
Take Me Away (Recreation)

Take Me Away (Recreation) Taehyung, a very smart and innocent man, decided to embark on a new journey to explore the beauty of the world. He learnt so much about life in reading books. What he didn't know, is the future that's awaiting him. Jungkook, was a man who doesn't give a damn about love. But it all changed, when he met this innocent Kim Taehyung.- "Help me, p-please." Taehyung pleads. "What will I get if I helped you?" A man caressing his cheek murmurs. "I'm yours. I'll do anything you want me to." "You'll be my slave. And that's master for you." "Yes m-master. Please, take me away. Anywhere but here."- This story is like a roller coaster ride. From angst to fluff. From dark to light. Enjoy! A story by Mytaekookabode

Winter_Moon_9786 · Music & Bands
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55 Chs

Untitled Part 15 (M)

 (This part contains sexual content. If you are not comfortable please skip)

Strip !

(you didn't skip i see) 😏😏

Taehyung was stuck right there. His master wants to have him today. Right here, right now. And Taehyung has to make his wish come true.

It will not be his master's first time with him but it is his first time with his consent. In his full sense. And more than anything Jungkook agreed to marry him. He asked him to do things after marriage and Jungkook married him.

So today Taehyung will fulfill every wish of his master without any word.

Taehyung bit his lips and looked down, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"I'm waiting Taehyung." Jungkook said, staring at the beauty in front of him. Taehyung slowly raised his eyes. He looked up and Jungkook looked right straight into his soul.

" Go ahead. Show me what belongs to me ." Taehyung breathed heavily. He belongs to Jungkook now. His whole being now belongs to his master.

He raised his shirt slowly, taking it off. It might not be the first time Jungkook saw him without clothes but he can't deny that he was looking sinful. Taehyung tried to cover his bare body with the shirt in his hands.

" Trousers too Taehyung. And don't cover what's mine." Taehyung gulped hard and licked his lips. Jungkook swears he can't control anymore but he wants to enjoy his prey slowly.

Taehyung moved his hands slowly pulling his trousers down. Leaving him only in boxers. He put down both pieces of clothes as his master instructed. He was feeling damn shy and tried to cover his chest from one hand and his lower half from another.

Jungkook looked at the sinful scenery right in front of him. He licked his lips and got up from the chair. He took slow steps towards Taehyung. And Taehyung can swear his heart was about to burst out any minute.

Jungkook wrapped his hands slowly around his waist. A shiver runs through his (Tae) body. Jungkook slowly laid him to the bed.

Jungkook looked at him from head to toe with sinful eyes. And Taehyung felt like he could die just from his stares. Taehyung covers his face with his hands. And for Jungkook he has never seen such a pure soul in his life.

He leaned down to his ears and whispered.

" You are mine now Taehyung. You can't stop me today." He said, pulling his hands from his face. Taehyung felt a shiver in his whole body.

"I-I will not s-stop you m-master. I'm y-yours." Taehyung said shyly not looking at him. Hearing this Jungkook could just devour the beauty all day, all night.

Jungkook traced his hands from his eyes to nose and lips. Taehyung just closed his eyes and let his master do whatever he wanted.

" Have you ever touched yourself Taehyung?" Jungkook said, tracing his hands to his neck.

"N-no M-master." Jungkook traveled his hands down to his chest. He rubbed his buds softly. Taehyung hissed in pleasure.

" Today I will teach you your first lesson." He traveled with his hands don't to his waist. He circled his finger around his belly button.

" Would you like to learn your first lesson Taehyung?" Taehyung breathed heavily but nodded his head. Taehyung was going crazy how sinful his name sounds from his master's lips.

" Words Taehyung. " he said and pinched his waist softly, earning a low moan from the latter.

"Y-yes M-master." He said trying to control his shiver.

" Yes what Taehyung?" He said catching the helm of his last piece of cloth.

"P-please teach m-me master." Taehyung said and Jungkook pulled down his boxer leaving Taehyung naked in front of him.

Taehyung closed his eyes more tightly biting his lips. He clutch the bed sheet waiting for his master to take him.

Jungkook gulped hard at the visual in front him. Even the god will turn into demon to have this beauty and it's all his. His to see, his to touch, his to love. His arousal was right in front of him. He was feeling tight in his own pants looking at the younger's arousal.

Jungkook gulped and wrapped his long fingers around his hardness, rubbed around the leaking tip.

Taehyung gasped at the touch. It was the first time when he felt some one touching his private part. Well with his consent, it is his first time no?

A low moan escaped his mouth as Jungkook gave a rough stroke to his member. He muffled his mouth with his hands, trying hard not to moan loud.

Jungkook pushed his hands away.

"Don't you dare cover your mouth Taehyung... Let me hear your moans." He said stroking his member hard.

"Ahhh.... M-master..... Ngh~" hearing the moans, Jungkook speed up his pace. Giving his member hard and rough strokes.

Taehyung felt heat in his lower region. The sensation was too much for him.

"Ahhh.... Master... Mas -..." Taehyung couldn't complete the sentence and cummed all over his hands. He closed his eyes and remained their limping and panting heavily still coming down from his high. Jungkook took a tissue and cleaned the mess and went to the washroom.

"You can rest Taehyung. I need to get back to work. "

Once he solve the problem in his pants. He returned to the brunette still lying on the bed. Jungkook took the sheet to covered him.

" I have ordered something for tonight Taehyung. The parcel should be delivered till evening. I'm not locking the door. Get that parcel and I want you to be ready wearing the stuff inside it for tonight. Do you understand?" Taehyung shyly nodded and Jungkook went out the door. Taehyung was feeling so restless, he couldn't even open his eyes and went to deep slumber.


Writing smut is tough.

Again to those who knows me personally. I freaking don't know you. I'm hiding in the closet so don't search for me.

I seriously didn't write this smut
