
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 40

" Why the fuck that Jeon throw you out of the class? What did you do to him?" Mark said pushing Taehyung over the floor. Mark was beating him in the empty class. He was angry for the earlier events. Taehyung covered his face, scared to get hit again.

" He must have wanted to get on his pants. Poor Taehyung, you should have let him fuck you good. At least he would have let you attend his class." Jake said laughing along with his friends.

" Now what will I do at the test? He won't let this bastard give the test for me." Mark said angrily.

" We will figure out something later let the bitch breathe for sometime. He has to complete my projects for tomorrow." Jake said keeping his hand over his(Mark) shoulder.

" Argh!" Mark sighed loudly before throwing a last kick in his (Tae) stomach.

They left from there, leaving the poor boy alone on the floor. Taehyung coughed clutching his stomach. A few drop of tears fell down his eyes. He wiped his eyes and pulled himself up slowly. He head to the janitor's room where he always hide after they bite him or when he wants some time alone. He closed the door slowly sitting on the floor resting his back on the wall.

He cried hard. He don't know when this pain will end? When he could be free from here? His Jungkook is angry with him. Now he also thinks he is bad. He can't wait to tell him everything and be back in his arms. He missed him.

He was lost in his own sorrow when the door opened. He gasped loudly when he saw a shadow on the door. The shadow approached him slowly. May be Mark or his friends saw him entering the room. He closed his eyes, waiting another hit bot nothing happened. The lights turned on and he saw someone standing near him.

"Hi, sorry I disturb you.... Usually when you enter this room I wait outside to give you privacy but today you took very long time..... So, I just came in to check on you... Are you okay?" Taehyung looked at the person wiping his eyes.

" Sorry. I-I will not come h-here again. P-please don't complain about m-me." He said trying to get up. But the man stopped him.

" No no it's okay. You can stay here as long as you want." The man observed him and realized that he has bruises and cut on his body. The man searched some drawers and took out the first aid kit. He bend down on the floor opening the kit.

" Here let me treat you." He said taking the antiseptic with some cotton.

" No.. No... It's okay.... I'm okay." Taehyung said covering himself with his small hands.

" It's okay. Don't be scared. Let's say I'm your new friend okay." He said giving him a slight smile. Taehyung debated with himself. If he should trust this man. He has always suffered whenever he trusted anyone. Should he really trust this unknown man.

The man looked at the fragile boy. He looked scared. Looking at the bruises he can tell that he was beaten up. He was sure someone bullied him. He knew it's gonna be hard for the fragile boy to trust anyone. He took a deep breathe before speaking.

" Okay 1 So let me introduce myself first. I'm Park Bogum. I worked as a janitor in the University." ( Bogum in the house. And no I never make Bogum or Wooga squad a villian)

Bogum smiled and forward his hands toward Taehyung. (I don't know how it is said correctly.) Taehyung nervously took his hands.

" Kim... Kang Taehyun." He said still scared of this Bogum guy.

" Nice to meet you Taehyun. From today we are friends." He said with a genuine smile. " Now as we are friends. Let me clean your wounds okay?" Taehyung nodded nervously. Bogum took the antiseptic and cleaned the wounds. He told him some funny jokes along the way. Trying to make him comfortable. He bandaged his hands. He is not allowed to make friends but may be he can make a secret friend.

" Thank you Bogum- shi " He said with a bow.

" It's okay Taehyun. I'm your friend so you don't need to thank me. " Taehyung nodded his head with a smile.

After talking some more Taehyung knows that Bogum is a nice guy. He thanked for taking care of him and also being his first friend. He bid him goodbye with a smile before walking back to his hell.


When the next week came. Taehyung was hella nervous why? Because he has classes with Jungkook today. He wants to see his face obviously. But he also don't want to see his wrath. He sat on the same corner seat where he always sits. Soon the professor enters and everyone greeted him. The whole time Taehyung could take his eyes away from his angry husband and Jungkook didn't spare him a single glance. Taehyung knew he was in a total mess but still it was not the right time.

He waited till the class end. One by one everyone left the class. Jungkook was busy gathering his stuffs. Or may be just waiting to glance at his husband closely. Taehyung slowly took his stuffs and went near him.

" P-professor.... C-can I t-talk to you?" He asked in low voice. Though Jungkook desperately wants to hear him. He's too heart broken after that day.

" If it's not about your studies, you can leave Mr. Kang. " He said sternly but only his heart knows how fast it was beating.

" P-professor please... I will explain everything to you. Just give me a little time. I will tell you everything. Just give me- " Taehyung was about to say more when he was cut off by someone on the door.

" professor, principal sir is asking for you." A student said opening the door.

" I'll be right there." Jungkook said getting up his chair.

" Professor, Please...." Taehyung tried to say again but Jungkook didn't let him say anything.

" You can leave Mr. Kang. There is nothing left to talk." He said and left the class without letting Taehyung complete his words. Even though he wanted to hear him out but he couldn't hear how he chose someone else instead of him. He didn't want to hear why he betrayed him. He didn't want to be heart broken. He didn't have the strength to listen it. So he chose the easy escape.

Leaving the boy behind, with teary eyes.


So, this book is almost about to end. Hope your lazy author gets energy to complete it.