to go help him, but instead I grabbed the leash and waited for him to join me at the door. Looking at his pudgy little body, I decided that a lack of food was definitely not a problem in Buster's life before Courtney rescued him.

I set my iPod to play "Brown Eyed Girl," which was the song my Dad used to sing to me. As I walked, I relished the memory of him

using a toothbrush for a microphone as he serenaded me. Buster and I made our way to the park at Buster's pace. I found that I liked being forced to slow down a little. It felt like I was always rushing

somewhere, even though I didn't know why I was hurrying. Habit, I guess.

Almost everyone we passed smiled at Buster. I could see why

Courtney had fallen for him so quickly and taken him in. He was cute in a droopy kind of way. Unlike that awful yellow cat, Tabitha, who

skittered off or had a hissing fit any time I came near. I think

Courtney believed, at first, that I was mean to Tab behind her back. Now that we had become so close, Courtney knew that I would never intentionally harm an animal. That cat just didn't like me for some reason. She probably just wanted Court all to herself.

As Buster and I walked along, I lifted my face to the sun and enjoyed the light breeze off the water. It was a truly glorious day. I heard him before I saw him. "Buddy, come!" he yelled. Just then, a big golden retriever barreled towards him with an orange Frisbee in its mouth. I was walking up behind them, so I couldn't see if he was a 'cute guy,' but his broad shoulders and great ass suggested that he probably was.

When the dog reached him and he bent down to lovingly ruffle its

ears as he took the Frisbee, I made a snap decision to say hi to him. It was completely out of character and to-the-moon-and-back out of my comfort zone to walk up and speak to a stranger. I kept reminding myself that it was only one word as I forced myself to walk towards him.


When Buster and I got within a few feet of him, his dog gave a quick "Woof!" in greeting. He turned, and I was met with one of the most gorgeous men I had ever laid eyes on. His dark hair was just a smidge too long, and he used an elegant hand to swoop it back off his forehead. And those eyes – they were the most amazing green eyes I'd ever seen. They may not have been the eyes from my naughty dream, but they were fantastic and draped by long, dark lashes that most women couldn't dream of having, even with the help of mascara. He took my breath away.

I felt completely tongue-tied, and we were too close for me to just

walk away like I hadn't intended to speak to him. "Ummm," I stalled. Jeez! What is wrong with me? My breath was coming fast and I could feel my face flushing. I had to do something. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds, I finally got the

word out. "Hi," I mumbled, crossing my arms awkwardly and intending to make a quick exit.

"Hi!" he responded and flashed me with a grin that just about bowled me over. He was way out of my league, and I just wanted to get away from him before I embarrassed myself further. Of course, Buster

chose that moment to plop his butt on the ground and sit for a spell. I coaxed him with a "Come on Buster, let's go get a treat!" I whistled and tugged at him, but the damn dog refused to budge.

Handsome man and his happy, energetic dog stood there watching the whole exchange. Both of them had big grins on their faces, looking

extremely amused at my predicament. Taking mercy on me, the man finally said, "It doesn't look like you are going anywhere for a while. I'm Seth. Seth Davis." He extended a hand to shake with mine.

"Abigail Brown, nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand gently. Nice to meet you?? My thoughts screamed at me. How clever. I tried to push the negative self-talk out of my mind, but it seemed to be just as stubborn as Buster, who was panting and lolling on the ground as

if he intended to stay there indefinitely. "Come on Buster. We need to go," I tried again.

Buster finally harrumphed and started the process of standing up. Sumptuous Seth, as I had decided to call him silently in my head, surprised me by saying, "Wait."

This gave me an excuse to pause and look directly at him. He was a sight – all tall, dark and handsome, but that standard description didn't do him justice. He was all of those things, but he was also one of the most ruggedly good-looking men I had ever seen. His jeans

and tee shirt were snug enough to give a hint of the tight, tan body that they covered. I licked my lips and realized that his full attention was focused on me. It was almost as if he was waiting for me to say something. Oh no! Did he ask me a question?

"Huh?" I asked. Oh, way to dazzle him with your witty repartee, Ab.

He didn't seem to be phased by my inner turmoil. "I said that Buddy and I were just getting ready to head to Treats, the bakery on Beach Street. Would you like to join us?"

I knew the place he was talking about. It was a local favorite. They had a few alfresco tables that overlooked the water. People took their dogs there all the time. The bakery even offered specialty dog treats, and they kept water bowls outside for their canine visitors.

I didn't have to think about it. "I'd love to," I answered instantly, and the four of us set off.

That is when it happened. He was so handsome, and I was so nervous that my diarrhea of the mouth set in. I started chattering non-stop and couldn't seem to stop myself.

It only took a few minutes to walk to the bakery, but by the time we

arrived, I had already told him about my job, Courtney, and that I was divorced. The only things I knew about him were that his name was Seth Davis, he was super-hot and he had a dog, named Buddy.


I finally took a breath once we had arrived, and Seth took that moment to say, "If you want to stay with the dogs and grab us a table, I'll go in and order. What would you like?"

"English Breakfast tea with cream and sugar, please."

"Coming right up, Ma'am," he said before flashing his amazing smile at me and dashing inside. As I flopped down in an available chair, I

shook my head in disbelief at my incredible fortune and the way my non-stop rambling was likely ruining it.

"I'm glad you're here, Buddy," I said to the dog. He thumped his tail upon hearing his name. "I have acted like such an ass that I'm quite certain he would sneak out the side door if he didn't need to get you back."

It took quite a while for Sumptuous Seth to come back. I almost had myself convinced that he had left out the back entrance and would

come back later to collect his dog. I took a deep breath and vowed not to beat myself up like this. If he was gone, I wasn't any worse off than I was when I started my walk, I rationalized; and if he was still here, I needed to slow down and let him do some of the talking.

My breath hitched a little when I saw him opening the door to come out to our table. He was so damn good looking, and I couldn't believe he was here with me. I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed how handsome he was. Every woman - and even a man or two - gawked

as he walked past. Seth didn't even seem aware of all the attention he drew.

He had his hands full with two cups, a pink box, and a white bag filled with bakery goodies, so I started to get up to take something from him. In that moment, Buster lunged faster than I'd ever seen him move. He managed to tangle his leash with Buddy's, which

caused Buddy to try to dart around me to get out of the way. My legs became tangled in the leashes just as I was taking a step toward Seth, and I started to fall forward. I fell face-first into Seth's chest. He


caught me by wrapping both of his strong arms around me –

somehow balancing the drinks and goodies - and it felt like heaven.

Humiliation quickly crept in as he helped me get untangled and back to my chair. "I'm such a klutz," I muttered, shaking my head. "And you caught me and managed to keep a hold of all the stuff in your hands," I said as I blew on my tea.

Seth brought a warm blueberry doughnut out of the classic pink bakery box and set it on a napkin in front of me. "It could have happened to anyone," he reassured me kindly. Then he chuckled, "I've never seen a basset hound move that fast."

"I know, right? I wonder what he was after."

"Well, I hate to reward him for almost knocking us both down, but I did enjoy catching you." His eyes twinkled as he grinned at me. He lifted two dog treats out of the white bakery bag. "Do you think he'd prefer peanut butter or chicken?"

"From the way he licks our jars clean when we are done with them, I know he's a fan of peanut butter."

Seth leaned down to give the dogs their bone-shaped cookies, and I took a deep breath to calm myself. Then I shifted the conversation and started asking him some questions. I learned that he was a boat builder, that he loved nature and that he wasn't just handsome. He was also funny, smart, and sweet.

Mr. Finley, the grandfatherly bakery owner, stopped by our table to see if we needed anything. When he leaned over Seth's shoulder to refill the hot water in our tea mugs, he caught my eye and waggled his bushy eyebrows, making me smile.

I kept looking for the fatal flaw that must be present in Seth, but I sure didn't see one. With this level of perfection, women must be

throwing themselves at him all the time. It didn't make sense for him


to be spending time with me, while seeming to enjoy himself. I

almost had myself convinced that he was gay when he asked if he could see me again.

I made a valiant attempt to control the excitement in my voice as I responded that I could probably work him into my busy schedule, texted him my cell phone number and told him goodbye. Then I proceeded to float on cloud nine all the way home, thinking about what a fantastic day this had turned out to be.

Chapter 4

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, grabbing Courtney and hugging her as soon as she walked downstairs.

"Umm, you're welcome," she said, hugging me back. "What'd I do that was so great?"

"You suggested that I say hi to him, and he is so handsome, but I didn't know how handsome until he turned around. He's so dreamy that it nearly took my breath away, but it's not just his looks. He's also kind and funny and down-to-earth, and he has a golden retriever," I gushed, breathless.

I knew the golden retriever part would win her over. "Well, any guy who has a great dog like that has to be somewhat okay, but slow down. Who is this guy, and what do you know about him?"

I took a moment to enjoy how protective she was of me, and then I

started about telling her all about Sumptuous Seth. Courtney liked my nickname for him, but decided that SS was much easier to say.

"SS does sound great," Courtney admitted. "Just be safe and only meet him in public places at first. You never know. He could be an ax murderer or some other kind of freak."

"We're coming to Joe's on Friday night, so you can check him out for yourself. Let me know if you think he has dead bodies buried in his basement."

We both snickered, but then Court turned serious. "I mean it. You haven't been out in the dating world for a while, and it's a jungle out there."


"Technically, I've never been in the dating world, other than that fiasco of a blind date that Annie sent me on." I had been so awkward with my pimples and braces in high school that boys had barely glanced at me. Larry and I had met during my first week of college. I remembered the thrilling feeling of realizing that he was actually flirting with me.

Larry wasn't Sumptuous Seth handsome, but he certainly wasn't unattractive. In the initial stages of our relationship he had been

attentive and sweet. He had completely swept me off my feet. We dated the entire time I was in college. During that time, we had some serious make-out sessions. I regularly gave him hand-jobs and had

even sucked him off a few times, but I was determined to remain a virgin until marriage, even if I was only a technical-virgin.

The summer after I graduated from the University of Michigan, we got married. That was when I learned about my inability to orgasm. I loved that Courtney was so willing to blame it all on Larry, but deep down, I knew the truth was that in those initial months of our marriage, Larry had truly tried to pleasure me. When he had his fingers or dick inside me, it felt good (sometimes really good), but it never quite sent me over the edge.

We had experimented with different positions, lubricants, nipple stimulation, watching porn and watching ourselves, but nothing

worked. We decided to try different locations to spice things up. We fucked in the car, on the floor, on the counter, outside, on his office desk, in the shower, in a restaurant men's room, at a good friend's party. Whatever we could think of, we tried.

The final straw came when we rented a sleazy motel room and agreed to meet there. Feeling naughty, I had greeted him wearing a trench

coat with nothing underneath. He had ripped it off me and we spent the entire night going at it hard. Our sweat-slicked bodies made

smacking sounds as he pounded into me from behind. Suddenly, he surprised me by slowing, then stopping. "You could at least fake it,


you know," he growled in my ear before shoving out of me and slamming the bathroom door.

I felt like I'd been slapped. I couldn't believe that he would even

suggest that I fake it. How would that make anyone feel better? From that night on, our sex life consisted of a weekly missionary-style

session of him grunting and ramming into me, while I counted the ceiling tiles and waited for it to be over.

"You still in there?" Courtney was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I guess I got caught up thinking about the past for a minute. I do have a question for you."

"Shoot," Courtney encouraged me when I didn't immediately continue.

"Well, as you mentioned, I haven't dated in a while. So, I wasn't sure what the current protocol is. I mean, I was wondering, um."

When I paused again, Courtney gave me a curious look. "Spit it out." "When should we do it?" I asked her, squeezing my eyes closed in

embarrassment. I opened one eye to gauge her reaction. She wasn't laughing, so I continued. "I won't be expected to put out on the first date, will I?"

"Probably not," she reassured me. "If all goes well, a kiss with a little tongue would be appropriate. Maybe even a little outside the shirt booby action. If all goes fantastic, and you want to bang his brains out, I doubt he would complain, though," she laughed.

I could handle kissing. It was good to know he wouldn't learn of my sexual failings on the first date. When Courtney started to leave the kitchen, I called out to her. "Wait. What should I wear?"


Courtney smiled as she put her arm around me and said, "You have asked the right person. Let's go find you a cute outfit that shows off your perfect ta-tas." I shook my head as I followed her.

Chapter 5

Time seemed to slowly crawl by while I was waiting for Friday.

When it finally arrived, my nerves kicked into high gear. All week, I had been writing pick-me-up reminders to myself on sticky notes,

and they circled my mirror. I took a moment to read through them.

Breathe. You are an intelligent woman. Don't chatter non-stop. Smile.

Do not worry. You are worthy. You deserve to be happy. They were simple, but reading them helped me calm down.

I smiled at the new one that Courtney had added in the center of my mirror. Have fun. I took a sip from the glass of chilled white wine that she had delivered to my bathroom before leaving for her shift at Joe's.

Since I still had over an hour before I needed to meet Seth at the restaurant, I decided to take a bubble bath. The wine and bath must have been just what I needed because I was almost calm as I donned my denim mini skirt and the v-neck, light pink tee shirt that Courtney had chosen for the occasion. I still couldn't believe that she had loaned me her favorite cowboy boots with the pastel flowers swirling around them, but they looked fantastic, and gave me just the extra boost of confidence that I needed as I walked to Joe's.

Joe's was one of the only full-service, waterfront restaurants in town, and it was bustling with activity when I arrived. Thankfully, Courtney had promised to save us a table. She ran over to greet me as soon as I walked in. "You look fantastic!" she gushed. "He isn't going to be

able to keep his hands off you." Her enthusiasm was contagious as she covered my eyes and led me over to the table that she and I normally shared on girls' night.

"Ta-da!" she yelled when she removed her hands to reveal how the table had been transformed. Twinkle lights sparkled from above the booth and along the back of the table, a lit candle created a subtle


glow, and a bouquet of fresh wildflowers had been placed in a water glass at the center of the table.

"Oh, Court. It's beautiful! You treat me like a princess," I said with watery eyes.

"You deserve only the best," she whispered in my ear before sliding up to the bar to grab a tray of drinks for one of her tables.

I knew when Seth arrived because the group of ladies sitting across from me stopped talking and turned to gaze at him. He walked to my table and grinned at me. "You're even more beautiful than I remembered."

I blushed and then chuckled as Courtney walked behind him fanning herself with a hand, and silently mouthing the words "hubba hubba." She was right. Seth looked like a Greek god, and I could not believe he was here with me. His dark hair was slightly damp, as if he'd just gotten out of the shower. He was clean-shaven and smelled like Irish Spring. His black tee shirt was just tight enough to show off his flat abs and bulging biceps. And, speaking of bulges, his jeans were snug enough to give a tantalizing hint of his junk. I had to pry my eyes


As he sat down, he commented, "Wow, it looks like we scored the best seats in the house."

I grinned, "I know people."

Courtney stopped by with a quick, "Hi, I'm Court. Take good care of my girl or we'll have words." She waggled a warning finger at Seth with a smile, before hustling off to her next table. She had arranged for one of the other waitresses to take care of us. That had surprised me at first, but being her thoughtful self, she had probably figured I would be more comfortable without her stopping by the table periodically all evening.


Seth and I split a bottle of white wine from a local vineyard and an appetizer platter full of fried, fabulous, fattening goodies. Then we

topped it all off with a brownie sundae. It was a perfect evening filled with interesting conversation, laughter, and great food.

Seth surprised me by turning towards the bar and asking, "How long do you think it will be before your friend and the bartender hook up?"

I gave him a sideways look. "Courtney? And Joe? He's her boss," I responded, shaking my head.

"Well, they've been giving each other googly eyes all night," he countered.

I sat back in my seat, thinking that one over for a minute. Could he be right? Court loved sex and men, but she had never shown an interest in keeping one around for more than a couple of dates. As I

contemplated it, I realized that she did act different around Joe. I had always chalked it up to him being her employer.

I watched Joe working the bar with his customary laid back ease. He was kind of cute, with his slightly scruffy, dirty-blonde hair. His style tended towards tee shirts and flip-flops, while Court was a glamour girl. "Hmm," I said aloud as I tilted my head, pondering him.

Seth coughed. "Please don't gaze at another guy while you are out

with me. You're going to give me an inferiority complex." He smiled after he said it to let me know he was teasing.

"Well, then you better work to keep my attention," I retorted quickly, openly flirting with him.

"Let's get out of here then, and find someplace where I can have you all to myself. How about a walk along the water?" he asked.

"I'd love to," I responded, deciding to give more thought to the Courtney and Joe idea later.

As Seth paid Joe at the bar, Courtney slid behind me and whispered in my ear. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I chuckled as I turned to her and asked, "What would that be?"

"There isn't much that would be off-limits with that fine hunk of man," she mumbled under her breath as I turned to leave with Seth. "Have fun!" She yelled the words to both of us, as Seth put a gentle hand at the small of my back and guided me out of the restaurant.

Chapter 6 towards the lake. Seth seemed almost nervous as he parked the Jeep. "I told you it wasn't anything special."

I don't know what I had expected, but it wasn't the Airstream trailer that sat before me. "Oh," I gulped. "It's nice." It came out almost like a question, even though I hadn't meant for it to.

Once the surprise wore off, and I began to look around, I realized that this was the perfect spot for Seth. The lot was full of trees and had a beautiful view of the lake. At the edge of his land was a huge pole barn where Seth built his boats. It was an ideal place for Buddy to roam I noted, as he came over to greet me with a sniff before taking off to chase a leaf.

Seth had built an amazing cedar deck on the front of the trailer, so we sat down to relax and talk in his rocking chairs. I looked out over the water and said, "Okay, this really is nice," with more conviction this time.

"The trailer is temporary. I just fell in love with the location, so I'm going to build here one day," he told me.

"Build it yourself?" I asked. "Do you already have plans? How exciting to be able to make it exactly how you want."

"No plans yet." He became quiet, and I wondered if he was going to elaborate. He looked right at me with those gorgeous green eyes and


said, "I've been waiting for the right woman to come along, so we can decide on our dream house together."

I almost melted on the spot. What I wouldn't give to be his 'Ms.

Right.' He was absolutely ideal, and I didn't feel worthy of being

with him, but I decided to enjoy every moment I had with him, even if it meant I was just his 'Ms. Right Now.'

I blurted out, "Want to take this party inside?" I wondered where new found boldness was coming from.

"Oh, uh." He ran his fingers through his hair.

He doesn't want me. He's just being nice. My inner voice panicked.

"I'm not exactly prepared." At my perplexed look, he elaborated. "I didn't think we'd be in this situation tonight, so I don't have any


"Oh." Relief flooded over me. Since I hadn't had sex until I was married, I had never had to worry about condoms. In fact, I'd never seen one other than during the banana demonstration that every teen suffers through. "Okay, we don't have to." I paused before adding, "But I know I don't have any diseases because I got tested after I found out Larry had been with that ho-bag we saw tonight." Ho- bag?!? My mental critic screeched. How classy.

He looked down at me and smiled. "I know I am disease-free because I always wear a condom, but I don't want to get you pregnant on our first official date."

"Apparently, I can't get pregnant, so that's not an issue." I looked down, determined not to let negative thoughts creep in and ruin my night with Seth.

That's when what he had said really began to sink in. If he always wore a condom, then mine could be the first hoo-ha that this perfect


man's penis touched. I was sure that I would spend a lot of time being upset about the fact that I couldn't conceive a child, but I had just discovered the only benefit of it, and I wasn't about to ignore this opportunity. Without wasting any more time, I lunged at him.

He caught me, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me hungrily. He threw the door of the Airstream open and we toppled inside, laughing into each other's mouths. We were on the floor, and I was still straddling him when he tilted his head back, breaking our kiss. "I don't want to ruin this with sex." Then he added gently,

"You've had a lot to drink tonight, and I don't want to take advantage of you. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Touched by his sweet thoughtfulness, I placed both hands on his

cheeks and looked directly into those piercing green eyes as I said,

"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life. Now hurry up and rip these clothes off me!"

"Yes, Ma'am. Happy to oblige," he said in my ear as he nuzzled my neck. He eased the pink tee shirt over my head as I worked to free him of his clothes. My eyes opened wide in surprise as he undid my bra with one quick flick of his long, capable fingers.

We were still in the doorway of the trailer with our legs hanging out. It should have been uncomfortable, and I should have been concerned that someone would see us, but my mind had been taken over by my body and my body had been taken over by pleasure. Whatever his mouth was doing to my breast made me ache for more, and his hand was slowly working its way up my leg, past the hem of my mini skirt.

I ran both of my hands over him. I had managed to dispose him of his shirt, but his jeans were still in the way. I got them loosened, and I lowered the waistband of his underwear so that he sprang out.

Instantly, I wrapped my hands around him. His skin was velvety

smooth, and he was rock hard and huge. I ran my fingers along his length and moaned with pleasure at the feel of him.


He grabbed my hands and pulled them to his lips for a kiss. "Abby, that feels amazing. A little too amazing, actually." As he rolled us over, he informed me, "I am a gentleman, and gentlemen always let ladies go first."

I almost confessed that he didn't have to bother with trying to pleasure me, but I forced myself to stop.

He lowered his hands to undo my skirt and quickly yanked it off me. He cupped his hand over my soaked panties and groaned. "You're so wet."

"For you," I whispered in his ear. I lifted my hips and he ripped my panties down. I panted as his fingers slid down the front of me. He slowly spread me apart and began making slow circles. My legs fell wide open. His other hand played with my nipple until it was a hard nub, and he gently kissed me on the mouth. It was too many

wonderful sensations at once. I felt like I was going to explode.

My hips began bucking of their own accord. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that I didn't ever want it to stop. My nerve

endings were electrified and my breath was coming fast. I turned my head to the side, unable to think of anything but how good this felt. My breath caught, and pleasure surged through me. I threw my head back and gasped, mouth wide open as the first orgasm of my life ripped through me.

Just then, Seth plunged into me. His moan of pleasure spurred me on, and my body continued thrashing wildly beneath him. He reached a hand down between us to rub over me. The friction of his finger,

along with the feeling of his cock driving into me, sent me over the edge again. As I pulsed around him, Seth pumped faster and groaned as he came.

He collapsed on top of me, still breathing hard. He was hot and heavy, and it felt wonderful. As the reality of what had just happened sank in, I began to laugh.

"Laughter at a time like this isn't great for my ego," Seth muttered. "I'm not broken!" I said, still laughing.

"Broken? You thought I would break you?"

"No, I thought my lady parts didn't work because I have never had an orgasm before."

Seth's eyes widened in surprise. "Never?" When I shook my head in answer, he said, "I can vouch that your lady parts work quite well.

Now, it sounds to me like you have a lot of orgasming that you need to catch up on, and I'm just the man to take on this task." He had a big smile on his face as he added, "If you're up for it."

I nodded and giggled as he picked me up and carried me to the back of the trailer. After he tossed me on the bed, we removed the rest of our clothes, and he kissed his way up my body to lie beside me.

He placed his lips on my forehead in a gentle kiss. "I'm going to recuperate a little, but feel free to wake me as soon as you're ready to raise that total orgasm count."

"Will do," I agreed, as I snuggled into his naked, perfect body. I couldn't believe that I had just had sex with this amazing man. I

smiled at my thoughts as I realized that if I had known that orgasms felt that fantastic, I probably would have broken down and tried out the vibrator that Court had given me.

When I felt his breathing steady, I quietly got up to find my cell phone. I sent a quick text to Court, 'Won't be home tonight.' I added a smiley face after it so she would know everything was okay, since it wasn't at all like me to stay out all night.

As I stood there, naked, breathing in the fresh air, I could not stop

smiling. What a marvelous night and a wonderful man. It was such a relief to know that my body was capable of that much pleasure.

I wanted to pay him back in some way. I snapped my fingers as the idea came to me, and I snuck back into his room. He was going to wake up with his dick in my mouth, and I was going to give him the best blowjob of his life.

Being a gentleman, he was happy to return the favor.

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Taking Every Possible Chance

Copyright: Jacob Ilom

Published: September 2023

All rights reserved.

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This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.


Taking Every Possible Chance

by Jacob Ilom 


This book is dedicated to you, wonderful reader. I feel grateful for you every single day, and my hope is that you will enjoy this book. Happy reading!

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Chapter 1

"The kiss started softly then slowly built in intensity. His lips were smooth, and his tongue gently grazed mine. I untucked his shirt and eased my hands up his back to his strong, smooth shoulders."

I paused to refill our margarita glasses from the pitcher and chuckled at my best friend, Courtney. Her big, blue eyes were wide open and she was leaning so far forward that I feared she might topple over.

She was normally the one with the sexy stories, so I was enjoying having one of my own, for once.

We were seated at our usual table for our Sunday night ritual – tacos and margaritas at Joe's Bar & Grill. Joe's was an island-themed restaurant that reminded me of the thatch-roofed eatery where my parents used to take me when we went on our annual trek to the Florida Keys. Even though Joe's was located in Harbor Shores,

Michigan - about as far from the tropics as could be - it was usually teeming with patrons, both locals and tourists.

Joe let us have the best seats in the house with a fantastic view of the lake, even though we were given "family pricing." Courtney had been a waitress at the restaurant for over two years, but Joe knew never to schedule her to work on a Sunday night. Our girls' nights

were sacred.

Courtney grabbed the pitcher from my hand and quickly sloshed more of the frozen concoction into our glasses. "Go on," she demanded.

"My fingers were shaking as I unbuttoned his shirt." Only Courtney knew of my insecurities in the bedroom and the reasoning behind them. She nodded, encouraging me to continue with my play-by-play.

"I refused to give in to my fears. So, I ran my hands along his flat abs and over his chest as I removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. As I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear, he undid the buttons at my

shoulder and lowered the top of my dress. That's when he discovered that I hadn't been able to wear a bra because of the open back style of my dress. I think he liked that." I smiled and chuckled, remembering the look of awe in his eyes as he gazed at my ample breasts.

"I bet he did!" Courtney hooted with laughter. She looked terrific, as usual, with her blonde pixie haircut and huge, sky blue eyes. She oozed sexual confidence, but she had admitted to me on more than one occasion that she was totally jealous of my chestiness. My boobs were, in fact, one of my only body parts that I felt were above


"He used just the right amount of pressure as he rubbed his thumbs over my taut nipples. Then he began kissing and licking and nibbling his way down me. My whole body quaked when he suckled on my breast. I ran my fingers through his hair and arched my back toward him as he gently tugged on my nipple with his teeth."

"Everything okay tonight, ladies?" Joe asked. Neither of us had seen him approach the table, and we were startled by the interruption.

"We're fine." Courtney snapped the words, causing Joe to hold up his hands in mock surrender as he made a quick retreat.

Courtney let out a deep breath as if she'd been holding it. "Geez,

Abby, this story is making me horny. I'm going to have to find a hot guy to hook up with and work off some of this sexual tension."

I wondered for the hundredth time if Courtney ever wanted a more

serious intimate relationship than the booty calls and one night stands that she currently enjoyed. She seemed to be content with her life, so I had never pushed the issue with her.


"So?" Courtney prompted impatiently. "Where was I?" I asked, perplexed.

"Nipples, teeth, tugging," she reminded me.

"Oh, right. His hands glided down my hips and under my silk panties. In one smooth move, he slid my dress and underwear off. I stepped out of them and stood before him wearing only those ridiculous Louboutin heels that you talked me into buying. He seemed to like that view, too."

"They are fabulous shoes. I'm glad to hear you finally put them to good use. Did you wear them the whole time?"

I nodded, smiling, before continuing. "I struggled to undo the snap of his jeans as he eased me back on the bed. He lifted one of my legs

and rubbed my ankle as he began kissing his way up my calf. He gently rubbed his hands along the inside of my legs. Then those magical thumbs began massaging circles up to the apex of my thighs."

I stopped to take a bite. "Damn, don't stop now!" Courtney

commanded. I had already shoveled the food in, so I did a "mouth's full" motion at her and continued chewing. At her exasperated look, I gulped the bite down and continued.

"His lips and tongue followed the path that his hands had taken. I became so worked up that I was writhing and brazenly pushing myself up towards him. His head was between my legs as he used his fingers to spread me wide open. He paused for a moment to look up at me with the most gorgeous green eyes I've ever seen. He looked directly at me and uttered the words, 'You're so beautiful.' I was panting and aching with need as he began to lower his mouth to me."

"Uh-huh," Courtney said, urging me on when I paused.


"Then the alarm went off."

"O-M-Geeee!" Courtney screeched as she pretended to bang her head on the table. "It was all a dream? You've gotta be kidding me. What happened on your blind date?"

"The date was a dud. He spent the whole evening complaining about his exes, and then he wanted to split the check. I mean split the check down to the penny - as in, I ate more of the appetizer than he did, so should pay for more than half of it." I rolled my eyes. "He definitely wasn't the guy of my dreams. Or anyone else's," I added somewhat


I'm sure my eccentric boss, Annie, had meant well when she set me up with Marcus, telling me that she was sure he'd be the love of my life, but he was clearly not the man for me. "Maybe there isn't a man that's right for me," I grouched.

"Please tell me you used the battery-operated gadget I bought you to finish off the work that dream-guy started," Courtney said. She narrowed her eyes at me, assessing, then said, "I can tell you didn't. You're too grumpy. There's nothing wrong with a vibrator, Abby. It can ease some of that tension that's been building up for way too long."

"You mean forever?" I quipped.

Courtney smiled at me, but it didn't reach her eyes. She knew how sensitive I was about this subject. After all, how many 28-year-old divorcees had never had an orgasm? I felt like the only one.

"I can tell where your mind is going, so just stop." Courtney gave me the look that she uses when she means business. "Don't go down this path again. There is nothing wrong with you. That two-pump-and- dump bastard, who was married to you for two years but didn't take the time to learn how to please you, is the one who should be feeling bad about himself."

I snorted with laughter at the name she had called my ex-husband then started giggling uncontrollably. "You are the one who needs to

stop. You're going to make margarita shoot out of my nose. Where do you come up with this stuff?"

"I've been saving that one, waiting for the perfect time to zing it." She grinned and lifted her glass to clink with mine.

Chapter 2

As I got ready for work the next morning, I was thankful that I had remained coherent enough the night before to drink a bottle of water when I got home. Courtney would appreciate me making her have one as a preemptive strike against a hangover as well, even though

she was pissy about it at the time. The second pitcher of margaritas may have been a bit much.

I downed a couple of aspirin and another bottle of water for the slight headache I had. Then I snuck into Courtney's room and quietly left the same items, along with a piece of buttered cinnamon bread and

some orange slices, on her bedside table. She looked so peaceful and sweet lying there. It made me wish there was a way for me to make her see in herself all of the wonderful qualities that I saw in her.

On a whim, I tiptoed through her girly bedroom and went to her en

suite bathroom to grab a fuchsia lipstick out of her enormous makeup case. I drew a huge heart on her mirror. Inside it I wrote, "You make everything better."

Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to walk to work. I left the 100-year-old lakeside cottage that Courtney and I shared and headed down the shore side of the sidewalk. The breeze off the lake was a little chilly, but the sun was shining, and the lake was calm. I felt great about leaving those little pick-me-ups for Court.

She was always quick to say that I had saved her life. When she had arrived in Harbor Shores penniless and alone, I had taken her in and given her a place to stay. I knew the truth, though. She is the one who had saved me.

She had arrived in our quaint town just a few months after my parents' deaths in that horrific car accident. They had been taken from this world in the prime of their lives due to a careless drunk


driver. I had just left my ex, Larry, after walking in on our real estate agent, Trudy the floozy, sucking his cock in the living room of our

condo. We had decided to sell our condo and move out of the city in hopes of finally starting our family. Instead, I moved alone to Harbor Shores to the cute, lakeside cottage my parents had left me.

I suppose I should thank Trudy because I had been unhappy in my marriage for a long time. It had never crossed my mind to leave him though, because I felt, as my parents had felt, that marriage is forever.

Seeing Trudy on her knees, with her fake tits bolstered up by my

couch as she cupped my husband's balls in her nasty hands with their blood-red, cheap, press-on fingernails, and her bright red lips sliding up and down his dick, sealed the deal for me on getting a divorce. I

couldn't erase that hideous mental image, no matter how hard I tried to un-see it.

When I described the scene I had walked in on to Courtney - including the sight of Larry with his head tipped back, mouth agape, looking at me with a glassy, uncaring stare - unwanted tears had

started to well in my eyes.

Courtney patted my knee and said, "Honey, that's just head-face. They all get it when they're getting a blow job." Then she dropped her face into an exact replica of the blank look Larry had given me, and we both whooped with laughter.

The memory made me smile. The message I had left on Court's mirror was perfect. She really does make everything better.

As I walked along the lakeshore, I noticed that tourists were starting to trickle into town. It was mid-April, still early for snowbirds and vacationers, but each year the tourism season seemed to be starting earlier and lasting later into the fall. For a small, quiet town like

Harbor Shores, Michigan, that was great news for the local businesses, like the trendy shop that had employed me since I moved here.


As soon as I opened the door to Eck, Meck & Dreck, my wacky boss Annie attacked with questions. "How was it? Did you two hit it off? Was it love at first sight? Are you going out again? Why aren't you telling me all about it?"

"I was waiting for you to take a breath." I smiled at Annie. She looked lovely today with a sunshine yellow scarf tied in her unruly, red curls and a bohemian skirt flowing around her. In typical Annie fashion, she was wearing turquoise Converse high-tops. The

combination would not be flattering on most, but somehow she made it work.

She looked so hopeful that I hated to disappoint her by telling her about my less than stellar date with Marcus. I decided it would be best to rip the bandage off quickly. "It's a no-go," I said.

"Not even one more date?" she tried. To her credit, when I shook my head, she let it drop immediately. "No worries," she said as she breezed past me. "Plenty of sardines in the can."

I chuckled at the motto she had chosen, as unique as Annie herself.

Annie had become like a second mother to me when my own mother had passed away. She had been there to help me through the complete devastation of the loss of my parents, and the crumbling of my marriage in a way that only a mother could.

She knew that the money from my inheritance made it so that I didn't need to work for financial reasons. I needed to work for my sanity, though, and she insisted on paying me. On the sly, I set aside almost all of the money I earned from working into a mutual fund for

Courtney or Annie, should they ever need it. It felt good to know that the two women I cared most about would never have to worry about monetary problems.

I began turning on the myriad of twinkle lights that dotted the store as Annie propped the bright purple front door open, jingling the bells on


the handle and yelling down the sidewalk, "Tchotchkes! Get your one-of–a-kind artsy-fartsy treasures here!"

As usual, people couldn't resist Annie's magnetic charm, and it

wasn't long until the store was bustling with activity. I liked being busy and helping people find the perfect gift for a loved one or a

special souvenir. It was terrific getting to see people when they were at their most relaxed and happy.

I smiled as I watched Annie open a huge cardboard box that

contained the new teapot line we would be carrying. The ceramic teapots were animal shaped, and they were beautiful. Annie

exclaimed over each one like a child on Christmas morning. "Look at the giraffe! Oh, I think the dolphin is my favorite! Such beautiful

colors on this parrot! Oh, Abby, look. The cow has a calf." She bubbled with uninhibited joy as the crowd that had gathered around her leaned in to see what she would discover next.

Suddenly, I felt almost overwhelmed with gratitude. Courtney and Annie were two of the most wonderful people on Earth, and they

were my family now. I was healthy and had a terrific job that I loved. My parents had left me a magnificent cottage within steps of the beach in a beautiful town, which I had been able to escape to after my divorce. I was an incredibly lucky lady.

The only thing missing was a man in my life, but who needed one of those, anyway? In my brief history with them, they seemed to be far more trouble than they were worth.

Chapter 3

The next morning when I stumbled into my bathroom, I found a message scrawled in pretty, light pink lipstick on my mirror. "Say 'Hi!' to a cute guy today." The words were followed by a huge, winking smiley face with long eyelashes.

Oh, Courtney, I thought, I just came to the conclusion that I don't need a man. I left the message on my mirror, though, as a reminder to have fun and not take things so seriously.

Since I had the whole day off, with no special plans, I decided to go for a workout in the park. After a quick shower, I donned my capri yoga pants and a sports tank, then I coated my exposed skin with

sunscreen. I knew my mother was smiling down on me for that. She had always insisted on moisturizing and protecting. I pulled my thick, brown hair back into a simple ponytail, skipped makeup (other than

cherry Chapstick, of course), and tied my bright purple tennis shoes.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I decided that I was a solid six with my glossy, chestnut hair and big brown eyes. I wasn't going to win any beauty contests, but with make-up and a sexy dress, I could pass for a six-and-a-half, maybe a seven. At least I wouldn't scare

anyone off. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said to no one in particular,

since Courtney likely wouldn't roll out of bed until it was time for the lunch shift at Joe's.

Buster, one of Courtney's strays that she was constantly taking in, shifted his head along the floor to watch me go. I told myself that it

would be a much better workout without him, but the spotted basset hound had such sweet, sad eyes that I couldn't resist him.

"Do you want to go?" 'Go' must have been the magic word because he thumped his tail twice and started to maneuver his squat little legs in an attempt to gain enough traction to stand up on the hardwood


floor. It was such an operation that I was tempted to go help him, but instead I grabbed the leash and waited for him to join me at the door. Looking at his pudgy little body, I decided that a lack of food was definitely not a problem in Buster's life before Courtney rescued him.

I set my iPod to play "Brown Eyed Girl," which was the song my Dad used to sing to me. As I walked, I relished the memory of him

using a toothbrush for a microphone as he serenaded me. Buster and I made our way to the park at Buster's pace. I found that I liked being forced to slow down a little. It felt like I was always rushing

somewhere, even though I didn't know why I was hurrying. Habit, I guess.

Almost everyone we passed smiled at Buster. I could see why

Courtney had fallen for him so quickly and taken him in. He was cute in a droopy kind of way. Unlike that awful yellow cat, Tabitha, who

skittered off or had a hissing fit any time I came near. I think

Courtney believed, at first, that I was mean to Tab behind her back. Now that we had become so close, Courtney knew that I would never intentionally harm an animal. That cat just didn't like me for some reason. She probably just wanted Court all to herself.

As Buster and I walked along, I lifted my face to the sun and enjoyed the light breeze off the water. It was a truly glorious day. I heard him before I saw him. "Buddy, come!" he yelled. Just then, a big golden retriever barreled towards him with an orange Frisbee in its mouth. I was walking up behind them, so I couldn't see if he was a 'cute guy,' but his broad shoulders and great ass suggested that he probably was.

When the dog reached him and he bent down to lovingly ruffle its

ears as he took the Frisbee, I made a snap decision to say hi to him. It was completely out of character and to-the-moon-and-back out of my comfort zone to walk up and speak to a stranger. I kept reminding myself that it was only one word as I forced myself to walk towards him.


When Buster and I got within a few feet of him, his dog gave a quick "Woof!" in greeting. He turned, and I was met with one of the most gorgeous men I had ever laid eyes on. His dark hair was just a smidge too long, and he used an elegant hand to swoop it back off his forehead. And those eyes – they were the most amazing green eyes I'd ever seen. They may not have been the eyes from my naughty dream, but they were fantastic and draped by long, dark lashes that most women couldn't dream of having, even with the help of mascara. He took my breath away.

I felt completely tongue-tied, and we were too close for me to just

walk away like I hadn't intended to speak to him. "Ummm," I stalled. Jeez! What is wrong with me? My breath was coming fast and I could feel my face flushing. I had to do something. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only a few seconds, I finally got the

word out. "Hi," I mumbled, crossing my arms awkwardly and intending to make a quick exit.

"Hi!" he responded and flashed me with a grin that just about bowled me over. He was way out of my league, and I just wanted to get away from him before I embarrassed myself further. Of course, Buster

chose that moment to plop his butt on the ground and sit for a spell. I coaxed him with a "Come on Buster, let's go get a treat!" I whistled and tugged at him, but the damn dog refused to budge.

Handsome man and his happy, energetic dog stood there watching the whole exchange. Both of them had big grins on their faces, looking

extremely amused at my predicament. Taking mercy on me, the man finally said, "It doesn't look like you are going anywhere for a while. I'm Seth. Seth Davis." He extended a hand to shake with mine.

"Abigail Brown, nice to meet you," I said, shaking his hand gently. Nice to meet you?? My thoughts screamed at me. How clever. I tried to push the negative self-talk out of my mind, but it seemed to be just as stubborn as Buster, who was panting and lolling on the ground as

if he intended to stay there indefinitely. "Come on Buster. We need to go," I tried again.

Buster finally harrumphed and started the process of standing up. Sumptuous Seth, as I had decided to call him silently in my head, surprised me by saying, "Wait."

This gave me an excuse to pause and look directly at him. He was a sight – all tall, dark and handsome, but that standard description didn't do him justice. He was all of those things, but he was also one of the most ruggedly good-looking men I had ever seen. His jeans

and tee shirt were snug enough to give a hint of the tight, tan body that they covered. I licked my lips and realized that his full attention was focused on me. It was almost as if he was waiting for me to say something. Oh no! Did he ask me a question?

"Huh?" I asked. Oh, way to dazzle him with your witty repartee, Ab.

He didn't seem to be phased by my inner turmoil. "I said that Buddy and I were just getting ready to head to Treats, the bakery on Beach Street. Would you like to join us?"

I knew the place he was talking about. It was a local favorite. They had a few alfresco tables that overlooked the water. People took their dogs there all the time. The bakery even offered specialty dog treats, and they kept water bowls outside for their canine visitors.

I didn't have to think about it. "I'd love to," I answered instantly, and the four of us set off.

That is when it happened. He was so handsome, and I was so nervous that my diarrhea of the mouth set in. I started chattering non-stop and couldn't seem to stop myself.

It only took a few minutes to walk to the bakery, but by the time we

arrived, I had already told him about my job, Courtney, and that I was divorced. The only things I knew about him were that his name was Seth Davis, he was super-hot and he had a dog, named Buddy.


I finally took a breath once we had arrived, and Seth took that moment to say, "If you want to stay with the dogs and grab us a table, I'll go in and order. What would you like?"

"English Breakfast tea with cream and sugar, please."

"Coming right up, Ma'am," he said before flashing his amazing smile at me and dashing inside. As I flopped down in an available chair, I

shook my head in disbelief at my incredible fortune and the way my non-stop rambling was likely ruining it.

"I'm glad you're here, Buddy," I said to the dog. He thumped his tail upon hearing his name. "I have acted like such an ass that I'm quite certain he would sneak out the side door if he didn't need to get you back."

It took quite a while for Sumptuous Seth to come back. I almost had myself convinced that he had left out the back entrance and would

come back later to collect his dog. I took a deep breath and vowed not to beat myself up like this. If he was gone, I wasn't any worse off than I was when I started my walk, I rationalized; and if he was still here, I needed to slow down and let him do some of the talking.

My breath hitched a little when I saw him opening the door to come out to our table. He was so damn good looking, and I couldn't believe he was here with me. I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed how handsome he was. Every woman - and even a man or two - gawked

as he walked past. Seth didn't even seem aware of all the attention he drew.

He had his hands full with two cups, a pink box, and a white bag filled with bakery goodies, so I started to get up to take something from him. In that moment, Buster lunged faster than I'd ever seen him move. He managed to tangle his leash with Buddy's, which

caused Buddy to try to dart around me to get out of the way. My legs became tangled in the leashes just as I was taking a step toward Seth, and I started to fall forward. I fell face-first into Seth's chest. He


caught me by wrapping both of his strong arms around me –

somehow balancing the drinks and goodies - and it felt like heaven.

Humiliation quickly crept in as he helped me get untangled and back to my chair. "I'm such a klutz," I muttered, shaking my head. "And you caught me and managed to keep a hold of all the stuff in your hands," I said as I blew on my tea.

Seth brought a warm blueberry doughnut out of the classic pink bakery box and set it on a napkin in front of me. "It could have happened to anyone," he reassured me kindly. Then he chuckled, "I've never seen a basset hound move that fast."

"I know, right? I wonder what he was after."

"Well, I hate to reward him for almost knocking us both down, but I did enjoy catching you." His eyes twinkled as he grinned at me. He lifted two dog treats out of the white bakery bag. "Do you think he'd prefer peanut butter or chicken?"

"From the way he licks our jars clean when we are done with them, I know he's a fan of peanut butter."

Seth leaned down to give the dogs their bone-shaped cookies, and I took a deep breath to calm myself. Then I shifted the conversation and started asking him some questions. I learned that he was a boat builder, that he loved nature and that he wasn't just handsome. He was also funny, smart, and sweet.

Mr. Finley, the grandfatherly bakery owner, stopped by our table to see if we needed anything. When he leaned over Seth's shoulder to refill the hot water in our tea mugs, he caught my eye and waggled his bushy eyebrows, making me smile.

I kept looking for the fatal flaw that must be present in Seth, but I sure didn't see one. With this level of perfection, women must be

throwing themselves at him all the time. It didn't make sense for him


to be spending time with me, while seeming to enjoy himself. I

almost had myself convinced that he was gay when he asked if he could see me again.

I made a valiant attempt to control the excitement in my voice as I responded that I could probably work him into my busy schedule, texted him my cell phone number and told him goodbye. Then I proceeded to float on cloud nine all the way home, thinking about what a fantastic day this had turned out to be.

Chapter 4

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said, grabbing Courtney and hugging her as soon as she walked downstairs.

"Umm, you're welcome," she said, hugging me back. "What'd I do that was so great?"

"You suggested that I say hi to him, and he is so handsome, but I didn't know how handsome until he turned around. He's so dreamy that it nearly took my breath away, but it's not just his looks. He's also kind and funny and down-to-earth, and he has a golden retriever," I gushed, breathless.

I knew the golden retriever part would win her over. "Well, any guy who has a great dog like that has to be somewhat okay, but slow down. Who is this guy, and what do you know about him?"

I took a moment to enjoy how protective she was of me, and then I

started about telling her all about Sumptuous Seth. Courtney liked my nickname for him, but decided that SS was much easier to say.

"SS does sound great," Courtney admitted. "Just be safe and only meet him in public places at first. You never know. He could be an ax murderer or some other kind of freak."

"We're coming to Joe's on Friday night, so you can check him out for yourself. Let me know if you think he has dead bodies buried in his basement."

We both snickered, but then Court turned serious. "I mean it. You haven't been out in the dating world for a while, and it's a jungle out there."


"Technically, I've never been in the dating world, other than that fiasco of a blind date that Annie sent me on." I had been so awkward with my pimples and braces in high school that boys had barely glanced at me. Larry and I had met during my first week of college. I remembered the thrilling feeling of realizing that he was actually flirting with me.

Larry wasn't Sumptuous Seth handsome, but he certainly wasn't unattractive. In the initial stages of our relationship he had been

attentive and sweet. He had completely swept me off my feet. We dated the entire time I was in college. During that time, we had some serious make-out sessions. I regularly gave him hand-jobs and had

even sucked him off a few times, but I was determined to remain a virgin until marriage, even if I was only a technical-virgin.

The summer after I graduated from the University of Michigan, we got married. That was when I learned about my inability to orgasm. I loved that Courtney was so willing to blame it all on Larry, but deep down, I knew the truth was that in those initial months of our marriage, Larry had truly tried to pleasure me. When he had his fingers or dick inside me, it felt good (sometimes really good), but it never quite sent me over the edge.

We had experimented with different positions, lubricants, nipple stimulation, watching porn and watching ourselves, but nothing

worked. We decided to try different locations to spice things up. We fucked in the car, on the floor, on the counter, outside, on his office desk, in the shower, in a restaurant men's room, at a good friend's party. Whatever we could think of, we tried.

The final straw came when we rented a sleazy motel room and agreed to meet there. Feeling naughty, I had greeted him wearing a trench

coat with nothing underneath. He had ripped it off me and we spent the entire night going at it hard. Our sweat-slicked bodies made

smacking sounds as he pounded into me from behind. Suddenly, he surprised me by slowing, then stopping. "You could at least fake it,


you know," he growled in my ear before shoving out of me and slamming the bathroom door.

I felt like I'd been slapped. I couldn't believe that he would even

suggest that I fake it. How would that make anyone feel better? From that night on, our sex life consisted of a weekly missionary-style

session of him grunting and ramming into me, while I counted the ceiling tiles and waited for it to be over.

"You still in there?" Courtney was waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I guess I got caught up thinking about the past for a minute. I do have a question for you."

"Shoot," Courtney encouraged me when I didn't immediately continue.

"Well, as you mentioned, I haven't dated in a while. So, I wasn't sure what the current protocol is. I mean, I was wondering, um."

When I paused again, Courtney gave me a curious look. "Spit it out." "When should we do it?" I asked her, squeezing my eyes closed in

embarrassment. I opened one eye to gauge her reaction. She wasn't laughing, so I continued. "I won't be expected to put out on the first date, will I?"

"Probably not," she reassured me. "If all goes well, a kiss with a little tongue would be appropriate. Maybe even a little outside the shirt booby action. If all goes fantastic, and you want to bang his brains out, I doubt he would complain, though," she laughed.

I could handle kissing. It was good to know he wouldn't learn of my sexual failings on the first date. When Courtney started to leave the kitchen, I called out to her. "Wait. What should I wear?"


Courtney smiled as she put her arm around me and said, "

"Mail ilomjacob@gmail.com for a copy of part 2"

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Taking Every Possible Chance

Copyright: Jacob Ilom

Published: September 2023

All rights reserved.

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This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental