
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 3 (SM)


" Bye Appa.... Bye Eomma.... I will be back soon" Tae said waving his hands from the bus.

" We will miss you bub. Take care." Jin said, waving his hands back. The bus went but Jin and Joon stayed there till the bus disappeared from their sight.

"He will be okay right?" Jin asked.

"What? Jinnie I send him because you said he is ready." Namjoon said panicking. " What should we do? Should we go behind the bus to take him back." Joon said and about to run behind the bus when Jin caught his arm.

"Joonie, relax. Don't panic. I believe he will be fine but it's the first time he is going anywhere without us. So, I'm just worried a little may be." Joon sighed and pulled him in his embrace.

" It's okay honey. Our son will be fine. He will return to us safely. Yeah!"


" Wooowwwwww that's a big house. I wonder how many people live in there. "

"Tae murmured excitedly. We took his map and compass and started to look for his destination.

Ding dong

The door opened.

He looked up from the map and saw people getting off so without a second thought he followed and got off the train.

" Woooowww, Seoul is really beautiful. " The crowd pushed him and he stumbled a little. " And crowded. "

He looked around and found a board reading. ' WELCOME TO DEAJEON'

" Oh no this is not Seoul. " He exclaimed and turned around. The door closed and is about to leave.

" Oh no open the door. It's not Seoul. Don't leave me here. " But the train went. He pouts looking at the train going away from him.

" Now I have to buy another ticket for Seoul." He huffs and search his bag for his money.

"I wanted to buy something for Chimmy." He said with a pout looking at the money in his hands.

" Are you going to Seoul? " He heard a voice behind him.

" Yes ! I am. " He answered turning back excitedly. The man looked at him from top to bottom.

" Oh wow ! We are going there too. Would you like to join me and my friends? We are going in our van we reserved." The man said with a cunning smile which went unnoticed by Taehyung. Taehyung thought for a minute. He seems like a nice guy. And if he goes with him than he can save up the money and buy something for Jimin.

" Really?"

"Of course. We are going to the same way we have plenty of space in the van. It will be fun to have more friends." Both smiled and went out of the train station. Outside they saw a van waiting for them.


" You have a nice van here Mister. " The man smiled and nodded his head, opening the door. There were 3 more men inside the van . They looked at him from head to toe and greeted him.

" Hey ! Welcome. It's nice of you to join us to the trip." The Man on the driver seat said.

" Hello ! Thank you for taking me with you." Taehyung said with a sweet smile and bowed before them.

" No need to be so formal dear. Here have some soft drink. And you can have a seat right beside me." The man in the back seat said patting the seat beside him. Tae nodded and went inside the van.


(This part contains sexual content. If you are not comfortable please skip)

Tae woke up after some time. He was feeling dizzy. He blinks his eyes and shakes his head. He looked around. It was an unfamiliar place. He felt a slight headache and tried to move but to his dismay. He couldn't.

That's the moment when he realized. His hands and legs were tied up to the bed. The reality hits him hard. He looks around scared.

" H-hello.... Is anyone here... Helppppp.... S-someone help me....." He screamed not knowing what to do now. He was about to shout out for help again when the door opened reveling the 5 men and 3 of them were with him in the van.

" Finally your awake."

" P-please help me ...." Taehyung said with pleading eyes. They entered the room and circled around the bed.

" Help you? Why should we? When we can have fun with you. " He said licking his lips. Taehyung feels scared and helpless. He tried to pull the hand cuffs but couldn't break it. Tears started to form in his eyes.

" P-please let m-me go." He pleads them with watery eyes but the devils laughed instead. One of the men came closer and touched his face. Taehyung felt his touch disgusting. He turns his face to the other side.

" You will look so good under me sweetheart." He said touching his lips.

" Too bad we can't have him. We need to prepare him for tonight." He said salivating his lips.

" I bet he will bring lots of customers tonight. Everybody would want to have a piece of him." Taehyung was frighten listening to them. He was trembling by the thought of somebody touching him.

" P-please mister... P-please let me go. My parents are waiting for me." He begged them.

" Don't start begging now darling. You will be begging under our customers all night." He said and all of the boys laughed at him.

" What are you doing? " A voice came from the door. " Don't play around and get him ready. It's time. " he said and went out closing the door. The five men turned their gaze to Taehyung again.

" We can't ruined him. Yet."

" But let's have fun dressing him. Fuck I'm hard just looking at him." The 5 men got on the bed and pulled his shirt open revealing his milky skin.

"NO.... Stop..... P-please stop....." but the evil didn't stop. They touched every part of his body. Salivating their tongues. They uncuffed him and unbuckled his belt.

"Appaaaa.... Please I-I want to go back home. Eommaa...." They pulled his pants and boxers leaving him naked in front of them. He tried to get out of their grip but he was not strong enough.

"Nooo... Please don't do this.... Eommaa.... Please stop.... Appaaaa..... No.. No please.... '' Taehyung pleaded but no one listened. Their grip tightened as he was struggling to get himself out. But all of it went in vain when one of them injected him with a drug.

He tried to get out of their grip. But when the drug kicked in. He felt helpless and dizzy. They loosen their hands as Taehyung stopped struggling.

"Fuck I bet he will get dicked mercilessly tonight. Just look at him. Fuck." Taehyung trembled from their dirty talks and hands roaming around his body but he couldn't do anything. His body was not in his control.

"Appa..... H-help.... me"

The boys cleaned and dressed him in a transparent dress and cuffed him again. Taehyung didn't know what to do anymore. His mind and body was not listening to him.


Far away from this chaos a certain mochi was waiting for his best friend to arrive. His train came 2 hours ago. But his best friend didn't show up.

" Jimin I don't think he is coming. May be his parents didn't let him go. " His brother said patting his back. " we should go back to the hotel. Appa Eomma are waiting."

"You go hyung. I will wait just an hour more. He promised me he will come. " Jimin said looking at other trains entrance, hoping to see his best friend but to his dismay he didn't come.

"Jimin you gave him our hotel address right." Jimin nodded. "If he comes he can reach us right."

"But Seoul is a big city. He can't go alone." Seojoon sighed and got up.

"Fine I'm leaving but be back in an hour ok. I will head back to hotel."

Jimin nodded and waited for his best friend. He waited for 3 hours more but still no sign of Taehyung.

Taehyung don't even have a phone to contact him. He wants to believe may be his parents didn't let him go. But deep down his heart. He is feeling uneasy and just hope Taehyung is okay.

It's already 9 at night. He was still at the station. His parents and hyung has been calling him non stop. He sighed for the nth time and got up the bench he has been sitting for quite long. He walked towards the exit and looked back to the empty station for the last time.

" You are okay right!"


No matter if I write or read, this part always makes me cry.

And No matter what, in every book I read It's a Mochi that makes me cry the most.

Did you cry?