
Chapter 18

~ Discharge time ~ (Friday)

~ Jungkook's POV ~

It's finally time for Taehyung to go home. We all are so excited for him but nervous because we don't know how he'll act towards us and we know it will not be the same.

I'm just going to try to be there for him as much as possible but try to keep the affection I usually give him at a minimum because I know he's not comfortable enough yet.

Aww, that means I don't get my morning hugs and kisses. Ah, whatever I'll do it if it means Taehyung will get better.

I just hope with time he can get better quickly and then maybe I can finally get to propose to the love of my life.

I just hope Taehyung is okay and feeling better now.

~ Taehyung's POV ~

I'm not okay.

Weirdly, it's like instead of better I feel worse.

(Welp there goes that. Sorry Jungkook 😅)

I'm glad to finally go home but that means I'm going home with Jungkook don't get me wrong I love him it's just I don't want him to treat me as if I'm broken.

I don't want anyone to treat me like that especially Jungkook but he already treats me like I'm fragile and like a baby, as it is I used to like it.

It used to make me think he loves me and wants to protect me at all costs but after this, I don't like it anymore because that was before he knew about my past and before all this kidnapping thing happened.

It makes me feel like he thinks I'm a baby and not strong, and if he says or does something wrong I could break or something.

I don't know I just don't like the look he gives me the look that is like pitying me. And I didn't want that that's why I didn't tell him in the first place. I feel like I would have to break up with him if he treats me like that. No, I would talk to him first.

The only person who treats me like nothing has changed is Yoongi I don't know if it's because he knew before all this happened or what but whatever it is I'm thankful that I at least have one person who treats me like nothing happened.

Ugh, forget all this.

Taehyung you can do this let's go home!

Okay, I got this.

After I got all my things together and got dressed and ready to go I hear a few knocks at the door and a voice telling me "are you ready? I already signed you out so all you have to do is go okay?"

I open the door and I was kinda surprised to see Jin Hyung smiling there. I get over my surprise and answer with a small nod.

I was a little surprised to see him because he hates hospitals and didn't come to see me a lot more like three times since I've been here but I don't blame him if I didn't have to be here I wouldn't want to be here either. I didn't even want to be here anyway.

"So... um, how are you feeling?" Jin asks me when we start walking out of my hospital room.

"Jin can I ask you something?" I say as I sigh.

"Of course," He says smiling.

"Every damn time you see me stop asking me how I am. It's annoying and you'll most likely get the same answer." I say a bit harsher than I meant to.

"Oh um okay sorry," Jin says with a frown.

*Sighs* "No I'm sorry it's just I don't like it when you ask me it reminds me of everything that happened," Taehyung says putting his head down in shame for snapping at Jin. He's been doing that a lot recently at everyone who just tries to help him.

"Hey it's okay I get it from now on I won't okay? Unless you come to me first. Is that okay?" Jin says worried but with a small smile forming on his face.

Taehyung quietly laughs a little "Yeah thanks"


"Sorry to break it to you but that was a pity laugh" out of nowhere I hear Yoongi Hyung answer Jin's dramatic speech.

"IT WAS NOT!" Jin says quickly. "Would you like dinner tonight?"

"Um yeah?" Yoongi says confused.

"THEN SHUT UP!" Jin says rather loudly.

Meanwhile, there's a smile on all the boy's faces who are watching a few feet away because Tae is giggling but Jin and Yoongi are too busy bickering to notice.

It's nice to see him smile.

They have missed his adorable boxy smile.

(Btw Jin threatened Yoongi with no dinner because every Friday night they get together and have like a family dinner and of course Jin cooks it 🥺😂 Question of the day: What's your zodiac sign?)

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