
Chapter Two

The last few hours have gone by quickly. I realize now I spent most of it with my thoughts in another place. Rumors were quickly spread during the earlier hours of the day about several new students who recently transferred here from Alaska. While everyone else's minds were trained on the idea of who they were and what they looked like I sat daydreaming about the beauty of the state they've come from. Pictures, unfortunately, were as close as I have come so far. Most people like to guess that my dream is to travel but that's not even half of it. What no one can guess is that my heart yearns for the outdoors. It is the one thing I'm proud to say I learned from my father who equally loved to explore the outdoors and taught me all I know about surviving in it. That being said is another one of the reasons why I hate him for abandoning us in this city.

The bell from the final class of the day rang just as I entered the classroom. Somehow I managed to be one of the first students in the room for once. As always I made my way to the back of the classroom nearest the large windows that allowed the bright sun to shine through, warming my awaiting seat. As soon as I sat down I let myself soak up the warmth. Crossing my arms over the table in front of me I dipped my head and closed my eyes. By the time everyone else filed into the room I was dozing comfortably until the shuffling of the chair closest to me snapped me out of it. Irritated I threw the unwelcomed party a warning glare saying "You should find a new seat." but was cut off midway by the large hand he placed on my shoulder. Slightly bleary-eyed I gave him a half-hearted smile and attempted to blow the hair from my eyes. Too quickly did I notice the obnoxious whispering a few rows ahead of us from the girls who had accompanied Jakob into the class. As usual, they split as soon as they saw me. It was nothing new, Jakob has always been popular with his broad face and strikingly deep-set green eyes. He isn't only handsome but he has a great personality, always giving off a warm glow that drags even the other guys in his direction. There isn't a single person he's not kind too. At one point in my life, it drove me nuts with jealousy having been, like most others, quickly and uncontrollably attached. However, he had always gone out of his way to assure my younger self that we were each other's best friends and no one could come between us. I was a selfish child I will admit. But only when it came to him. As I grew older I've grown out of that way of thinking especially as our relationship grew to what it is now. Unbreakable.

We met for the first time during the 6th grade not long after my father had left. I remember standing just outside the entrance to that "cold and scary" classroom peering inside. It was the second day in a row my mother left me there saying "I'll come back after 2 this afternoon."

As I stood there several other children came shoving in the room from behind me leaving me to trip and then stand awkwardly near the center of the room. The eyes of the laughing and pointing classmates struck me all at once. I tried very hard not to cry but I was all too aware of them. Dropping my burning gaze to the ground, I stared at my scrawny legs hoping I would just disappear. A few moments more went by until the teacher arrived guiding me to the far side of the room to sit with a table of children who giggled and laughed uncontrollably as I sat in the seat. I came to find out later that the chair which they had me sit in was previously occupied by a girl who made a habit of wetting her pants almost every day...

Later that same day everyone made their way to the cafeteria, I continued walking slowly towards the line avoiding any chances of having to talk to someone. Having been handed the unfortunate-looking tray of apple sauce in a cup and sloppy joe I turned too fast crashing into an older female classmate who swung her arms up to block my tray causing it to land square on my chest. Without having to look I felt the whole room turn silent and train there eyes on me. Hot tears welled in my eyes. The supervising lunch attendant quickly made his way to my side attempting to take my arm and show me out of the room. Before I let him take a step I ripped my arm out of his grip and ran to the closest room I could find. The restroom. Slamming the stall door I turned around and quickly wiped the tears that threatened to spill down my face. "Damn it!" I yelled kicking the stall door as hard as I could. Only to regret it when the pain in my foot reverberated all the way up my leg. Angry for letting myself be so weak I conjured up all the bad words my brain could muster at my young age and began spewing them out in an attempt to vent all my irritation. Among words like "Butthead, Idiot, Stupid" the best I would come up with was "Damn it." which I chose to repeat over and over again until a small knock on the stall door startled me to silence.

"You okay in there?" A boy's voice questioned with concern that I took for mocking.

I croaked, "What are you doing here?" Sniffing quickly, I cleared my throat hoping I wouldn't sound as though I had been crying.

"I should be asking you that," he said attempting to stifle a small laugh. The shock and embarrassment I originally had towards him washed away leaving me with a strong irritation. I sighed loudly to show just how much before unlock and pushing the stall door open with enough force to make the boy jump backward.

"What did you say. It's not funny." I said whilst walking to stand face to face with him. I was caught off guard by the strikingly bright green eyes and thick wavy blonde hair he had. Returning my own unhappy expression with one of his own I clenched my fists gearing up for a fight. Then he did something that felt a lot like a bucket of ice-cold water being dumped on my head. He gave me a sizeable crooked smile, proudly sporting the single dimple on his cheek.

"You are in the boy's bathroom you know."

I stared at him gaping before my eyes flew to the far wall and saw the boys urinal that proved it all. Slowly my eyes made there way back to his face as red hot shame filled my cheeks. The smile hadn't left his face, I didn't know whether to run again or stand firm. I could tell him he's wrong and try to argue my way out. I knew that wouldn't work. I straightened my back, clenched my fists and willed my chin to stop wobbling as I waited for his loud laughter that could potentially bring more people in here to embarrass me further. I'll just have to quiet him before he gets to that point right? I knew that I promised my mom no more fighting. But just this once would be okay. I readied myself to give him one, "right in the kisser" as my dad had liked to call it. To my surprise, he turned around and walked away. Watching him go I half expected him to walk out the door and yell for someone, most likely for help but instead, he walked towards the paper towel dispenser and began pulling several sheets out. Dumbstruck I let him walk back and grab my wrist then lead me towards the sink. From there, he handed me a towel and smiled sweetly the way I realize now he had been all along. "Better get cleaned up quickly before someone comes in," he told me before disappearing out the door. I turned to look at myself in the mirror to see just how much of a mess I was. The sloppy joe even managed to get in my unruly hair.

"I forgot!" The boy said peeking his head around the door to the room. I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"I'm Jakob, I'll save you a seat in class!" he said amusement playing across his face at my startled expression. Then he was gone again.

Jamming my hands in into the small pockets of the now stained dress my mom insisted I wore to school I sighed heavily and braced myself as I walked into the class. Again I froze halfway there. My feet felt too big and too heavy to move, AGAIN the classroom was filled with loud kids that I swore were pointing fingers. Why do I have to go to school, I mean who wants to sit around with a bunch of dumb kids and read children's stories anyway? I wish I were home with my new puppy Ban. A present my mom hoped would snap me out of the constant "Mood swings" I'm in lately... It hadn't made sense to me either, I thought I was just being me. The boy with bright greens eyes, Jakob, waved me over calling my name. I never told him my name? Reluctantly I made my way to him and found the open seat he claimed to have saved for me. Inside I felt grateful and relieved, but on the outside, I was unsure and waiting for it all to be some kind of joke. But then I saw his face. He looked genuinely happy I was there.

I wanted to return his smile and thank him but instead, all I said was "What are you looking at?" my cheeks were hot with embarrassment but he just kept staring with a goofy grin on his face that only made my cheeks burn hotter. I returned his stare attempting to act confident but his next words had all the pent up air inside me blow like a popped balloon.

"Your welcome," was all he said before leaving me to my own thoughts whilst he continued to talk and laugh with the rest of the other kids at the table.

Ever since that first day we've been stuck like glue.

Now here we are, we're sitting here together in our Senior year of high school and Jakobs looking at me like I just came back from the dead.

"What happened to you?" he asked wide-eyed. I can't begin to imagine what he means so I throw him a confused look while watch his eyes travel to the top of my head.

"I leave you alone for one class and you completely fall apart." He laughed before snatching the hair tye off my wrist then standing to go at the crazy explosion that was apparently my hair. Rolling my blue eyes sarcastically

"That bad?" I asked.

"Worse." He said giving off a sarcastic expression as though it could be the end of the world. I sat back in my seat and relaxed while he piled my long dark hair high on my head not bothering to smooth the loose strands that curled softly around my face giving me a more elfin look than usual. Finishing up I listened to him mumble about how he was finally getting good at this. I stifled a laugh not wanting to offend him. Surprisingly enough he was really good at it. Sitting back down next to me I pulled a green jolly rancher lollipop from my bag as a peace offering.

"Thank you," I told him smiling inwardly to myself knowing one day he would make a one of a kind partner for that special woman in his life.

"I know what your thinking. Just stop." Jakob said as he sat back in his seat crossing his arms.

"I can't help it, it's true." I beamed like it was the most important thing I ever told him. He eyed me suspiciously from the side clearly contemplating what I said.

"Okay fine your kind of right." He said sheepishly sliding his arm across the table in front of him ignoring my pointed look. I know if he would look at me his cheeks would be shaded with the smallest hint of red over his light freckles making me smile even more.

The door to the classroom flew open revealing and angry and very late Mr. Grey, our Homeroom teacher followed by an eye-popping mass of golden curls and bright red lipstick. The girl dressed in all black with large almost gothic black heels wore an expression of snobby confidence, as she held her head high and walked forward like she knew everyone's eyes were on her. Quickly she managed to find the empty seat in the center of the room surrounded by a swarm of drooling boys. I watched her seat looking as though she was completely oblivious to the attention she was getting. Sliding her chair back she threw her feet up on her table and crossed her long legs. I went to elbow Jakob to ask who she was but found he was caught in the same awestruck trace as the rest. Placing a heavy hand on his shoulder feeling satisfied by his startled expression I leaned in closely to whisper in his ear,

"Looks like your going to have to get in line," I watched him shrug his shoulders and trying to play it cool

"Not my type anyway," he said directing his attention to the front of the class.

"Mhm sure shes not." This time Jakob elbowed me in the ribs while rolling his eyes sarcastically.

Mr. Grey impatiently cleared his throat once... then twice even louder quickly getting the attention of at least half the class. No one took him seriously with his neverending temper tantrums.

"Callie Richard," he said loud enough to reel in the rest of the class. "The others wouldn't be joining us anytime today would they?" his deep raspy voice often had everyone straining their ears to understand him. Ignoring his question, Callie, the new blonde tripping hazard, sat picking at her nails completely oblivious.

"Ms. Callie, I expect an answer from you." Mr. Grey croaked, his scruffy unshaven face began to turn a darker shade of red as his knuckles clenched tighter to the wooden podium he stood behind from the front of the class. Staring the girl down the hole classroom could feel the wave of curses rolling off his body like a slap to the face. While I sat slouched looking out the window towards the gray sky attempting to ignore it all, Jakob sat straight as a board, a deep concern etching his face. He is always worried about the health of others. That being said, with the teacher's constant emotional explosions and the lingering smell of alcohol, he makes the perfect candidate for Jakob's "Save The World." attitude. He'll make a great doctor one day, just like he wants.

Watching the flock of crows fly through the sky most likely in an attempt to find shelter from the oncoming dark clouds that continued to roll in, I couldn't help but wonder what I was going to do outside of high school. The idea of following Jakob around forever sounded amazing but I knew better, I need to find something for myself. I just don't know what. A thundercloud flashed in the distance, too far for me to hear it. The sight of it brought goosebumps to my arms and heavy feeling in my chest. I shifted uncomfortably wanting the feeling to stop. It wasn't the lighting I was afraid of it was something else. Something I couldn't even put a name to. No one else in the room seemed to feel what I was feeling they were all too bust attempting to tune out the teacher's angry ramblings. I rubbed my exposed arms lightly and set the feeling aside.

"...So I'll pick you up at 9 then," Jakob asked oblivious to the fact I hadn't heard anything he'd been saying for the last few minutes. My thoughts came to a halt when I realized he was staring at me expectantly.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

" Did you hear anything I said?" James sighed heavily and slumped his disappointed shoulders. I scrambled my brain for something but found myself short of nothing.

"Uh yea 9 o'clock sharp, got it!" I gave him the most reassuring smile I could muster. Jakob wide eye now raised an eyebrow no question me but said no more instead shrugging it off.

The rest of the class flew by quickly, I put as much attention as I could into my work Instead of mulling over the ominous feelings that continued to linger along with the curiosity of what exactly I had just gotten myself into with Jakob for the night.

Hey Guys, this is my first ever novel here! If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to comment and let me know. Thank you! - Plummy

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