
24- Yule ball part 1

We had all been called into the great hall by Professor McGonagall. We all stood around the edge as she started talking about some sort of a ball. All the girls giggled with excitement but I couldn't be more annoyed. Dancing and dressing up, couldn't think of anything worse. The boys didn't seem to exited but I could already tell they were planning on asking girls. If I did go to the ball, I wouldn't mind going with Harry. As friends, you know. Oh who am I kidding, I'd love to be Harry's date to the ball but who cares, he's been in love with Cho Chang ever since he first laid eyes on her. She's so annoying. Anyway I tuned back into the conversation when she called Ron up. All the boys wolf whistled as he placed his hands on her waist. I laughed along with Hermione when we noticed what was going on. The other girls looked at us with disgust but we didn't care. We were never gonna let Ron live this down. McGonagall stood after she finished the song and called over everyone else to learn how to dance. I had no interest in learning to dance.

"Miss Black will you please stand and join us." I could hear laughter in her voice, she knew this was the last thing I would want to do.

"Um miss I don't dance, I don't think I'll even be attending." I could see a couple of boys faces drop as I finished my sentence. It was rather funny. McGonagall still wouldn't let me sit in peace

"Nonsense miss Black, you'll dance with Potter right now." I glanced over to Harry who had a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes as I stood up knowing I wasn't going to win, as I walked over to Harry I was nudged to the floor by none other than Pansy Parkinson, the girl who has been in love with Draco since first year, Jesus she's a nightmare. I stood quickly up of the floor as I took my wand out. Minnie wasn't looking so my chance was now. I was going to hex Pansy into oblivion. But before I could do anything I was picked up by the waist and spun around.

"Harry James Potter you put me down right now." I cried as I was placed onto the ground. I straightened out my uniform as best I could although with my top button undone, my tie loose and my shirt untucked just like my fathers when he was a student. Apparently I look a lot like him, same facial features and dark hair. I looked up as a familiar smirk met my face. His green eyes looking into my grey ones. Ugh he's so annoying.

"You don't actually expect me to dance Potter do you?" I said as he put his arms round my shoulders.

"Yes I do and you will dance with me right now." I just rolled me eyes and I placed my arms round his neck. I couldn't dance to save my life. To be fair neither could Harry. It was quite fun, although don't tell anyone I said that. He lowered his arms to go round my waist. I flinched at the touch as I had many scars there from my mother, but Harry's touch was gentle. I laid my head in his chest. His arms became fidgety as his cheeks turned bright red, it was rather funny. The music stopped as I turned to Harry,

"Yeah I'm never doing that again Potter." He smirked as he looked down at me,

"Not even if it's with me." I just laughed as I walked out the great hall with Harry. A Ravenclaw boy was waiting outside the great hall and grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Um hi do i know you." I said awkwardly as he removed his arm from mine. I could see Harry waiting round the corner.

"Uhhh probably not but I know you and I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the ball." He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. I swear I saw Harry's face drop as he said this but oh well probably nothing.

"Um I would but I don't even think I'm going." I said nervously as his facial expression changed from nervousness to sadness. He just waved and said that he'll see me around as he walked off. I walked over to Harry as he handed me my bag that he had been carrying.

"So you're not even going."

"You know balls aren't really my style Potter." He just laughed as we walked to the courtyard. Hermione immediately grabbed my arm as she saw me and took me off to a corridor. She looked incredibly flustered.

"Hey Mione calm down." I held her shoulders as she panted trying to get her words out.

"I was just asked to the ball by Viktor Krum."

"Woah Mione that's amazing." I said as I hugged her, she looked really happy, I was happy for her to. I told her that I wasn't going and she hit me with her potions book. She literally forced me to come. She said I didn't need a date and that I could come later so I didn't have to be there for the whole thing. I figured that was a pretty good deal. As we walked to potions I had already turned down another boy, he was in our year Alex Blake I think his name was, he was a Hufflepuff. I just used the excuse that I wasn't going. As I sat down in potions we were just revising for the end of year exam. I was sat in between Hermione and Harry. Ron was the other side of Harry, they were talking about dates as Harry turned to me,

"Hey Holly, how do you think I could as Cho to the ball?" Ugh of course he wanted Cho. I really didn't want to give him advice but as his best friend i wanted him to be happy either way.

"Um just be yourself if she doesn't like you for you then why like her." He just nodded as he finished up his potions. Ron threw a piece of paper at Hermione as I just listened into the conversation.

"Hey Hermione you're a girl"

"Yeah well spotted." I tried to hide a laugh as she made this comment as I bumped her leg.

"Well Hermione would you fancy coming with me, I mean it's ok for a guy to go without a date but a girl is just embarrassing. I mean at this point, we will be the only ones without a date well obviously apart from Neville."

I just rolled my eyes and stared at Hermione with an is he serious look on my face. She closed her potions book as she stood up.

"Well, Nevilles already got a date, your sister." Ron's face dropped as I laughed. "And anyway I've already got a date and I said yes." She hit Ron on the head as she walked over to Snape. Ron then turned his attention to me.

"Well Holly you haven't got a date have you?" I just scoffed,

"No I haven't Ronald and I don't need one, I'm not going." I closed my potions book the same way Hermione did, by slamming it. As I walked off. The Yule hall was tomorrow night. Christmas Eve. We were spending Christmas at Hogwarts this year, I guess it wasn't to bad, I just wish I could see Remus and Bill and my father. I walked up to the common room as I met with Hermione who was sat on the sofa by the fireplace in her usual seat. I sat with her as i plaited her hair as she read her favourite book. Hogwarts a history. What a surprise Hermione.

After a while the portrait swung open, and in came Ron surrounded by loads of Gryffindors. He looked extremely panicked. Turns out he tried to ask Fluer Delacour to the ball by screaming at her. I was no longer able to keep in my laughter as everyone followed. We were all laughing so much when the portrait swung open again revealing a very sad looking Harry. Turns out Cho said no, but I'm kinda glad. In that moment I had the most genius idea. I grabbed both Harry and Ron and both the patil twins. They both needed dates to. It was like I was working on matchmaker. Now they both had dates. Maybe not who they wanted but at least they had dates.

After everything had calmed down I walked with Harry and Ron to their dorms. I laughed as Ron pulled out his dress robes, they were horrid. I decided that I would be nice and enchant them to look suitable for a teenagers ball. It was funny watching his face as the red multicoloured robes changed into a still amber set. They actually looked quite handsome and didn't clash with his hair. It was getting pretty late and I was exhausted so I decided to go to my own down where Hermione was getting ready for bed. I knew I wasn't going to sleep so I got as comfy as I could in my bed knowing that I would be there for a while. I got into my burgundy joggers, my quidditch jumper and tied my hair into a messy bun. I laid down on my bed and closed the curtains as I got my book out my bag. It was all about raising a hippogriff, a perfect book for help with Lyra. Snowball had come and she was laying on my stomach. She was fast asleep. Watching her in the silent dorm and only hearing the girls breathing made me exhausted but I didn't want to sleep. I'd see something I don't wanna see. My eyes got the better of me as they started to close. Next thing I know I'm back in a vision. But I wasn't at the graveyard. I was at hogwarts. It was mad eye moody except he wasn't himself. He was a death eater known as Barty Krouch junior. What if this was real and Mad eye wasn't actually him. He noticed me and immediately shut the door I was looking through.

I shot up in my bed realising Hermione was stood over me along with the other girls. I was sweating a lot. Hermione had her arms on my shoulders shaking me. It took me a while to adjust to the light in the room. Hermione was the first of the girls to start speaking,

"Holly what happened you were whispering in your sleep, shaking just like the day at the great hall." I couldn't tell her everything, she was obviously worried as her voice broke and wobbled as she spoke to me. I just jumped out of bed and hugged her slightly knocking her back. I was now crying into her shoulders as the other girls left the room. Hermione rubbed the back of my head as I held her tightly.

"Right let's get ready for breakfast, after that I need help getting ready for the ball I know I need help, I need your help, you're really good at makeup you just don't do it." I just laughed as I released her from my grasp. She didn't ask anything about the nightmare which I appreciated. Hermione was more of a best friend, she was a sister to me. It wasn't a school day so I changed into my quidditch hoodie and my leggings with my ugg boots. My hair was in a messy bun on the top of my head. I waited for Hermione as we both walked down to the great hall. Harry and Ron were already sat down there waiting for us. Ron was already eating surprise surprise. I sat down next to Hermione as she pushed a bowl of my favourite cereal in-front of me. I had no hesitation in eating it. We sat and talked for a while as we waited for mail. As the owls flew into the great hall I saw Mystic among them. She was pretty easy to spot as she was the only pure black owl. She dropped three letters onto my plate. I was confused why did I have three letters. I only wrote to Remus and Bill. I grabbed a piece of sausage off of Ron's plate and handed it to Mystic as she flew off. Ron gave me a displeased look as I just rolled my eyes and handed him another sausage. I looked at the three letter in front of me. I picked up Remus' first. His letter was short,

Dear Akaila,

Don't think I forgot about Christmas, I'm sending mine and your fathers gifts to you tomorrow. And the full moon went alright, I had Sirius and we went into a forest near the house. I miss you so much Akaila, I also heard about a ball, when I heard about it I just laughed, there's no way you're actually going to enjoy this. Also the dress that Molly sent you, was picked by me. It belonged to my sister. Your aunt. She passed away when she was your age and I thought it's only right to pass down the dress, she would've wanted you to have it. I love you, see you soon

Moony x

The dress actually belonged to my aunt. I never even heard about her before today but I'm so happy Remus actually trusts me with it, it is a beautiful dress. I didn't want to open Bills letter here as i know what it would include. I just put it in my pocket as I held the other letter, I could tell immediately who it was from. My mother

To Holly,

Surprised to hear from me you brat, thinking you could just run away from me in the dead of night. Oh trust me dearie if I find out where you are you'll be much more harmed than just bruises and scars

From your dear mother.

I jumped from my seat as I dropped the letter. Harry picked it up as he read through it. Everyone was now looking at me as I was crying but i didn't care. How did she find me, I don't know what to do. McGonagall and Dumbledore ran over to us as Harry handed them the letter. Dumbledore spoke to McGonagall in a quiet enough tone that we could still hear,

"Minerva, please warn Sirius, Molly, Remus, Arthur and Bill Weasley please." I was now shaking. Hermione was stood up and wrapped her arms around me. I broke free from her arms as I ran from the hall ignoring the calls coming after me. I knew exactly where to run to. Lyra. When I found myself at her pen. Hagrid was there feeding her. When he saw me crying and shaking he immediately ran up to me. He didn't say anything.

"Hagrid, she found me, that women found me." I cried. He knew what I meant. He just hugged me as I walked over to Lyra. She came over to me and sat in my lap. Nudging my head with her beak.

"She knows you're her mother now Holly." Hagrid spoke quietly as he sat down next to us. I didn't know what my future was to hold but I knew I was safe at hogwarts.

After a while I walked back up to the common room. I realised Hermione needed my help with her outfit. I walked through the portrait and no one was in the common room, probably all getting ready for the ball. I walked up to our dorm. I sorted out my appearance before walking In. My hair was now neat and so were my clothes. Hermione rushed over to me and hugged me. She had half her make up applied. I sat down with her as I finished her makeup. She was truly excited to go to the ball with Viktor. No one knew who her date was yet. She had styled her hair beautifully and after about 2 hours it was time for the ball to start. I brought Hermione down the stairs to meet Viktor. It was like handing her off in marriage. When I went back to the common room Ron and Harry were leaving with their dates. The last thing they said to me was, 'try and enjoy yourself please.' I was going to enjoy myself, I was going to the ball and I was going to be fashionably late.