
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 6 (M)


Namjoon woke up hearing a loud scream. He looked beside him. Jin was panting hard. He turn on the light. He saw his husband's eyes were teary. Namjoon immediately cupped his face.

"What happened Jinnie."

" I felt like Tae is calling me. He needs me. I saw a very bad dream Joon." Namjoon hugged him.

"It's just a dream Jin. He must be having fun with Jimin. He will take care of Tae yeah."

" I hope so Joon. I don't want my baby to get hurt."


(This part contain sexual content. If you are not comfortable then please skip)

It hurts...

Every part of his body hurts...

The drug wore off and slowly Taehyung got back to his conscious. Pain, He only felt pain. His whole body was aching. He felt a hand unlocking the hand cuffs. The man turned him around. He looked around and observed for a moment. The man was naked and so was he. The man hovered over him kissing his neck. He was in so much pain he couldn't move or utter a proper word.

" Good morning V, You gave me a good service last night..... But I think we can go for one more round yeah." Jungkook said sucking and licking his neck.

"S-stop... " He tried to speak but the man didn't stopped at all.

" No babe I want to have you one more time. Fuck you taste so good. " He said spreading his legs. He positioned his shaft on his hole. And entered him without warning.

" Ahhhhh... P-please.....s-stop...." Jungkook's mind was filled with lust to understand his innocent pleads. He sucked hard on his buds, thrusting fast and hard in him.

"Fuck, yes.... Argh... Your amazing V. So fucking amazing." He griped his waist tight and gave some rough thrust. Taehyung trembled in pain. He was in pain both psychically and mentally.

" H-hurts..."

" Yeah.... It hurts good V. You are so fucking good babe. I haven't had anyone this good before. Fuck! Your making me cum again. " He thrust few more times and cummed inside the condom. He falls beside him panting heavily.

" You're fucking amazing V." He said with heavy breath. " Fuck I want you more but I have to go to my work. " He got up from the bed left to the washroom, leaving a trembling Taehyung behind.

Taehyung tried to get up but his boy was aching like hell. A drop of tear escaped his eyes. He just lost his everything. He never had any precious thing in his life and now he even don't have his purity. He lost his virginity to a stranger. He sobbed hard and tried to get up again but falls on the floor. He sobbed again. The pain in his lower part is really hurting. He hides his face on his hands and sobbed again.

The sound of the knob clicking was heard and the man came out of the washroom ready to leave.

" Thanks for a great night V. " he said and grabbed his coat from the sofa.

Don't know what got into Taehyung on that moment. He pulled all his strength together and gripped his leg.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook said looking down confusingly.

"P-please take m-me with you." he said gripping his legs more. Don't know why Taehyung is trusting this stranger. May be because he was his first.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jungkook asked trying to free him from his grip.

" P-please. Y-you are my first." he said sobbing hard. "I promise..... I was kidnapped. Please t-take me away with y-you." Jungkook rubbed his temple. Don't know what kind of drama he got himself into.

"Look I don't know what are you talking about." He said annoyingly. Tried to get out of his grip.

"Please d-don't leave m-me. I w-will do anything you ask me. P-please don't l-leave me here. " Jungkook sighed and pulled his legs away. He walked out of the room leaving a sobbing Taehyung behind. His mind was fussy. He couldn't get out the image of the crying man.

He got to the reception where he found his friend talking to the long faced manager.

Yoongi said he would go after some hours but here he is laughing with the manager. Yoongi saw a frown in Jungkook 's face.

" You didn't like him?" Yoongi asked raising his eyes.

" No... He was..... perfect." Jungkook said wearing his coat.

"Than why are you frowning?" he asked.

" Nothing hyung. Let's just go." Jungkook walked out without looking back. But the whole time a certain crying man hunt his vision.


Don't know what I did?

Did anybody cried?

Writing smut is really hard. Better get some hobi water.

If you know me in real life...










I don't know you..

I have never seen you..

Who are you..

Author signing out..
