

A soul drifting thought the void when it suddenly gets awoken by a Being calling it's GOD. The Soul is then given wishes and he is immediately transported tho hell......yeah ik, funny huh? He is then met with a Fallen Devil called herself Alisa, where she is his new boss and gives him missions to accomplish, Anddddd those missions takes place in other galaxies, realities and spiritual planes and such. So may our Protagonist stay safe and fuck as many girls as he can........:) And please, there might be some racist lines in there or bad stuff like N#zi type shit. This is only for jokes and entertainment, please don't take it seriously pleaseeeeeee!!!!! And maybe let me know what u think about it, Is it good or is it bad. Instagram: joyboy_2023 Snap: Joyboythesun

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

*10 minutes later*

As Satoru was walking he sees a light up ahead indicating that he was near his target, "Okay I'm here, let's see what I'm dealing with." He said as he approached a small bush near the campfire.

As Satoru cautiously approached the campfire, he could hear the crackling of the flames and the faint sound of a murmured voice. He peered through the foliage, trying to get a glimpse of the rogue demon he was about to face.

As he observed the scene, he noticed a tall skinny demon facing the fire, its grotesque feature illuminated by the flickering flames. It seemed to be engaged in a heated conversation with itself, its voice filled with malice and aggression.

Satoru took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was about to come. He picked up a small rock from the ground and tossed it in the opposite direction, creating a distraction. The demons' heads snapped towards the sound, its attention diverted.

Seizing the opportunity, Satoru unsheathed Solã, his body becoming ethereal as he moved silently towards the unsuspecting demon. He positioned himself behind it, his eyes locked on its vulnerable neck.

With a swift and precise movement, Satoru struck, his hand piercing through the demon's flesh and severing its spinal cord. The demon let out a guttural scream, its body collapsing to the ground lifelessly.

Satoru collapsed on the ground breathing deeply, his stats is still weak so all that effort took a toll on his body. He was lucky not to break his arm or something.

As he was thinking, the system echoed in his head, "Yahoo!! You killed your first demon Satoru congratulations!! Go on check your stats!"

"Status!" He said.


[Name: Gojo Satoru]



[Level: 20/800]

[Exp: 0/20000]

[Strength: 5] (-E) (normal humans is 8)

[Intelligence: 5] (-E)

[Agility: 5] (-E)

[Stamina: 5] (-E)

[Charisma: 5] (-E)

[Endurance: 5] (-E)

[Perception: 5] (-E)

[Luck: 1] ( idk :)

[Magic: 5] (-F)

[Time control: 30s/30s]

[String string fruit: 1inch string (hahaha stumpy)]

[Summoning Gacha: 0]

[Points: 20]

Satoru's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at his upgraded stats. "System, what's going on here!? How did I level up 20 times!?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and confusion.

The system responded in a cheerful tone, "Congratulations, Satoru! You have successfully defeated your first demon and not a normal demon but a rogue demon, which granted you a significant boost in experience points. As a result, your level has increased and everytime you level up you get a point which in this case you leveled up 20 times which gets you 20 points!"

Satoru couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. "That's incredible! I never expected such a rapid progression. This is just amazing! You not so useless after all!"

Satoru's excitement grew as he imagined the possibilities. "So, what can I do with these points I've earned? Can I allocate them to specific stats?"

The system replied, "Absolutely! You have 20 points available to distribute among your various attributes. You can choose to enhance your strength, intelligence, agility, stamina, charisma, endurance, perception, or even your magical abilities."

Satoru pondered for a moment, considering his options. "I think I'll invest 5 points in Strength, Agility and Stamina. And when you're done, show me my stats."

Satoru eagerly awaited the system's response, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence after his successful encounter with the rogue demon. This newfound power had ignited a fire within him, and he was determined to become even stronger.

"Alright, system, let's do this!" Satoru exclaimed, his voice filled with determination. "Allocate 5 points each to Strength, Agility, and Stamina."

The system acknowledged his request and a series of notifications appeared before him, indicating the distribution of his points. Satoru could feel a surge of energy coursing through his veins as his attributes were enhanced.

"Now, show me my stats!" Satoru eagerly demanded.


[Name: Gojo Satoru]

[Age: 23]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 20/100]

[Exp: 0/20000]

[Strength: 10] (-D) (normal humans is 8)

[Intelligence: 5] (-E)

[Agility: 10] (-D)

[Stamina: 10] (-D)

[Charisma: 5] (-E)

[Endurance: 5] (-E)

[Perception: 5] (-E)

[Luck: 1] ( idk :)

[Magic: 5] (-F)

[Time control: 30s/30s]

[String string fruit: 1inch string (hahaha stumpy)]

[Summoning Gacha: 0]

[Points: 5]

Satoru's eyes widened in amazement as he took in his upgraded stats. The boost in his physical attributes filled him with a renewed sense of arrogance.

"System, this is incredible!" Satoru exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "I want more, I need more now! What's next? I wanna kill another Rogue demon!!"

The system responded, "Well there are a lot of them around us. Would you like me to show you?"

Satoru gave an evil smile,"Oh yes please."

*8 days later*

Over the past 8 days, Satoru had been on a relentless quest to level up and become even stronger. He had taken it upon himself to rid the world of rogue demons, small demons, and evil humans. With each battle won, he grew stronger and stronger.

Satoru's days were filled with intense training and countless encounters with his enemies. He had honed his skills, becoming faster, stronger, and more agile with each passing day. He even started using his String string fruit in combat, became efficient and upgraded it a little as well. The once timid and inexperienced young man had transformed into a formidable warrior, feared by both demons and humans alike.

As he stood amidst the aftermath of his latest battle, covered in dirt and sweat, Satoru reached for his communication device and called upon the system. "System, show me my stats," he demanded.


[Name: Gojo Satoru]

[Age: 23]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 89/100]

[Exp: 0/20000]

[Strength: 50] (-B) (normal humans is 8)

[Intelligence: 30] (-C)

[Agility: 50] (-B)

[Stamina: 50] (-B)

[Charisma: 20] (-D)

[Endurance: 30] (-C)

[Perception: 40] (-C)

[Luck: 10] ( idk :)

[Magic: 40] (-C)

[Time control: 30s/30s]

[String string fruit: 40inch string (Wow)]

[Summoning Gacha: 3]

[Points: 0]

Satoru's eyes widened in awe as he took in his upgraded stats. He had come a long way from the weak and mocked KitKat that Kurogane had once laughed at. He had proven himself time and time again, and now he has a foot in this world.

A sense of satisfaction washed over Satoru as he realized the impact he had made in such a short span of time, No one can throw him around.