
33- unicorns

I hadn't told anyone apart from Harry about my scar but I don't think I needed to, they would just be worried and come up with some sort of excuse to tell someone. I needed to talk to Dumbledore about what happened with snowball last night and soon, I was beyond confused. Hermione, Ron and Harry were already down at breakfast becuase I had taken a while getting ready.

I quickly grabbed a chocolate croissant and waved them goodbye, they called after me but I just ran to his office. Before I went and picked up Snowball so I could bring her with me. I was really out of breath by the time I had opened his door to his office. He turned around and looked shocked to see me,

"Why Miss Lupin- Black, what brings you here this early?"

"Sir, it's my cat, so basically I had a nightmare last night and she came up and joined me on the bed and SHE STARTED GLOWING, GLOWING PROFESSOR, NORMAL CATS DONT DO THAT" he chucked as I rambled on,

"Miss Lupin Black calm down, your cat is very special, she has been connected to a spirit, a spirit that was sent by myself and Professor McGonagall to keep you safe and let you have company when you were locked away at your mothers" my eyes were so wide,

"How come you never told me before this Professor"

"I needed you to find it yourself"

"Does that mean she won't help me anymore Professor because I know?"

"No dear, the spirit within Snowball will leave you when she feels that you no longer need her, but you will still have your beloved pet cat just not a magical creature"

"I will always need her, she can't leave me." I tried to persuade him to never let her leave me.

"Trust me one day you will be ready" she had fallen asleep in my arms. Dumbledore looked over his half moon glasses, he looked so wise, I will always need Dumbledore, just like I needed Snowball.

I explained it all to Harry, Ron and Hermione, they all were shocked to say the least and it was quite funny. Harry, Hermione and Ron went to history of magic whilst I went to care of magical creatures. I was one of the only ones doing it for my OWLS, not many people appreciate it as a lesson, but I do. Professor Grubbly-Plank was down by the forest because that's where we decided to meet for my lesson. No one else was there so I was hoping that I would be getting a private lesson today. I find it easier to work alone, it's much more simple than having people breathing down your back. We were studying unicorns today, I offered to go into the forest to see if I could find the herd. Apparently one of the unicorns were injured and we had to protect them, unicorn blood is important, it can keep you alive even if you are in the verge of death but it comes with a price, you are cursed for life if you drink unicorn blood, also it is a big impact if a unicorn passes away because they are such a sacred animal. I found the herd pretty quickly, there was a baby lying on the floor. It looked like it was bleeding, I didn't have enough time to get it to the castle so I had to do something here, I bowed to the unicorns to show that I wasn't a threat and they let me come towards the small unicorn. It was a calf, no more than 2 months old, I don't know what happened but all I know was that I had to help this poor creature. I channeled most of my energy into my hands, I held them over the creature. I thought of what I needed to save, I pictured the young unicorn in my mind, bouncing around completely fine, I hadn't used my healing powers in a while so I didn't know exactly what was going to happen. I opened my eyes as my hands started to glow, I began to feel tired as the magic took a lot of power of out me. The unicorn started to stand up and nuzzle me to do the same. I felt really faint, I grabbed a piece of chocolate out of my pocket as I started to eat it. Whenever I felt faint at home dad would always give me chocolate it really helps. The young unicorn was completely fine, the elder unicorns came over to me and nuzzled my side. Next thing I know I'm being hoisted up onto a male unicorns back, Jesus, I was riding a unicorn. I led them to the front of the forest where professor was waiting for me, her hand flew to her mouth when she saw that I was riding a unicorn. I explained to her what happened and how I healed the unicorn. She was quite proud,

"Well Miss Lupin-Black, I am very proud of you. These creatures aren't known to trust very easily, let alone someone ride them, in all my years of teaching and existence, I have never seen someone ride a unicorn."I blushed as I looked down,

"Well Holly, if you care about these creatures this much I can see a job for you in this department later on in life for sure" this got me excited,

"It's my dream to work with magical creatures" I knelt down as I stroked the mane of the young unicorn. Professor Grubbly-Plank looked at her watch and then told me I was clear to go as class had finished. I said I wanted to stay with the unicorns for a while, she let me but made me promise that I would make sure they went back in the forest when I left. I sat down on the grass and brushed my fingers over the scar on my hand, the words were still clearly visible, it saddened me to look at those words but then the youngest unicorn brushed his nose along my hand and laid it's head in my lap. I smiled slightly as the rest of the unicorns began to lay down all around me, this is when I knew for sure that I wanted to work in the field, with magical creatures. I wonder if care of magical creatures professor will be available when I leave hogwarts.

I thought that I could go back to the common room so I could revise for my herbology exam because God knows that I'm not the best at that subject, I thought Neville could help me like did last year I actually got a decent mark when he helped me out.

When I walked through the porter to the common room Hermione was pacing the room complaining to Harry and Ron was on the sofa she turned to me and grabbed my arms.

"Don't you agree Holly?"

"Um come again, I've missed half of the conversation" I could hear Ron and Harry sniggering behind her,

"Oh yeah sorry, we think that Harry should help us to learn defensive spells for DADA because we all know that the Umbridge woman, doesn't actually teach us and only tortures us." When she said this, my hand flew to my other hand slowly, I looked up to see Harry looking at me, his eyes were filled with worry and concern. I looked away as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Um I mean it's true but it is Harry's decision at the end of the day anyway, I was wondering have any of you seen Neville anywhere I was going to ask him to help me with herbology. Hermione nodded and turned back to me,

"Neville's upstairs in his dorm, also are you ok Hols, you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Um yeah I'm fine, I'll see you guys later" I waved as I walked up the stairs towards Neville's dorm.

He was sat in his bed when I walked in, his herbology textbooks spread out across the bed.

"Omg Nev I have great news I'm so excited!"

"What is it Holzy, I haven't seen you this excited since they introduced chocolate croissants on the breakfast menu"

"Ha ha your very funny Nev, anyway you'll never guess what I did in care of magical creatures today, I used my powers to heal and baby calf and then rode the elder unicorn!"

His eyes went wide as he came up and hugged me,

"Omg I'm so proud of you, you're truly amazing"

"Oh I actually came to ask a favour l, would you mind helping me with herbology, you know I'm useless at this"

"Your not useless, you just need to get the facts in your head" he made space on his bed so I could sit and pulled my herbology textbook out.

Throughout the study session, we talked about so much stuff, he told me about his crush on Luna and I was trying to persuade him to ask her out. We nearly ate all of my chocolate stash, so I made a mental note to buy a lot more when I went out to hogsmeade. I felt like I needed to tell him about what happened with Umbridge and my scar. When I told him, I held out my hand, he brushed his finger over the words reading them carefully. He wasn't angry like I thought he was, he just pulled me into a hug. I tried to keep my tears in but it wasn't working. He pulled out of the hug and wiped the tears from my eyes. He grabbed my other hand and I was confused but let him hold it anyway, he pulled out the soft quills and started to write on my hand, it didn't hurt but it tickled, I started laughing and when he finished I looked at the writing on my hands, it read, 'Holly Lupin-Black, the best girl in the world" tears sprung to my eyes, I cast a spell on my hand to make it stay on there and not wash off. I flung my arms around his neck as he laughed,

"Thank you Neville"

"No problem Holly"

I couldn't stop looking at my hand all day, it made me smile whenever I looked at it, Neville was truly the best friend I could ever ask for in my life. Hermione wondered why I kept looking at my had so she grabbed it, thank god she didn't grab the one with the bad message,

"Awww Holly who was that from?"

"Neville, he's the sweetest"

"I think he likes you" she smirked at me,

"Wait no, we are just really good friends, anyway you like Ronald so you can't say anything"

"Wait if you don't like Neville, who do you like" she came over and sat on my bed so we were closer. She put a silencing charm over the bed and closed the curtains so we could have girl talk,

"I mean, Hermione, I was actually going to talk to you about this"

"It's Harry isn't it" I shoved her arm,

"Nooooo, maybe, yes, I really really like him" she hugged me sideways,

"I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT." She was so excited it was quite funny, I loved her so much,

"He likes you to, I should try and persuade him to ask you to hogsmeade" I blushed so much, i would love if Harry was to ask me to hogsmeade.

"He probably doesn't like me back anyway Mione"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS, HE LITERALLY SAID HE LOVED YOU WHEN YOU FELL ASLEEP IN HIS ARMS" her hand flew to her mouth, I don't think she was supposed to say that,

"Um ignore that, I wasn't supposed to say that"

"Did he really say that Mione" I was bright red by now,

"Ok but just because your my best friend, he did" her smile was as wide as mine. Harry said he loved me, I was pretty sure I loved him to. I brushed my fingers over the necklace around my neck, I was never going to take this off.