
Tainted truth

In this story you will follow Jonas Foll. This poor soul, along with six others, has been transported from earth to a world of demons and dragons etc etc, you all know it. Where this story is different from the rest is that Jonas is not the one with the worst ranking ability, instead he's the one with the best ranking one in the hero party (otherwise known as the 'leading hero' in the kingdom of Hestia). However, there is somehow another hero with an ability of the same rank. These two should have to compete about who becomes the leader. Unfortunately Jonas' ability will slowly drive him more and more to madness. Let's hope he does not do anything crazy. Let's hope the ones around him don't do anything that could make that happen.

Piet_Lut · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Jonas Foll

*Earth, the year 2023 inside a small home just outside of some mayor city*

"Damn it, wrong again!"

This is Jonas Foll. He is currently studying for a test. He's quite smart, studying Biology in a university, but he lacks discipline.

"Why is this so hard? Maybe I should payed attention during the lectures. Next semester I will defenitely do that and then I will barely have to study!"

He won't do that. His life has been quite easy until now. Except for parents that fight occasionally, everything is gifted to him. He is quite good at sports, his looks are pretty good and school, while he doesn't try hard enough, goes pretty good as well. All in all, he has nothing to complain about.

"Man, this is just too annoying! Well no matter. I just need to study hard and after passing I can go out drinking with my friends again."

But he won't do that either.


Because he is one of the summoned.


The room is now empty.

A score of 65% on the test, he would have passed the exam.

After gaining his bachelors degree and masters degree, he would've finally found a girlfriend that he really loves.

He would've stopped drinking as much but would still keep in touch with his best friends.

Eventually he would've had children that would have loved him dearly.

He would have had a pretty stress free life.

But now he will never be seen again.

His parents cry for him. His friends mourn him. The world misses him.

But he is now gone.

Or is he?

'Where the fuck am I? Is this some kind of throne room? I must be dreaming. Did I really fall asleep during studying? How idiotic!'

He is one of the 7 summoned heroes.

And he does not accept his new reality just yet.

"Heroes! Thank you so much for answering the call of the goddess! I am the king of Hestia. I will introduce you to this world. This is Canpeto. You are in the kingdom of Hestia that is currently at war with the evil kingdom of Kalon! Please, first all touch this orb in front of you to find out what ability you all have."

'How basic. Evil kingdom? And he does not even explain their crimes? I didn't know my imagination was so small.'

'Anyway, let's touch this orb and find out if this dream will he any fu-'


Why is this girl so loud? It hurt my ears with how loud she screams.


It hurt my ea-?

"Shut up, I am trying to find out if I'm dreaming. Pinch me."

Why do these idiots keep interupting my thought-?


Thats enough.

"Shut up, I'm trying to finish a thought. For a dream you all are being very annoying."


"I must inform you, heroes, that this is indeed not a dream"

Why... does biting my tongue not hurt...

"Heroes, please stop hurting yourself in attempts to confirm the reality of your situation."

Pulling my finger back... also really hurts!

Maybe if I break it...



And... I can't move anymore.

"Alright heroes. First, talk among each other and figure out your situation. Afterwards, touch the orbs and see your ability."


Alright, I can move again. Let's start talking with the others and find out the situation.

"Alright, let's just introduce each other first. I am Kent Poldrum."

"Hey, I am Lisa Warner"

"Name's Clark."

"I am called Winston"


"Well, my name is also Clark but my last name is Penn so I guess I'll go by P."

Time for me to also introduce myself.

"Hey guys. My name is Jonas Foll. Now Let's talk about our situation. Because I am personally starting to get stressed out by how real this all is."