
Taking Control, A Loner's Rise

A story how a lone introverted high school student becomes a true alpha male, conquering every beautiful woman he wants. After a disastrous first day at school a mysterious woman comes to him in a dream and helps him achieve his lifelong dream. Read as the protagonist changes physically and mentally and takes everything he wants. Story is gonna be mainly about sex, but there will be some plot. The setting will contain some fantasy elements. Protagonist is gonna be neither truly good nor evil. It's my first time writing a novel like this so please comment and give advice.

Drandooo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Disastrous first day at school

Confident Jack stood in front of the school gate. Today would be the day he'd start High school. He had vowed to better his life as in middle school he had lived quietly and like a loner. He was quite an introverted kid, so making friends wasn't his strong point.

Now all that would change as he stepped forward. He'd make new friends, study hard and perhaps find a cute girlfriend.

Looking around at the grounds of the high school he was amazed by all the facilities. It was a great school, and he couldn't wait to enter.

He made his way to the big front door of the main building. A lot of other students were walking all around him, some older, some the same age as him.

Smiling he entered the building.

As he looked around at the big hallway, paths diverged in many directions. He suddenly felts something soft bump into his chest.


Immediately Jack looked in front of him, where he hadn't been paying attention. He gulped seeing a beautiful girl flat on her back.

Her big breasts still bounced from the fall. He felt the lingering sensation on his chest and realized what had happened. Her face looked heavenly, but the expression on it wasn't so holy.

"I-I'm very sorry," Jack said as he offered her a hand to get up.


The girl slapped his hand away as she got up herself.

"You stupid idiot. Look where you're going," the girl said after getting up.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

The girl squinted her eyes as Jack realized she was quite angry. Seeing her beautiful face and great body he already guessed she was an upperclassman.

He really didn't want to piss someone off on his first day, but it seemed that had already failed, and things were about to get even worse.

"What's going on here Stella?"

Jack looked to his right and instinctively took a step back. The guy walked to the girl who turned towards him.

"This idiot knocked me down."

The guy then turned his attention to Jack who was getting more scared every second.

The reason was not that this guy looked quite scary and was sure to be a troublesome guy but seeing all the bystanders not daring to get in his way scared made Jack realize he wasn't good news.

"Oh," the guy said walking towards Jack.

As he stood in front of him Jack realized he was bigger, stronger, and definitely scarier than him. His wild blonde hair, the earring in his left ear, and the fierce look in his eyes only made Jack more afraid.

He really didn't want to make an enemy out of him, so he quickly said: "I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't paying attention."

Jack gulped as he felt a hand grab his shoulder. Immediately he felt the sharp grip hurting him.

"You hurt my girlfriend."

Jack knew his situation was getting more precarious every second.

"What's going on here? Tell me, Rick. You're not making trouble again right?"

A strong feminine voice was heard and at once everyone who was watching the scene looked in the direction of a woman.

Wearing high heels, a formal pantsuit tightly constricting her sexy body, and a bag in her hands the woman stood tall as she exuded an immense amount of confidence and proud.

Jack and the guy, who was called Rick, looked toward the woman as well.

Rick chuckled as he said: "Oh Miss. Rover. It's nothing I was just talking peacefully to this underclassman here."

The blonde woman, most likely a teacher at this school, stood tall as she glared at Jack and the guy in front of him.

Jack couldn't help but notice her sexiness and beauty. But something scared him about her as well.

"I see, class is starting soon, so better get to it. You don't be late to your first class, right Rick?" The woman said with a piercing gaze.

"Sure sure, miss Rover." Rick said as his grip lessened on Jack's shoulder.

The teacher then left walking firmly on her high heels, all students making a path for her. Her amazing butt swaying from side to side.

Rick turned his eyes back to Jack.

"You're lucky this time, but make sure not to annoy me again."

Jack nodded fast as he turned to walk away. In doing so he slipped and began to stumble.

In doing so his hands flailed uncontrollably until one hand fell on top of something soft.

He quickly recovered his unstable body as he looked up and saw a pretty yet extremely pissed face looking at him. He then realized he was doomed.

"You fucking pervert."

Quickly he retracted his hand that had fallen precisely on top of Stella's soft big breast. Not only had he knocked her down, but now he openly groped her.

"I-It was an accident," Jack said quickly, knowing this wouldn't help at all.

"Accident my ass, you little shit."

"You're kidding me, right? Seems like I need to give you a proper welcome to this school." Rick said from behind Jack.

He gulped seeing the fury in his eyes and as he said: "I'm sorryyyyy," Jack quickly ran away.

He could see all the other students murmuring and looking at him with pity, as he quickly made his way away from Rick and Stella.

"Tss, little shit, better not let me see you again. C'mon honey, let's go to class," Rick said as he grabbed Stella's hand. None of the students dared to stand in their way.

Meanwhile, Jack had made some distance. He knew he was royally fucked though. He hadn't been here for more than a few minutes but already made an enemy and it was such a rough delinquent guy.

After catching his breath, he made his way to his classroom. He went inside and made his way to an open chair in the back.

From seeing the other classmates' gazes, he knew the scene at the main entrance had already spread like fire. He let out a big sigh, knowing his high school social life had already taken a big hit.

Then all the attention swapped away from him as a beautiful girl entered the classroom.

"W-wow, she's cute."

"She looks amazing."

Jack heard the people around him admire the girl, but for him, her appearance wasn't anything new. After all, he had known her since they were babies as they were neighbors.

Kayla's beautiful curly brown hair, gorgeously cute face, and soft slender body made her an immediate big hit as some boys tried to talk to her and some girls wanted to befriend her immediately.

She smiled and happily talked to the people around her, yet even though Jack and she had known each other a long time, she didn't give him any time of day.

This was nothing new to him as the entire time in middle school she had avoided him like the plague. In the long distant past, they used to be friends, but now she wanted nothing to do with him. Even though it was a mystery for him why she avoided him.

Not long after the uproar of Kayla entering the classroom had started to dwindle, everyone's eyes were fixed on the door once more as now their teacher walked in.

With a confident stride, she made her way to the teacher's desk and sat down her bag.

"Everybody sit down at your desk."

Jack gulped as he heard to strong dominant voice. But that wasn't what he was paying attention to at all, after all the sheer beauty of this woman was out of this world.

He recognized her as the woman from the entrance, which had stopped Rick the first time. He hadn't gotten that good a view of her at that time, but now seeing her flowy golden blonde hair. Sexy strong eyes, cute nose, and red pursed lips, along with her great body, he realized what a woman this was.

As she turned around to write something on a whiteboard, her amazing perky butt was shown to him as well.

"I'm Miss. Rover. I'll be your homeroom as well as your math teacher this year. Now let's start by introducing."

Jack barely noticed any of the introductions as he looked at his beautiful teacher. He was only sixteen, but his sexual desire had long since awakened and now he was taking a great mental picture for later in the day. He knew a woman like this wouldn't look at him twice, so all he could do was fantasize about her.

When it was his turn, he quickly introduced himself. When he looked around though, no one really seemed to care. Especially, Kayla didn't even look at him.

He sat back down after finishing, knowing it could be another lonely year once more for him. Still, he would be fine, after all, it wasn't anything new. It just meant his wish after entering High School was already doomed to fail.

It didn't take long before all the introductions finished, and she continued the first class of the day.

The rest of the day nothing changed for Jack, as most classmates deliberately chose not to get close to him.

The reason for this was naturally the commotion he caused at the entrance. And from what he heard it was even worse than he thought.

Rick, the guy whose girlfriend he openly groped, was the main delinquent of this school and a tough guy. There were even rumors that his family was part of a criminal enterprise.

This made it only clearer for Jack that he should try to avoid Rick as best as he could. He would walk with a big range around him, hoping one day he wouldn't even remember him anymore.

Then after a horrible first day, the school bell rang one last time and he could head home. He made sure to quickly leave the school grounds as he walked home.

His house was only a 10-minute walk from the school, so he arrived home quickly.

"Ah Jack, had a good first day at school."

Jack swallowed his saliva seeing the mature woman working in her front garden.

This was the woman who had awoken his sexual desires early one and for years he had fantasized about her.

"H-hi Mrs. Adams,"

"School was good," he lied, after all, it wasn't good at all.

Seeing her huge mounds move as she walked a bit toward him, he licked his lips.

Even though this woman was in her late thirties, her beauty hadn't diminished at all. Her full brown hair, mature gorgeous face. And what he liked the most was her amazing curvaceous body. Her huge breasts made everyone else's tits look like nothing in comparison. Yet her waist was nice and tight, followed by a great big ass.

She most assuredly was the woman he had jerked off to the most, and his dream was one day to be able to do it with her. It was a dream that he never even once thought plausible to achieve though.

"That's great Jack," she said with a smile.

Jack could barely hold his lewd thoughts about her as he said: "I-I need to head inside. S-see you Mrs. Adams."

"Ah sure Jack, see you."

Jack quickly entered his own house where no one was home as his parents were working.

He ran up the stairs to his room, threw his bag to the side, and fell face flat on top of the bed.

"Why me? Why do I always have to be so unlucky?"

The scene he caused at the main entrance hadn't been the first time something like that happened. Whenever he wanted to make friends, go have some fun, or whatever, something unlucky happened and everybody wouldn't even look at him anymore.

The times he had embarrassed himself couldn't be counted by his fingers.

He turned around on his back and said out loud: "It wasn't all that bad though, they felt really soft."

It was his first time touching a girl's breast. And it was a complete beauty as well. The only thing, it made him look like a perverted molester. But he touched a breast, nonetheless.

"I wonder how Mrs. Adams would feel. I'm sure they'll be amazing. Ah, I want to touch them. And kiss her. a-and fuck her," Jack said out loud letting out all of his perverted thoughts. He had thought about her amazing body so many times, while masturbating that now all that he wanted was to do her. Just once would be so amazing.

"Haah," he let out a sigh his hands falling down as he came back to earth. He knew something like that would never happen.

He closed his eyes and for some reason, he quickly fell asleep.

[My poor child, let me help you.]

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