
Tainted Truths

‘Burning....’ She kicked and thrashed until the blanket fell from her bed, long black hair matted to her forehead and neck as she spread out on her bed, seeking some sort of relief from the burning that was happening within her body.... ‘I...I am burning...’ She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt every cell in her body shaking, She tried to stay within the realm of dreams as her body continued to burn her... ‘ Fire...Everything around me must be burning...’ The flames engulfed her room. Bright red and orange morphed to hues of green and blue as delirium took her mind to wondrous imaginations... she grasped at pleasant dreams and memories as the fever within her body physically presented itself in the form rare and exotic colors that seamed to burst from her body and dance around her... whispers of images and memories danced within the colorful swirling flames.... ‘Is this hell?’ She was clammy, hot, unbearably uncomfortable... her clothes were burned away from her body that was physically shaking as she started to whimper aloud... ‘Have I come to hell?’ Her cellular shaking was beginning to burn her joints and her bones... she could feel them tearing apart thread by thread... She could feel every fiber of her being ... it felt as if a dull hot blade were cutting her layer by layer...fiber by fiber stretching... ‘Is this how it feels to be torn apart?’ Every nerve tingling with raw energy, shaking, creating more friction within her body; making it burn even more... Her heart was pumping so fast it felt as though it would burst out of her chest at any moment. The new pace was bruising her sternum, making the now golden eyed girl gasp for air as it was sucked out of her room- her windows shattered to give her the fresh air she needed. ‘It...hurts...’ Her chest constricted as her body refused to obey her commands, she wasn't even aware of what she was commanding her body to do... she could hear screaming, thumps and thuds... but she could not make out anything else... she could feel a thunderous shaking rumbling from her bruised chest... ‘Make it stop...’ Everything hurt....everything felt unbearably sore...everything felt too real to be real... Part of her wondered if the burning fever drove her mad as it hurt too much to produce a coherent thought... ‘Is this... how I die?...’ She screamed as painful convulsions ripped through her battered body. The burning came back tenfold and she felt the air leave her body as she gave into the smothering darkness... “Wake up young one...” A mystical melodic voice whispered from within the darkness... “It is time.... To Wake!”

Annalysia_Ybarra · Fantasy
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90 Chs

A Curse Only A Woman Can Cast

The onyx eyes that were glaring into his wasn't from madness or even from blood lust... he was too composed...

The elf allowed his eyes to widen.

The vampire's eyes were onyx because he was staking claim on the girl in his arms.

Did he know what he was doing?

What this glare was implying?

Was the vampire aware of his infatuation of the girl in his arms... was he infatuated? Did he have feelings for her? Or Was he merely obsessed?

The possibilities were too many... He dared to say this vampire vexed him.

"Do you honestly believe you can?"

The elf's question, meant for himself, was voiced aloud. It rang heavy on Axel's ears and heart. Shattering the tender moment he allowed himself to get lost in.

"You think to keep her to yourself?" The elf asked again. "Why is that, vampire?"

Axel held Myriah tighter to himself. He knew that it was dangerous to feel the way that he felt. The task was to begin to sort out it out before it consumed him whole... assuming it hasn't already...

"Why do you endeavor to have her, vampire? Do you think she will be your salvation? The sun to your endless night?"

The elf was right. It was a complete game changer to lust after a creature so pure... Only a few vampires have ever found a mate outside of their kind and a pure one at that...

Axel watched Myriahs head tilt back with burning onyx eyes. The creamy skin of her neck called to him in more ways than one. He wanted another taste of her blood, he wanted to claim her, to keep her at his side for the rest of time. The compulsion was near its breaking point.

He bit his bottom lip as the vision of him tasting her warm blood came to his mind...the image gave way to pictures that left his body tingling... surely this girl was an enchantress from hell. Sent to ensnare him to her will and torment him in the worst possible ways. Axel bowed his head in hopes of dismissing the images, however the pure floral scent radiating from the girl in his arms seamed to call to him...it played games with his mind, he wondered: how sensual would she feel? Would she respond to him? Would she want him as he wants her? Axel hummed a jumbled answer as he gave into temptation and buried his nose into the crook of her neck, basking in her pure scent of jasmine and lavender, allowing it to sooth his racing mind.

This wasn't lust...

It was worse.

It was a curse that only a woman could cast...

To want someone like this. To want everything they had to offer and more... For ones mind to be infected with her... for his dreams to consist of her...

It was a curse.

It had to be...

Christ, he didn't even know the girl. He bumped into her...their eyes met...before he knew what was happening, she had infected his mind. He thought about her. Axel could be honest and say that he obsessed over her...

This couldn't be healthy...

This spell wasn't pure yet they called her a 'Pure One.' This Desire was so consuming he dared to call it a sin... yet they said she was an angel....

What kind of angel torments one this way?

'She came to me... she sought me out...'

Axel felt himself swell with pride knowing that she sought him for comfort. He was overjoyed that she felt safe with him. That her faith was in him.

Axel knew that he was no hero, he didn't want glory or fame or to even save his people. 

In this moment, with this pure, flawless being in his arms, Axel knew that he only wanted her to live.

If he had to save the world for that to happen... he would...

He would give anything.... If it meant that she would stay pure... Axel closed his eyes, 'I hardly know this girl. Yet … she need only ask… and I will bring the world to its knees for her...'

Axel's mouth came into contact with the junction where her shoulder met her neck-

Yes...he would claim her and no other would have her. He would keep her safe and lock her away from the world.... her beauty and grace would only be his to see. Her pain and tears would be only his to heal...

Axel briefly remembered the last time he held Myriah in his arms-she was pressed against him as he carried her....He recalled the way her blood burned on his tongue. How sweet her skin tasted... The raging thoughts rushed back to him as he was graced with images that would surely make his romantic of a brother blush.

He would claim her, and no other male's scent would stain her flawless floral scent. He would claim her and no other would dare to touch her...

He would claim her...

The vampire was unaware of the elf unsheathing his sword with narrowed eyes. He was too absorbed in the woman in his arms. He was lost to his racing mind...

He would be all that she needs. All that she wants. He would be everything to her as she was becoming to him...

'Now... to save her life...'

Axel tore his mouth from her flawless skin when he felt his fangs lengthen.

''I bear her pain.' He had said... so can I bear Myriahs pain?' Axel took a deep breath to try and get a hold of himself when his burning eyes came into contact with her face. 'If he could do it then so can I...' Axel looked at her parted lips and he tilted his head toward them. 'Please... let me help her...' If what his fool of a brother and the witch said are true, he had to be able to stop her suffering... His lips graced hers in a ghost of a kiss. He willed her to share her pain with him. He silently pleaded, He prayed to whatever God he could name.. for the ability to protect the girl in his arms...

'If this curse is anything but... let me save her.'

The elf, stood watching with all seeing white eyes. When he didn't smell blood in the air he had sheathed his sword. Resting his hand on the hilt, he felt like he was intruding on a private moment. However, he simply couldn't trust the Vampire with the Goddess. He could only guess at the level of infatuation the vampire felt for the Goddess, and until he knew he would stay.

It was his peoples duty to protect her...

And he would.

Edymond watched her aura taint... it went from a shimmering white to a calming lavender to a raging, dark purple. So dark he dare say it was black...He took a step to warn the vampire lest he see himself harmed at her hand. His words fell silent when he saw that the taint of her aura was drifting to the Vampire...

Edymonds white eyes widened and he felt his jaw drop. Could it be possible... even so... the only other way for this to be done would be if...

Edymond composed himself as he watched Myriah's aura return to its shimmering white.

Axel closed his eyes to the memories, the thoughts and the nightmares... the anger weighed heavily on his heart. Looking into her eyes, he only got a glimpse of the evil that haunted the angel in his arms.

Like this, he felt it all... her pain, her anger, her hatred...

He heard it: the nightmares, the memories, the darkness...

To breathe was to hurt.

Part of him was amazed that she was alive... an even bigger part of him wanted to destroy everyone who had made her suffer... Especially the man she once called 'Father'. Axel grabbed at his chest then he cradled Myraih closer to himself, so that no space was between them. He relished in the feel of her soft body against his hard one....

He would be her champion. He would protect her from her anxieties. He would destroy her enemies... he would be whatever she needed him to be...

Axel slightly pulled her away from himself and he looked at her sleeping face that was relaxed from the scrunched expression of pain. He gently touched her plush pink lips and he sighed.

'I will ensure that you live, little one.'

Axel stood on shaky legs with Myriah in his arms. His eyes clashed with the elf's silver/white eyes. "What is your name?" Axel murmured, "Edymond." The elf replied, he tore his eyes from Axel's. The haunting darkness plagued him, and it intimidated the elf.. "I apologize." Edymond murmured, Axel brushed the apology aside as he made his way to Myriah's room. His body was rigid, his onyx eyes narrowed in concentration. Was this why her movements were so slow? So stiff? He assumed she was still healing...

He would need to talk with his brother... soon...

I couldn’t stop reading this part. I could see it and I hope I painted it inn this chapter.

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