
Tadano's 100 girlfriends

An Amazing story of an Komi-san can't communicate anime. Just imagine what will happen if Tadano will have a harem.

Jumbo_Ignir · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 5


Tadano was laying on his bed.... aimlessly looking towards the ceiling he was nearly rolling from happiness.

It was just one day and he already got himself a girlfriend.

Going back to there conversation Tadano and Komi became not only friends...no...they became sweethearts.

One day. One mere day and Tadano was a part of society of people who go to dates, message each other through there phones and simply enjoy there lives.

But leaving Tadano aside let's transport back to Komi-san.

She too was aimlessly looking towards the ceiling while as if a machine gun was shaking with sounds similar to *trrr*

She was happy...no not even happy....she was trembling from joy.

Putting hands near her heart she was feeling it's strong pounding.

Tadano Hitohito. He is a normal average guy but there is always something in him... something really mysterious.

With this being said Tadano and Komi both fell asleep with awkwardly red grimaces and beds all torn up from rolling.






Next day Itan Highschool.

Komi was walking towards her class while was followed by bunch of her simps.

They were following her and asking several questions about herself....she however was silent....she didn't really noticed them as she was thinking of him....that one guy with a soft and pure smile....she waited for Tadano.

And just as she waited she spotted him.

He,near his shoe shelf was hurrying towards his class.....it wasn't that he wanted to go to class... he wanted to see her,the black haired girl with pale skin and unmatched beauty.

Suddenly as he was getting up he felt a little tap on his shoulders.

He turned seeing Komi-san and bunch of simps in her back.

"Who the hell is that guy???"

"Why did Komi-san called for him?"

"We should dispose of him real quick."

With various kind of shit coming from simps Tadano wasn't fazed at all.

"H-Hi Komi-san." He said softly smiling.

Komi blushed as gathered all her strength.

Normally she would already die saying "Hi" but for some reason near Tadano she felt easy to say anything.

"H..Hello, Tadano-kun" she bowed a little.

Both he and Komi started to go towards the class while simps in back were left speechless.

Simply shaking they called out for Tadano.

"Wh-What kind of relationship is between you and Komi-san?"

Feeling the pressure Tadano knew that it will be an instant death to say that they are dating now.....but who cares for other's feelings? He was lonely so many years and now he got himself a girlfriend....and this bunch of simps won't do anything to him.

"What kind of relationship?Well haha we are dating." Brave and happy he said out loud.

Komi blushed and looked down in happiness. He was proud of being her boyfriend and stood near the simps like a brave warrior near the swarm of enemies.


"....You dare to...."


There aura getting thiccer they were approaching Tadano.

"Yes. We are dating,got a problem?"

Still unshaken he said simply.

Simps raised there hands ready to punch Tadano....it was really a meaningless fight....


One of the guys punched him.

"You are dating....Komi-san???"

"Yes I do,got a problem?"

Ready to punch again that one simp raised his hand again but this time Komi ran towards Tadano's side and wanted to defend him with her body.

Simp lost control and wasn't able to stop his punch which was about to hit Komi.

She closed her eyes ready for pain however.....


As if Bomb Tadano buried his fist in simp's face.


Something litteraly cracked on simp's skull as he went flying all the way towards the garden.

Tadano wasn't really a strong guy but he was unbeatable when the deal was in his family or the ones he cared for.

Holding Komi in one hand as if she was a bride he shook his hands.

"You can beat me all you want but...Never ever touch my girlfriend." He was scary,He was cool and mostly he was unshaken.

Komi was red as if cherry....she found a new line in Tadano's behaviour....He, Tadano,is a cool guy.

All red she smooched his cheek.

"Th...Thanks.... Tadano."

He also blushed.

"N-No problem...."

And with that said they got towards the classroom leaving simps behind.