
Tails of life

The story of a boy whose world he thinks he know turns upside down.

Lavolpe3 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2

POV jade

My date with Esmond was going great we look a lot of stores and we had lunch in the food court but I was getting a little nervous. He seems to be hearing a ring and a voice. As we were window shopping I looked over at him when I saw a pained look on his face as I feel the hair on my body stand on end pull out my phone and texted my father.

I was shaking from the feeling growing in me as I texted "dad I'm at the mall with Esmond and there's a strong magical feeling coming off of him what do I do? I feel very uneasy. " As the uneasy feel continues to come off him I feel like I was losing control when my phone vibrates I look at the screen as it read "you need to get away from him now and get to closet MB and wait for me I'll come and get you."

When I looked up from my phone I had tears streaming down my face. I walk over to him and hugged him well I was embracing him my nose start tingling as strong smells come off him like meat I need to get away from him so I told him its bin fun but I can't see him anymore I'm sorry. As I walk away the feeling of uneasiness kept growing I start to run to the monster bunker in the mall as I feel my body start to change.

The more I walk the harder it was to stay focused my vision was starting to lose focus my head started to spin as new smells and louder noise start to bombard me. As I was rounding the corner to the bunker my nails start to grow longer and sharper as fur started to spread the pain at the base of my spine was increasing as a tail grow and pressure on my face grow as I started to shift. My breathing started to get labored as I start to growl and whine in pain. As the door to the bunker opened, I did not feel human anymore as my mind started to darken as the door was shutting my mind was gone when the door was shut halfway I let out a loud wolf howl as the last of my humanity vanished with the shutting of the door and a loud bang as a dented was smashed into the door.

End of POV