

River Ruby Rhy is the son of a single mother; Rhy Monica. Monica is a strict, firm but loving mother, she loves her son deeply, but she always keeps him in a golden cage. Monica never lets River out of their large manor, the latter only gets a glimpse of the outside world when he travels through a portal to hell to spend time with his cousin and his uncle. In the long run, River found an open opportunity to leave his huge manor, and he was not about to let this opportunity slip past his hands. River finds out that his cousin, Samantha has moved to Earth and is going to spend a while in the realm, so he tries to persuade his mother to let him go spend time with his cousin. But being the fierce and strict mother Monica is, she refuses. River almost went into depression, but hope came when his mother agreed to let him go out of the blue. Little did River know that he was being sent to a place where his fate along with the fate of creatures of several dimensions and realms would rest on his palm, but with the help of his mate, Damien who is by fate the prince of Hell, he would be motivated to keep pushing and fighting because he has someone to protect now.

Diamanti_2479 · LGBT+
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26 Chs


"Am I that grumpy?" He asked with a pout.

"Yes, you are,"

"Kiddo, I have things to do," He said, ruffling River's hair.



"But why does Papa not love me?" River asks tilting his head upwards to look up at his butler with teary eyes filled with different emotions.

"I thought I am not lovable, but you told me you love me. Omma said so too," He said the last sentence hesitantly, silent tears now dropping from his eyes.

"Your papa loves you River"


"I have to go now or those lazy girls would fail to do their work properly, have a nice day young master." The old butler bowed and left the room hastily.

"Even Grandpa?!" He groans, dipping his head in his soft pillow again.


"Ruby." Monica curtly said, warningly; glaring at her son who was sitting just across her at the dining table.

"Hm?" River absentmindedly asked without looking up at his mother, still playing with the food on his plate.

"Eat." She commanded.

"Omma." He said with a soft sigh looking up at his mother.

"Ruby." Monica says, her tone daring.

"I am sorry, mother." River formally said, making a vein visibly pop on Monica's head.

The frown on her face slowly melted to a solemn expression. Giving out a sigh, she stretced her hand across to gently place it on River's.

"River you know I love you, right?" Monica softly asked.

"Yes, mom" River replied with a sigh.

"And I will do anything for you-"


"In your best interest," Monica interjeced, her grip on River's hand tightening a bit.

It took a while for River to reply but he looked up at his mom and muttered a low, barely audible "Yes mom, I know"

After an tense silence that consisted of River looking down at his untouched food and Monica staring at their overlapped hands in deep thoughts, Monica spoke up, startling River.

"You can go," Monica said while sharply turning her face sideways dismissively.

"Huh? Go where?" River asked confused.

"Out. But do not be too happy because your uncle and cousin are to be with you, and-" Monica was cut off by her son's blank expression.

"You are not happy that you are finally leaving." Monica theoretically states.

"What is the occasion?" Yuri replied sarcastically instead with an eye roll.

"My bad," Monica dryly states, albeit stared at her son like he had grown another head.

"Your bad." Yuri bit back and abruptly stood up, resulting in chair making an unpleasant sound with the marbled floor.

"Ruby, do not move." Monica said in a tight voice, daring her son to move an inch with a glare aimed at pinning him in place.

"I am sorry son," Monica said with teary eyes.

"How I wish you truly are," River bluntly replies with a snort.

"You know me too well, son," Monica replies, a sly smirk playing on her cherry red lips.

River retorts with an excessive eye roll, staring down at his mother while his feet tapped on the marbled floor impatiently.

"Let us take this conversation to your room, might as well start packing." Monica states, her smirk standing proud on her face as she stands up from her seat to march towards the dining hall entrance without waiting for her son.

After rolling his eyes at his mother's dramatic antics, River trailed behind her to head towards his room.

They settled on River's bed while River folded his leg and sat at the center of the bed, his mother sat at the edge facing him.

"Which of them?" River asked curiously.

"Hm?" Monica asked distractedly.

"Mom I know it was a tough decision to make, but I am really happy. This is the happiest I have been in a while, I just hope you do not act against your word again." River mumbled the last sentence but it was still audible.

"I would not. I promise." Monica firmly replied.

"Thank you, Mother."

"It is Samantha."


"I know, I know. It is a risky decision because both of you are birds of a feather who tends to land the other in trouble. You both had been inseparable since birth and I think he is the right choice. Moreover, he is well acquainted with the country." Monica states in a bored tone.

"Wow. I mean, I thought you'd send Jonathan or Victoria, but Sam?"

"Nah. Those two will manipulate you, they are snakes."

"Absolutely. But Sam?! seriously?! I am so excited, I cannot wait to tell him!" River squealed happily.

"You are more beautiful when happy, Ruby."

River blushes.

"Of course, I am beautiful." He puffed his cheeks out.

"And cute too!" Monica squished his chubby cheeks.

"Aw, Mother," he whined.

"And whiny too," Monica laughed when she saw her son scrunch up his button nose cutely.

"I am not whiny." he huffed.

"Of course," Monica said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

He puffed out his cheeks once more.

"Aw, so cute" Monica lovingly stared at her son, while poking his cute nose.

"I love you omma" River purred out.

"I love you too, Jagiya"

"Well, that took an unexpected turn, did it not?" Monica asks with a large smile as she playful tsked.

"It sure did." River says, bursting out in a fit of giggles.






"Urgh! Who is calling me at this ungodly hour?"

A grumpy voice groaned, tapping around to get to the source of his misery.

"Hello, who the hell are you?" He asked calmly, not bothering to check who called.

"Sam?" He heard a hesitant voice on the other line. Immediately he heard the voice, he knew it was his adorable cousin.

"Shit- I mean River! How are you doing?!" He asked half enthusiastic, half groggy.

"I am fine, Sam," his cousin sing-sang enthusiastically.

"What is it? You sound happy? No offense though."

"None taken."

"Well I think Auntie called off your trip, again" Sam deadpanned.

"Yes, but guess what?" River whisper-squealed.

"You are finally going to elope?"

"Of course not, Sam!"

"Then what?" He asked bored.

"She said I could come"

"What's new?" Sam asked with an eye roll, losing count of how many times his auntie had successfully manipulated his oblivious younger cousin till date.

"She was serious."

"Really?" Sam asked surprised, finally having an interest in the conversation.


"But what, Ruby?" Sam knew there was inevitably a but after that statement.

"There is a condition." River hesitantly muttered.

"Which is...?"

"I have to live with you."

Sam paused for a moment, not saying anything, he could feel that his cousin was getting tensed.

"Hello?" He heard the timid voice he was all too familiar with now.

Sam burst out into uncontrollable laughter, holding onto his stomach as he rolled on the bedsheets, cackling hysterically.

"Cousin, you are so funny," he said after coming down from the high.

"Huh?" His cousin asked, oblivious as to why his cousin was laughing like a maniac.

"You are very fun-" He was unable to complete his sentence because the phone had been snatched from his cousin. He froze when he heard the all too familiar stern voice of his auntie cutting him off.

"He is staying with you. Do you have any objections?" His auntie asked with her ever-stoic voice. He gulped.

"N-no ma'am." He stuttered.

"I thought as much, but you guys will only stay at our estate in the States. It has enough security and watchful eyes." he heard his auntie say maliciously. He gulped again.

"Moving back to hell soon." Sam replied in a small voice.

"Now, why do you have a hangover?" Monica asks, ignoring Samantha's words.

"Huh?" Sam asked astonished.

"You heard me."

"Auntie," He whined.

"Why, Sammy?" She asked softening her tone.

"Omma," Sam said in a barely audible voice.

"What happened, son?"

"Can we not talk about this now?"

"Okay. But I am not letting you off the hook that easily. We will discuss this later"

"Yes, mama."

"Bye, son."

"Bye, Auntie."


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