

For her she's an alien in the human world. She just wants to go home. When she finds out the outside world is more dangerous, She's thrown into a series of life threatening situation. What can she do but Run? It's either herself or them. Which will she choose? _______

Sophie_Kvng · Fantasy
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Hello Guys!

I'm finally writing another book. I know it's not about the Sterling Twins but that one is going to be later on, probably next year. I think.

So moving on.....

FIRSTLY, This is my first fantasy book and I have plans to make it as detailed as possible. You'll love it, I promise.

SECONDLY, Construction criticism is always welcome. As long as your words don't scratch on my ego in a bad way, we're totally good.

THIRDLY, I have other books. You can check them out if you want. And please follow me on here and vote and comment. It takes little to no effort I swear. You what? Click a button? Tap your screen? It's easy.

FOURTHLY, I'm currently not active on Instagram but I'll get back on soon. In the meantime, follow me @favour_sophie180

FIFTHLY, I hope you enjoy this book as much as you probably enjoyed Queen Of Sass. And it's going to be longer.

Love you all.

Back with something fresh and fun. Anticipate!

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