
Tainted Truths

‘Burning....’ She kicked and thrashed until the blanket fell from her bed, long black hair matted to her forehead and neck as she spread out on her bed, seeking some sort of relief from the burning that was happening within her body.... ‘I...I am burning...’ She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt every cell in her body shaking, She tried to stay within the realm of dreams as her body continued to burn her... ‘ Fire...Everything around me must be burning...’ The flames engulfed her room. Bright red and orange morphed to hues of green and blue as delirium took her mind to wondrous imaginations... she grasped at pleasant dreams and memories as the fever within her body physically presented itself in the form rare and exotic colors that seamed to burst from her body and dance around her... whispers of images and memories danced within the colorful swirling flames.... ‘Is this hell?’ She was clammy, hot, unbearably uncomfortable... her clothes were burned away from her body that was physically shaking as she started to whimper aloud... ‘Have I come to hell?’ Her cellular shaking was beginning to burn her joints and her bones... she could feel them tearing apart thread by thread... She could feel every fiber of her being ... it felt as if a dull hot blade were cutting her layer by layer...fiber by fiber stretching... ‘Is this how it feels to be torn apart?’ Every nerve tingling with raw energy, shaking, creating more friction within her body; making it burn even more... Her heart was pumping so fast it felt as though it would burst out of her chest at any moment. The new pace was bruising her sternum, making the now golden eyed girl gasp for air as it was sucked out of her room- her windows shattered to give her the fresh air she needed. ‘It...hurts...’ Her chest constricted as her body refused to obey her commands, she wasn't even aware of what she was commanding her body to do... she could hear screaming, thumps and thuds... but she could not make out anything else... she could feel a thunderous shaking rumbling from her bruised chest... ‘Make it stop...’ Everything hurt....everything felt unbearably sore...everything felt too real to be real... Part of her wondered if the burning fever drove her mad as it hurt too much to produce a coherent thought... ‘Is this... how I die?...’ She screamed as painful convulsions ripped through her battered body. The burning came back tenfold and she felt the air leave her body as she gave into the smothering darkness... “Wake up young one...” A mystical melodic voice whispered from within the darkness... “It is time.... To Wake!”

Annalysia_Ybarra · Fantasy
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90 Chs

I Can’t Handle Being Lied To


Edymond stared at the white haired male, 'why won't you wake?' The elf pondered as he eyed the monitor that the male was attached to.

'What did they do to you?'

Edymond was hesitant to touch the male, he was wary of the dark place that the male was in.

'Can the goddess heal you? Restore you? Or do I ask the witch?'


Myriah found Mika sitting on a tree stump on the side of the house in which they resided.

"Hey Myriah-"

Myriah offered a small smile and wave. "Are you okay?" Mika offered a small nod with a strained smile. "What about you? I left in the middle of you yelling at Edymond and Tyler." Myriah shrugged, "I don't like the dishonor of hitting a man when he's down." Mikas small smile turned sly, "Are you sure it wasn't that it was Axel who got hit?" Myriah sighed and tried not to let her blush give her away. "I-I-" she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I've been wanting to ask about you and Axel." Mika murmured, "He seams so protective of you. Yet he's so mean to the rest of us..." Myriah tilted her head, Axel was mean? He seemed so nice... so warm... "I see the way you two look into one another's eyes. Is he your life mate?" Myriah tilted her head again "I don't know... he says that I need some kindness. And that's why he's kind to me..." Myriah took a deep breath and she caught Mikas amber eyes with her own.

"It's different when I look into his eyes though. Maybe I can't handle the possibility of a life mate right now and so he's protecting me..." Myriah sighed, "like always..." There was a moment of content silence, and then Myriah perked up, "what about you and Tyler?" It was Mikas turn to blush. "You two have been pretty close as well." Mika bit her bottom lip, "I'm guiding him and training him.." Myriah nodded and she came closer to Mika until they were standing side by side. "I've seen into Tyler's head, Mika... I'm curious as to what happened when-" "nothing happened that shouldn't have happened." Mika snapped, "I - I shouldn't have pushed him like that-"

"I'm not talking about earlier." Myriah murmured. "And even if I was, clan or no clan, tradition or no tradition, Tyler should not handle you like that." Myriah snapped, "if it happens again, Axel will be the least of his concerns." Mika's heart warmed. With a small smile, Mika brought her knees to her chest and she shook her head, "what are you really here to ask, Myriah?" Mika whispered, "do you want to know if he raped me?" Myriah felt tears sting her eyes at the pain in Mikas voice. The sadness pouring from her. 'It's like me… when Axel realized what happened in the facility…'' Myriah shook the memory away before it had a chance to surface. "Or do you mean to ask if-"

Myriah placed a gentle hand over Mika's. "I am here to ask if you are okay." Myriah murmured in soothing tones. Mika offered a small smile, "I'm not sure what to call it, Myriah." Myriah tilted her head, "I know Tyler isn't my life mate but I feel connected to him. Compelled to bow to and obey him." Mika sighed, "I-i didn't think he bit me that hard that night..."

Mikas sentence died on her lips at the wide eyed, surprised expression on Myriahs face. "Tyler." Mika guessed at the shadow creeping on and molding with her own. "I knew that I hurt you..." Tyler whispered, his voice distraught. Mika shook her head without turning to face him, "no you didn't-"

"Don't lie to me!" Tyler growled out, "stop treating me like I'm this baby whose going to break if you give me too much information!" Myriah took a shaky step in attempt to come between Mika and Tyler. "Of all the things... I cannot handle being lied to." Tyler murmured after a deep calming breath at the sight of Mikas tears.

"So I will ask again: Mika... did I hurt you that night?"

Mika nodded as the tears spilled over. Myriah watched Tyler's expression change from angry to despair. "Did I-" "No!" Mika shouted as she launched herself into Tyler's broad chest. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she held fast, "then-" Mika tilted her head and showed him the bite mark that resembled a crescent moon, "I see now, boy." Axel greeted as he made his way to the scene, "You marked her as yours." He murmured. "Atoli was asking for you." Axel answered the questioning expression on Myriahs face as he offered his hand to Myriah who slowly took it, "What do you mean I marked her?" Tyler asked. "He means that I am yours..." Mika murmured with a fierce blush. "It's similar to being a life mate just not as binding." Axel murmured. "I suspected but now that it's confirmed. Best of luck."

With that, Axel dragged Myriah away.

Tyler looked at Mika, "It's similar to an open marriage." Mika explained with a raging blush. "Is there a way to release you? If this-" "No!" Mika shouted as she shoved her hands over Tyler's mouth. "It's okay. I'm okay" she promised as she nodded to herself.

"I remember you looking absolutely terrified." Tyler murmured as he gently put his hands on Mikas shoulders. "I can't let you be okay with something you didn't consent to."

Tears filled Mikas eyes, "Bonds like this are irreversible... to break it is to put you at great risk. You are still adapting to your change and have only shifted once." Mika murmured, "For the first year of this new life werewolves are compelled by the moon. It's not uncommon to mark one in the heat of the first phase. It's why your phase should have happened with the clan as a whole, instead of with just me." Tyler nodded, "But you are okay… with things as they are?" Mika blushed and shoved herself away from him, "I- I am… even though I'm older than you, I'm also not much older than you and I-" she blushed a fierce shade of red. How does one go from being vulnerable to mortified?, "I've never…" she paused and brought her hands to her flaming cheeks. Tyler's expression wasn't helping in the least. He looked like he wanted to hug her again, but was also worried about making her uncomfortable.

"Ah! S-so I'm going inside to um... well..." Tyler tilted his head until what Mika was implying reached him. He grinned, 'at least she's not needlessly traumatized.' He gently took her hand in his, "I've never been with another either." He assured in gentle tones, "I don't want to be cruel to you nor do I want to overwhelm you." Completely overwhelmed and steamed out, Mika made a beeline for the house with Tyler chuckling behind her.

I’ve been planning this conversation ever since I started putting this book onto this site...

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