
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 46

Jungkook entered the room with a tray. Taehyung looked at him with the most adorable doe eyes. He smiled and kept the tray in front of him. Jungkook feed him with his own hands.

" Tae?" Jungkook called him while feeding. Taehyung smiled looking at him with doe eyes without speaking a word. Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness.

" Babe there is someone who wants to meet you."

" Me?" Taehyung asked in low voice.

" Yes babe. You remember the small girl in my cabin?" Taehyung's smile fell as he remembered how the girl called him Appa. He looked up with eyes ready to shed tears any minute. Jungkook cooed at his babe's innocence. He knew what his babe was thinking right now. Taehyung thinks he has now a family if his own. He pulled him to his chest for a hug, caressing his hair. Taehyung leaned over his chest.

" It's not what you're thinking love." He rubbed his back softly.

" Do you remember a little girl whom you gave your ice cream..... when we went for your 1st ice cream on the stall?" Taehyung nodded his head without speaking. Of-course he remembers every little moment he spend with his husband 4 years ago.

" She lived in an orphanage with her little sister. It was near the stall we went. I meet her again after you left. " He placed a soft kiss on his temple. " When I first saw her, she reminded me so much of you." He pecked his hair again. " So, I adopted them 4 years ago. Since then they have been waiting your you with me."

Taehyung pulled out of the hug again and looked at him with teary eyes. His eye brow curled and lips wobble in a pout again.

" What happened love? Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked wiping his tears.

" Y-you have been waiting f-for me?" Jungkook chuckled and pecked his lips again. He can't get enough of his lips. And he won't miss any chance any more.

" Of course my love. You are my husband..... Who else I will be waiting for? hmm?" Jungkook said with a smile but his eyes widen when Taehyung quickly pecked his lips and hide his face on his chest.

" T-thank you for waiting for me K-kook-kie." He said in small voice. Jungkook felt his heart is gonna burst out of his chest looking at his babe. It didn't take much time for him to pull him and smash his lips on his. He pinned him(Tae) on the bed and kissed him softly. Taehyung responded immediately wrapping his hands around his neck. They would have never pulled back if it was not the knock that made him come back to reality.

They pulled back panting heavily. Jungkook joined their forehead with a smile. They just stared at each until the bell rang again.

" Ready to meet our daughters?" Taehyung nodded his head furiously. Of course he will love to meet them. He love kids. And he will love to have a happy family with Jungkook.

Jungkook opened the door and two beautiful angels entered the room. Dal- Eun stood beside her little sister. Jungkook tilt his head gesturing them to greet Taehyung. Eun wrapped her hands around Rae and bow her head in full 90° making her sister bow with her.

" Annyeonghaseyo E-eomma. " She said looking on the floor. She was really nervous. She was still debating if this man in front of her will accept her and her sister like her Appa did. She gulped before raising her eyes. Only to see a boxy smiled man opening his arms to pull them to a hug.

" What's your name my princess?" He said pecking her forehead. Eun smiled with glossy eyes before hugging her Eomma like her life depends on it.


 The day went by smoothly. Jungkook feed him a light soup with his own hands and cuddle with him all day. Jungkook didn't ask him anything about these 4 years as he didn't want to scratch the wounds again. He is back with him and that is enough for now. If Taehyung wants to tell him about this then he will tell him when he is ready. He will sure make them pay for their deeds of course but right now his babe needs him.

It was past lunch time when Taehyung woke up. He smiled softly when he saw his Kookie sleeping next to him. He spend quite a long time staring at his handsome face. He couldn't believe after 4 years his Kookie was sleeping beside him. His hands were wrapped around his waist. He still thinks it might be a dream. He traced his face softly with his fingers. His eyes, his nose, his lips, everything was so beautiful. He was just mesmerized by his husband. He was falling again for his husband. He still remembers when those girls gossip about his husband and he was so proud that those girls can only imagine what he have in reality.

He slowly removed his hands from his waist and got up. He wanted to peck his lips but he didn't know if he had the rights to kiss him or not. He licked his lips and got up from bed. He was thirsty, so he decided to go to the kitchen. He walked quietly downstairs. He looked around but didn't see anyone. His tummy made a loud sound indicating he was hungry but Jungkook was still sleeping. He opened the fridge to get water.

His eyes sparkled when he saw the fridge stock with food. He gulped the saliva in his mouth. He hasn't seen so much food in years. He so wanted to eat the food but he couldn't eat without asking Jungkook. May be he can eat if Jungkook allowed him. He took the water bottle and poured a glass. He gulped down the water straight in one go. His stomach crumble again. He looked back at the opened door of the fridge. He looked away and poured another glass of water and closed the door.

He could have just eaten without letting anyone know. But being the innocent bean he can never take other's stuff without permission. He can starve but not steal.

He quickly finished the glass and looked around the room. It was same as he last saw. Everything was just the same. A pleasant smile formed in his lips. It was like Jungkook preserved the place like how he arranged it. Like how he left. He smiled when he remembered how he arranged the rooms with his own hands. How he cuddled with his husband on the couch. How he loved to cook food for his husband. How he used to wait for him to come back. How they made love in their room. Every moment was still fresh like yesterday.

He was lost in his thoughts when a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist from behind. He gasped in surprise but he relaxed when he felt soft kiss on his nape.

" What are you doing here love?" Jungkook asked in his sleepy voice.

" I... I was drinking water." Right on the moment his cheeks redden in embarrassment when his tummy crumbled loudly again.

" Oh my babe is hungry I see." He pecked his nape again before taking him back in the kitchen. Jungkook picked him up and placed him on the counter.

" D-do you want me to cook for you Jungkook-shi." He asked softly but Jungkook frowned on the name. He didn't liked how Taehyung called him by his name. He cupped his face and smashed his lips on his. He sucked his lower lips softly trying not to hurt him. He could feel Taehyung blushing in the kiss. He pulled out after a minute. Taehyung was looking down blushing hard. Jungkook placed his hands on his thighs and rubbed it soothingly.

" I would love to eat your cooking when you recover well. But for today Kookie will cook for you." He pecked his lips again. Taehyung widen his eyes hearing the pet name. But again lowered his head in embarrassment. He was very embarrass to call Jungkook with any pet names.

" Do you know that your husband loved the name you gave him?" Taehyung immediately looked up with wide eyes. He looked surprised as if he wasn't expecting Jungkook to say that.

" Why are you looking so surprised love? Don't tell me you have forgotten your vows?" Jungkook faked gasped trying to lighten their mood. Taehyung blushed when he remembered his wedding. How can he even forget his wedding. Even though it was not what he dreamed of still it was his wedding. The day when he married with his prince charming. Taehyung looked away remembering the night.

" Oh, is my babe shy now?" He teased and Taehyung hide his face with his hands. Jungkook chuckled and hugged him again.

The day went by smoothly. Jungkook feed him some light soup and took him to the doctors for a proper check up. Jungkook consulted doctor for both physical and mental health. He is sure to make those bastards pay for what they did.

Right now they are cuddled up in the couch where Taehyung is watching some romantic movies while resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook smiled and caressed his hair.

" Babe?"

" Hmmmm..."

" My parents are visiting us today." Jungkook said caressing his hair. Taehyung pulled out of the hug with wide eyes. He still remembers it clearly how Jungkook's father disapproved of their relationship. He send him back to his parents. He gulped hard thinking what he will do if he send him back again.

" What happen love?" He asked caressing his hair.

" Jungkook-shi-" But he was cut off by a pair of lips on his. Taehyung widen his eyes in surprise.

" It's Kookie for you." Jungkook said showing his bunny smile.

" K-kookie...."

" Yes love!"

" I-I what if... if they don't a-accept us again?" He asked with teary eyes.

" They will accept you with full heart love." He said pecking his forehead.

" B-but... but" Taehyung teared up when he remember how he was sent away from his love. Jungkook cooed at his babe. He cupped his face with both hands and wiped his tears.

" Why are you crying Tae. Why do you think they won't accept us? Hmm? " Taehyung didn't say anything just looked down biting his lips. Jungkook knows why Taehyung is scared but he wants to know from Taehyung himself.

" Tell me love." He lift his chin. Taehyung looked at him with teary eyes.

" I- I don't want to l-leave you again." He said between his sobs. His lips forming an adorable pout.

" And why do you think I will let you go Tae?" Taehyung wrapped his hands around his neck and sobbed loudly letting his head rest on his chest. He didn't utter a single word just shook his head and cried in his chest. Jungkook knew his babe is so selfless that he won't utter a single word against anyone no matter what they have done to him. Taehyung will never tell him how his father send him away.

" Love...." He called him softly when he calmed down after a while.

" Hmm..." Taehyung just hummed still hiding his face over his chest.

" Will you promise me something?" He just nodded his head.

" Next time when somebody try something like my dad did back then..... You will come straight to me okay?" Taehyung gasped widening his eyes looking at him. Jungkook smiled and caress his cheeks.

" Promise me. You won't leave me ever again." Taehyun looked at him with teary eyes. His lips wobble but couldn't say anything. Jungkook smiled and pecked his wobbling lips.

" Promise me." He said pecking his lips again.


Sorry for late update. I was too busy this months also

I feel this chapter is too cringe.

I re-wrote it many times because I remember what happens but when I right it, it feels to clingy episode.

But here it is.

Sorry for the cringe parts.