
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Time skip

6 months have passed during the first 3 months Take made considerable progress in his fuinjutsu fixing all the problems he had and is currently using the Loki Familia as a middleman to sell his 'Mana Training Seals' and using the now expanded Hostess of Fertility to sell prepackaged meals they will stay warm for a week making them useful when traversing the dungeon, during this time the Monster Feria happened which was basically a taming event where members of the Ganesha Familia tame monsters from the dungeon but somehow a silverback broke free and began rampaging although the damage was minimal the white haired boy that he has seen on multiple occasions, Bell 'Little Rookie' Cranel ended up defeating the monster around this time he leveled up to Level 2 this caused some attention to be focused on him but the majority was still focused on the Hestia Familia and their captain Bell

There was quite a surprise when Take decided to level up his mind was assaulted with pure knowledge no visual or audio just like a giant note but was dropped on his mind when he leveled up he had a choice of skills 'Inheritor Of Take 'Shinigami' Uzumaki' or 'Soul Connection' he had a feeling deep within to choose the second but Loki ended up convincing him to pick the first

[Take Hikomori

Race: Oni *(Shinigami 40%) Sealed/Not Visible*

Level: 1 -> 2

Strength: EX- 1500 -> I-10

Endurance: EX- 1500 -> I-10

Dexterity: EX- 1500 -> I-10

Agility: EX- 1500 -> I-10

Magic: EX- 1500 -> I-10

(Total: 7550)


One Vs All -SSS- When outnumbered by 2 or more enemies stats x2

Strength of Oni -S- Strength, Dexterity, and Agility is doubled when protecting something

Chainless -SSS- Unhindered by any limits

Balance of Life and Death -EX- All stats balanced, when in a near death state stats x2, Line of Balance

Inheritor of Take 'Shinigami' Uzumaki -#%*^%- ^*~|*+=

Developmental Skills:

Swordsman -B- Increase comprehension of swords Increase damage inflicted with a sword 1.75

Connected Spirit Healing -S- Faster Mana/Chakra/Ki recovery

Mage -S- All spells buffed by 2x

Ninja -SSS- All jutsu buffed 2x Faster comprehension of Jutsu and their elements

Hunter -A- Improves abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained excelia(XP)

Element Manipulation -S- All Element based Jutsu/Magic boosted 2x (water, wind, earth, fire, light, darkness, space etc.


Ninjutsu -SSS- Ninja Arts

Fuinjutsu -SS- Sealing Arts

Spell Moulding -A- Creation of magic circles]

Around the 4th month Take decided it was time to shave his beard and put up a request for a party to explore the dungeon listing his strengths and his level soon afterwards a guild official informed him that someone has taken his request and is willing to form a party, and much to his surprise when he arrived at the Guild he saw a white haired boy and a small brown haired pallum sitting to the side the Guild official led him towards the duo the first thing they saw was the now ridiculously huge wolf behind him… During this time Ghost has grown considerably while Take was studying Fuinjutsu Ghost ran off towards the Valley, Take didn't think too much of it until he came back a little smaller than a bear and his presence seemed to exclude an unseen pressure unknown to Take Ghost became the second sage to ever bless the world…

"So you two are the ones wishing to form a party with me? Is it just you two or are there others?"

While the pallum studied both him and Ghost with a calculating Stare as Bell spoke

"Yes that was us, I'm Bell this is Lili and we have 1 more member. Welf who's currently busy in the forge"

"What's the farthest you three have gone?"

Thinking for a minute Bell spoke

"The 15th floor but we had to come back up due to difficulty, what about you?"

"I've traveled to the 16th floor with Ghost here that's as far as we've gone"

After talking for a while they agreed to do a small run in the dungeon just to see how they handle various situations Bell would lead Take behind him and Lili close by picking up magic stones as we went. They didn't see one goblin on the first floor. They looked towards Take not seeing Ghost anywhere near by, Lili sighed as Bell just nodded the trip was silent for the most part until…

"Umm...Take if you don't mind telling me…what's your species…" (Lili)

"Oni, it's not like I can hide it"

Finishing off with a smile Take sent out a pulse but suddenly Ghost just faded in from countless flakes of snow this made Take widened his eyes shock apparent on his face as he spoke

"Well...That's useful"

Ghost just lifted his head proudly as they continued into the dungeon, the trip down was kind of anticlimactic any time Bell and Take got outnumbered Take just danced gracefully with his blade switching from 2 handed to 1 handed fluently through weird angles and quick movements, Take didn't use nothing flashy in front of them they were something that he didn't like to show to often just some daily life things but not how truly terrifying this art could really be

Currently they are one the 10th floor with some mist blocking their view Take uttered a single word


A soft yet fierce wind dissipated all the mist revealing the creeping monsters Bell gave a chuckle before shaking his head while Lili just stood slightly shocked, they sat on the 10th floor just getting a feel for each other's way of fighting during this time they got to see Take's prowess with a blade as he jumped from tree to tree kicking off orcs all to propel him towards his next target they didn't have to worry about Imps due to Ghost mauling the left and right Bell also decided to have some fun

As an Imp snuck up on Lili just as she noticed it and turned around she saw a streak of white collided with the Imp sending it flying as blood leaked from its body turning to dust as it was in the air, Ghost then stood next to Lili completely towering over her not giving much of anything a chance to get past him

It didn't take long for them to decide to go back to the surface by the time they reached the 6th floor there was a group of about 20 people with swords drawn facing them seeing this Take cursed his luck before sending out a pulse to Ghost 'Protect' the moment this pulse washed over Ghost the air seemed to chill as his low growls sounded out

"Would you be so kind to move my companion here doesn't do well when surrounded and I'd rather not have to clean blood from his fur… well more than I already do"

The supposed leader of the group pointed his sword towards Take and his group

"Drop all of your belongings and strip… the boys are having fun with you and that little one there while the boy watches…"


"Ah come on now lass a girl like you probably knows a thing or two, I claim here the rest of you can have fun with the pallum until I'm done with this white haired beauty"

As the man let a sickening grin rise to his face small rings of a reddish black aura started emanating from Take slowly growing and expanding farther as they speed up

"So you won't let us pass…"

"So you've already resigned your fat-"

Using shunshin to appear in the middle of the group Take swung his blade in a wide arc instantly killing 2 while ducking under a blade while twisting on his heel drawing a crescent moon with 2 swift strikes taking a leg from the one that attacked him before throwing the leg at one that brought his sword over his head layering Ki to his feet and the tip of his sword as he kicked off the ground thrusting forward seriously underestimating his strength as the tip of the sword impacted the man's chest he exploded into a crimson mist with chunks flying everywhere


That was all the leader could say before his head started to roll, currently Take was in the middle of an encirclement, while Ghost was a step in front of both Lili and Bell who looked slightly sick at the sight while Lili was staring with her ever calculated gaze

"Bell-sama this is what I was talking about there are people that will go to any length to get what they want whether your strong enough to defend your self or others is dependent on your own hard work"

Seeing Bell's stiff nod she sighed in relief that this potentially horrible situation turned into a lesson for Bell, meanwhile Bell steeled his resolve and darted forward dagger in hand piercing the back of one of the men's neck severing the connection from his body to his brain before darting towards another, with the addition of Bell the encirclement crumbled leaving only 3 Bandits (What I will call them in situations like this) just as Take was about to end them Bell spoke up

"You don't have to kill them right they pose no threat to us"

Shaking his head as he turned to Bell letting Ghost watch over the Bandits

"Your right they may pose no threat now… but what about in a month? 2 months? a year? As long as they are alive we will always be a target for them a reason to get stronger to eventually come back and try to snuff us out whether that be through direct or indirect means… I bet if pushed they would stoop as low as killing a Goddess"

This seemed to push Bell over the limits as he played that out in his mind his beautiful Goddess getting played with, then killed by these wretched Bandits… As Bell's body shook a white/blue light appeared around his hand that was tightly gripping his knife lazily swinging caused a large blade to shoot out ending all three of their lives seeing this Take nodded

"Remember… Kill your enemies while they are enemies, Help your friends while their friends… An enemy left alive is a threat to not just your life but to those around you as well"

The rest of the walk to the surface was mostly awkward silence especially since Take searched their bodies for anything valuable and their guild card Lili didn't seem to have a problem with it but Bell seemed slightly shook at the sight


The next 2 months continued much the same except for meeting any bandits in the dungeon they hadn't had any problems like the previous time. Take has also dived farther into Fuinjutsu he's heard stories of the 3 Great Quests and with knowledge of large ridiculously strong beasts getting sealed into humans he wondered if he could seal the One-Eyed Dragon into his body completing one of the 3 great quests while also sending his strength through the roof while he entertained this thought he turned towards Ghost who was laying on a large pillow in the corner of the room

He's noticed changes in Ghost for one… Not a 'He' anymore Ghost is a 'She' now ever since her trip to the Valley she has been changing slowly becoming more human like despite what her looks may say he even thinks that she would get jealous every once and awhile this was something that he had trouble noticing shaking the thoughts free from his head he moved towards Loki's room to get his status updated

[Take Hikomori

Race: Oni *(Shinigami 40%) Sealed/Not Visible*

Level: 2

Strength: G-220

Endurance: G-220

Dexterity: G-220

Agility: G-220

Magic: G-220



One Vs All -SSS- When outnumbered by 2 or more enemies stats x2

Strength of Oni -S- Strength, Dexterity, and Agility is doubled when protecting something

Chainless -SSS- Unhindered by any limits

Balance of Life and Death -EX- All stats balanced, when in a near death state stats x2, Line of Balance

Inheritor of Take 'Shinigami' Uzumaki -Unquantifiable-

Soul Connection -<3- Will finish in 3 Days

Developmental Skills:

Swordsman -B- Increase comprehension of swords Increase damage inflicted with a sword 1.75

Connected Spirit Healing -S- Faster Mana/Chakra/Ki recovery

Mage -S- All spells buffed by 2x

Ninja -EX- All jutsu buffed 2x Faster comprehension of Jutsu and their elements

Hunter -A- Improves abilities against monsters that the user has fought before and gained excelia(XP)

Element Manipulation -S- All Element based Jutsu/Magic boosted 2x (water, wind, earth, fire, light, darkness, space etc.


Ninjutsu -SSS- Ninja Arts

Fuinjutsu -SSS- Sealing Arts

Spell Moulding -A- Creation of magic circles]

"Wha… How… I don't understand… a heart for the ranking what does that even mean?"

Hearing Loki, Take's face was full of confusion until she handed him the paper to which he felt a longing for something but couldn't place his finger on it making him slightly frustrated

"Looks like we will know in 3 days hope it doesn't cause a big uproar"

Letting out a chuckle Loki responded

"When it comes to you everything will turn into an uproar, I'm surprised you managed to stay a low key as you have"

Shaking his head

"That will soon change the Denatus is coming up and I want a certain Monkier…"

"And what would this Monkier be?"


Bursting out into laughter as she slapped her leg

"Ah...ha… that's funny, if you want a Monkier like that you'll need to make a name for your self and you only have 2 weeks it isn't enough time although I could try you'd turn into a laughing stock as they give you some ridiculous name like 'Ninja Boi' or 'Onigiri'"

That last one seemed to hit Take hard as his shoulders slumped at the thought of it

"Is there anything I can do to increase my chances?"

Loki smiled at that

"There is something… But it won't be easy and well probably result in you having to show a few trump cards… Not like you don't have a few decks of those"

"I would appreciate it if you could set something up, Thanks Loki-sama"

"Yeah yeah (shooing hand motion) not get out of here and fetch Finn for me will ya?"

Catching the last part just as he closed the door he made his way to Finn's office informing him that Loki is calling for him and made his way to the Hostess of Fertility to check on the business