
Tainted will

“Loyalty? I am loyal, but only to myself.” “Friendship? Only the dead are my friends.” “Love? it's but an obstruction.” .... If given a chance, would you walk the path of a righteous hero who is blessed by heaven and earth or an unrighteous Demon who seeks to wipe out the heavens itself? This story follows the journey of a villain, Bai Ming. Transmigrating into this cruel yet beautiful world of cultivators, where strength is always absolute and killing is just a way of living. In a world where right or wrong is insignificant and only an individual's ability matters, be it strength, wisdom, luck, or status, we follow Bai Ming as he lies, cheats, schemes, and slaughters his way to the apex of power. Ruthless and amoral in his ways, Bai Ming has no need to hold back in his pursuit of strength. To achieve his goals, Bai Ming shall walk the path of an unrelenting demon. A demon who shall laugh crazily in the face of death and never regret, lament or grieve in the hour of failure. He shall stand alone against the world and embrace the waves of loneliness with acceptance in his heart. ......... Warning: •The mc is a very ruthless and selfish person, definitely not for the light-hearted. •The Mc enjoys the process of getting stronger, be it killing innocents or helping others for the sake of his goals, so he might seem a bit sadist at times but he is a benefit-oriented individual.

EvilGrandpa · Eastern
Not enough ratings
94 Chs


The sky was blue and clear, white clouds drifted like cotton. The warm rays of the Sun fell on the Xuan mountains.

It had been five days since Bai Ming had managed to acquire the number one place in the assessment.

"Ahh!" Bei ju yelled loudly, swinging his fist at Bai Ming, sweeping fiercely through the air.

Bai Ming lowered his body and dodged, then he lifted his leg and swiftly kicked at the boy's kidney.


Bei ju groaned in pain as his body crashed down with a loud sound, his entire body was covered in dirt. But his heart was indignant, he tried to raise his head to fiercely glare at Bai Ming.

But the moment he lifted his head his pupils shrunk to pin size, two dagger-like fingers were aiming at his eyes and were just inches away from piercing his two eyeballs.

Bei Ju felt a cold chill in his heart, his mouth was dry. He froze in fear. But to his relief the daggers didn't move forward, they were stationary.

After a few short breaths, Bei Ju spoke with much difficulty, "I surrender."

Instantly the surrounding youths who were spectating had various expressions. Some cheered loudly, while some gasped in amazement, some had pondering gazes and some were making unsightly expressions, while two of the youths were solemn.

Bai Ming coldly stared down at the miserable Bei Ju as he spoke arrogantly "How weak! with this little strength, you want to challenge me, ridiculous!"

Bei Ju heard this and gritted his teeth even more ferociously. He spoke with extreme anger "Don't be too proud, I will make you beg for mercy one day. Just you wait!"

As he said that he took out a small bag from his robes. He directly threw it at Bai Ming's face.

Bai Ming caught it swiftly. "Hehe, at least you can keep your word" As he spoke, he threw one last glance at Bei Ju before leaving the training grounds.

Bei Ju was one of the high-grade talents of this year's batch, After it was known that the first one to break through was Bai Ming, he felt extremely humiliated by the fact that he had lost to a person with only mid-grade talent.

It was not just him the remaining high-grade talents also felt the same way. It was only natural for these kids to feel that way. If they had lost to Su Ming it was fine, they would not have felt such humiliation but losing to Bai Ming, a mid-grade trash they absolutely couldn't accept it.

In the past few days, during the physical combat training sessions, Bai Ming noticed how he was treated differently by his classmates than before. Earlier he was not treated poorly or anything, he was just treated like any other student.

But after winning first place in the assessment it was different, the gazes of his classmates had a subtle change from before.

The majority of low-grade and mid-grade talents would take the Initiative to strike up conversations with him, Bai Ming would just politely nod at them and stay silent.

As for high-grade talents, there were only 4 of them, among them one was friendly, while the other two were indifferent as for the last one Bei Ju, he would reveal his unconcealed disdain for Bai Ming.

Bai Ming noticed this but didn't take it to heart. Why would he care about others' opinions? At the end of the day, they were just empty words.

Next, he carefully collected information on all of his classmates' family backgrounds, After he did that he felt very pleased with this kid, Bei Ju.

Because Bei Ju was just like him, he didn't have any core formation realm experts in his family.

Then Bai Ming began to plot. He would purposefully act arrogantly in front of Bei Ju, making Bei Ju who was already very displeased with Bai Ming even more annoyed.

Sometimes Bai Ming would laugh or even comment words like 'trash' and 'filth' directly on Bei Ju's face.

After enduring Bai Ming's arrogance for a couple of days, Bei Ju couldn't take it anymore. He openly challenged Bai Ming to spar, this made the other students excited. After all, who doesn't like a fight?

At the time Bai Ming secretly felt happy, But on the surface, he had spoken with much disdain and disgust "Bei Ju, you're just some lowly cocksucking trash, You really think I would accept a challenge from you? Isn't that just bullying the weak? Not to mention sharing the ring with a rodent-like you, just breathing the same air as you make me revolted."

Bei Ju's anger was boiling, he shouted loudly: "You don't dare to show your skills, but you have quite the mouth! How can the likes of you estimate my skills? You are not being proud, but are intentionally saying this because you are afraid!"

Hearing this Bai Ming lightly glanced at him, and the latter looked back without any fear. An arrogant smirk tugged on Bai Ming's face as he spoke.

"Not fighting."

"What kind of person am I?"

"Hehe, a weakling like you is not worthy of me making a move."

"In the future, when my biography is written, my first achievement after stating my cultivation journey is overthrowing a superior grade talent in terms of cultivation progress and then it will be my battle against this thing? There won't be any splendor even if I win against such a minor character. Instead, it will be a stain on the grand legacy I leave behind."

Hearing this Bei Ju was on the verge of spewing fire, his face was beat red from anger. He felt hatred, irreconcilable hatred. His tone was naturally chillier, "Hmph, so much nonsense! You have said so much, come fight me if you have guts!"

"You lack enough qualifications." Bai Ming held his hands behind his back, head raised and chest out, as he looked at Bei Ju with unconcealed contempt.

Many of their classmates' eyes widened.

They really wanted to ask: Bei Ju who is guaranteed to be a high-ranking elder in the future doesn't have enough qualifications, then who has the qualifications? What qualifications do you have? I really don't understand where you are getting such confidence from!

Their gaze towards Bai Ming was vaguely changing.

In the beginning, they were just laughing their hearts out at Bei Ju while hearing Bai Ming speak arrogantly, they knew that Bai Ming was purposely insulting Bei Ju to make him feel humiliated in front of his peers.

But now they believed Bai Ming to be genuinely an arrogant person who had eyes on his forehead, they were dazed as they watched Bai Ming's expression.

The arrogance on Bai Ming's face was as if the entire world owed him money.

After continuing to berate Bei Ju till his mouth turned dry, Bai Ming laughed sinisterly as he suddenly stepped forward "But since you're that determined... whatever, I'll consider it just this once. Tomorrow evening in the academy training grounds we can fight, But since you are the one initiating this challenge, I have a condition to add, when I win you will have to give me 30 spirit stones. If you're incapable of even arranging this measly sum then do us all a favor and get lost."

Bei Ju's face was twisted as he tried to control the burning rage coursing through his veins, his bloodshot eyes were glaring at Bai Ming as he spoke word for word, "Then what will I receive if you lose?"

"What did you just say? what happens if I lose? Hahaha, trash like you should know your place, there is no way I will lose to someone like you. Now scram, we will meet tomorrow." Bai Ming laughed coldly and spat a ward of saliva just inches away from Bei Ju, before turning around and waking away, leaving behind an infuriated Bei jiu.

When Bai Ming conversed with Bei Ju he had made sure of three things. First, he made Bei Ju himself challenge him. This shows that he was helpless, As he did not want to bully his classmates. He had to fight to protect his reputation and the people of ye village valued their reputation highly.

Secondly, he made it so that he was the one setting both the time and place. Bai Ming had just broken through on the day before the fight, advancing to the 3rd layer of the bone-forging realm and facing Bei Ju who was only a 2nd-level bone-forging realm martial artist.

Thirdly, He made Bei Ju put 30 spirit stones as the bet prize if Bai Ming won, whereas Bai Ming himself never promised anything.

One could say that the entire situation was firmly within Bai Ming's gasp. Even if he lost the fight he wouldn't really lose anything.

Reputation? Hehe, it can kiss his ass.

Returning to the present;

Bai Ming had a mild smile on his young face as he walked back home, he mused "Adding the 19 spirit stones from last time, I have 49 spirit stones now. Hehe, this should be enough for me to reach 6th layer of the bone-forging realm. Oh Bei Ju you are such a nice person."