
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Operation Clash of Echoes

Meanwhile, inside the grand palace, Evelyn was bursting with excitement. She had quickly sought out Princess Seraphina to introduce her to someone intriguing she had met outside the palace earlier.

Evelyn's voice bubbled enthusiastically as she spoke, "Lady Seraphina, come on, hurry! You won't believe who I met outside the palace today! I've been dying to introduce you to him."

Princess Seraphina, trying to catch up, had a smile on her face, although a hint of confusion colored her voice. "Evelyn, you're talking a mile a minute. Slow down. Who are you talking about?"

Evelyn, wearing a smug expression, leaned in a little closer, "Oh, you're in for a treat! You'll see when you meet him."

However, before their conversation could delve any further, the palace trembled, and they heard the escalating commotion from outside. Both women exchanged puzzled glances and rushed to the nearest window to see what was happening.

Seraphina, her voice tinged with concern, questioned, "What's happening out there?"

Evelyn and Seraphina were taken aback when they witnessed a fierce battle unfolding in the palace courtyard. Two figures, Creed and Lieutenant Cedric, were engaged in a breathtaking duel, showcasing their extraordinary combat skills.

Evelyn, her voice filled with surprise, remarked, "Hmmm?... Is that...?"

Seraphina's gaze was fixed on the battle as she inquired, "Lieutenant Cedric? But who's the other one?"

As they continued to watch, both of them were yet to realize that one of the combatants was none other than Creed, their fellow adventurer, who was showcasing a power and intensity that surpassed their expectations.

As the battle between Creed and Cedric unfolded in the palace courtyard, Seraphina's gaze kept shifting between the combatants and a certain random knight in the vicinity. She had an inkling that she had seen him before, but the connection remained elusive.

Seraphina, her voice tinged with curiosity, remarked, "I feel like I've seen him somewhere before... but I can't quite place it."

Evelyn, keenly observing the duel, struggled to find the right words. She was surprised and somewhat bewildered by the situation.

Evelyn, her expression bearing a nervous smile, could only manage a hesitant response, "Uh...Uhhmmm."

However, as the duel continued, Seraphina's memory began to resurface. The pieces of the puzzle came together, and she finally recognized the mysterious knight for who he truly was.

Seraphina's eyes widened, and her voice was filled with an incredulous realization, "Wait, it can't be... He's the adventurer who saved us from the ogre, isn't he?"

The shock of the discovery overwhelmed her, causing Seraphina to turn to Evelyn, her voice quivering.

Seraphina, stuttering and shaking Evelyn intensely, expressed her disbelief, "Evelyn, it's him! It's him! I can't believe it!"

Evelyn, still trying to process the situation and fully grasp the implications, wore a confused expression as she responded to Seraphina.

Evelyn, with a tone of agreement, said, "Ye...yeah, Lady Seraphina, I can see that." She was shaken by the princess's excitement and mumbled, "How did he end up in this situation?"

The two women, now united by their recognition of the mysterious knight's identity, stood together by the window. They continued to watch the fierce duel with a mixture of shock, confusion, and growing admiration for the adventurer who had once come to their rescue.

As the battle between Creed and Cedric intensified, Cedric's frustration reached its peak. He was determined to prove his superiority over the adventurer who had dared to challenge him. With clenched fists, he prepared to unleash a spell, his sword glowing radiantly with magical energy.

Cedric's voice resonated with anger as he declared, "You've pushed me to this point, adventurer."

His eyes blazed with determination as he assumed a stance, signaling that he was about to employ a powerful spell. The atmosphere crackled with electric energy, and Cedric began to chant the incantation for his spell.

Cedric's voice was commanding as he incanted, "By thine lightning's swiftness, I invoke thee! Flash and hasten O Swift Lightning Surge! Let the speed of thunderbolts be our guide, as we move with the swiftness of a lightning strike!"

In the blink of an eye, Cedric vanished from his position, leaving Creed momentarily bewildered. It was as if the Royal Knight had teleported, vanishing and reappearing with incredible speed. 

Before Creed could react, Cedric materialized behind him, launching a series of lightning-fast attacks.

Creed's surprise was evident as he exclaimed, "What the...!"

He attempted to counter Cedric's onslaught, but it quickly became apparent that his strikes were hitting nothing but illusions. Realizing the dire situation, Creed shifted his focus to defense, doing his best to evade Cedric's rapid assaults. The battle had taken an unexpected turn, and Creed knew that he needed to adapt swiftly to this formidable challenge.

As Creed found himself in a dire situation, his mind raced to come up with a way to counter Cedric's lightning-fast attacks. He blocked strikes from all directions while trying to think of a solution. Just when it seemed like he was running out of options, a notification suddenly popped up in his visor, and a new skill appeared on the interface.

Creed with his determined face said, "This is my chance!"

He immediately stepped back from the relentless assault and began chanting the skill he had just discovered. The words flowed from his lips with conviction as he invoked the power of the skill.

Creed with an intimidated voice "You you think the only one with a powerful spell?" he said with a determined voice. he then immediately chants the spell "By thine holy radiance, I summon thee! Burst and illuminate, O Radiant Nova Strike! Let this righteous energy explode in a radiant burst, striking down all darkness in its path and smiting our foes with divine power!"

A surge of powerful light magic emanated from Creed's outstretched hand, striking the ground with incredible force. The radiant explosion enveloped the area in a blinding burst of light, forcing onlookers to shield their eyes from the brilliant display. Even Leona, who stood her ground, couldn't help but be temporarily blinded by the sheer radiance of the attack.

Cedric, who had been relentlessly pressing his advantage, was pushed back by the explosive force and left in a state of shock "What?!" he exclaimed while being pushed back. The battlefield had transformed into a scene of divine illumination, and Creed's newfound skill had left a lasting impact on the battle.

As Creed and Cedric faced each other in the intense duel, a hushed tension filled the training ground. Cedric's declaration signaled a critical moment in the battle, and everyone held their breath, knowing the power that lay within his incantation.

Cedric's voice reverberated with authority as he declared, "Playtime is over."

His sword emanated an ominous light, signifying the impending spell, while Creed steadied himself for what was to come.

The realization of Cedric's spell sent ripples of unease through the onlookers.

Random Knight, with a startled expression, exclaimed, "Wait... isn't that?!"

Leona, with a knowing smirk, confirmed, "Eclipse Blade Strike."

As Cedric began his incantation, the air seemed to hum with energy. His voice rang out with power as he chanted, "With the power of celestial alignment, I call upon thee! Strike and eclipse, O Eclipse Blade Strike! Let this blade strike be infused with the energy of the cosmos, cutting through all obstacles and leaving darkness in its wake!"

With his incantation complete, Cedric unleashed the full force of his Eclipse Blade Strike. The attack manifested as a burst of energy, resembling a thin, deadly blade of light. It charged toward Creed with unstoppable force.

Cedric, with unwavering determination, launched his attack with a cry, "This is your end, Adventurer!"

A burst of energy, resembling a slender, radiant blade, surged toward Creed. He braced himself for the impact, raising his shield to meet the formidable attack.

Creed braced himself and took the full impact of the attack, his stance unyielding. Those witnessing the clash of powers were in awe of the spectacle, but in the eyes of the princess and her maid, concern and worry were evident. It was a battle of titanic proportions, and its outcome remained uncertain.

As Cedric's attack had subsided, leaving behind a massive explosion of dust and smoke that enveloped the training ground, he wore a triumphant smirk.

Cedric, his voice filled with arrogance, taunted, "At the end of the day, you're just an adventurer."

The spectators, including the princess, were still in shock, unsure of the outcome. Cedric was ready to declare himself the victor when a small smile appeared on Leona's face.

Leona, her tone confident, interjected, "Not yet."

As the dust and smoke began to clear, a shocking revelation emerged. There was no defeated body lying on the ground as expected. Instead, right behind Cedric, a colossal, shadowy figure appeared. Cedric's expression shifted from triumph to shock as he turned to see what loomed behind him.

The shadow had eyes that glowed with a fierce, determined intensity, ready to strike down upon its target. Cedric found himself sweating profusely, bracing for the impending attack.

Just as the shadow's colossal sword was about to descend upon him, Leona's authoritative voice pierced through the tension in the training ground.

Leona, her voice echoing with authority, commanded, "That's enough!"

In that instant, the sword came to a screeching halt, mere inches away from Cedric's face. The sheer force of the stopped swing blew away the remaining dust and smoke, revealing the awe-inspiring scene. Standing there, victorious and unharmed, was Creed, the adventurer who had come to the palace on an escort mission. The onlookers were left in stunned silence as the dust settled, and the truth became undeniable. The battle had ended, and a new victor had emerged from the clash.

After the intense battle came to an unexpected conclusion, Leona emerged from the tension-filled atmosphere to congratulate both fighters.

Leona, her voice filled with genuine appreciation, said, "You both displayed an incredible performance today. Cedric, you've shown great skill and power, and I'm proud to have you as my Lieutenant."

Cedric, still recovering from the shock of the battle's outcome, bowed respectfully and apologized to Leona for the disappointing result.

Cedric, his voice heavy with remorse, said, "I'm sorry for failing you, Lady Leona."

However, Leona's response was far from disappointing. She gave Cedric an encouraging smile and responded, "There's no need to apologize, Cedric. You did a great job, and your skills are undeniable."

Princess Seraphina and Evelyn also made their way to the training ground, where they had witnessed the intense clash. They both congratulated the fighters on their impressive performance.

Seraphina, her eyes sparkling with admiration, said, "That was an amazing duel! You both are truly remarkable."

Evelyn, still trying to process the shock of seeing the adventurer she had met earlier in such an intense battle, added, "I can't believe what I just witnessed! It was incredible!"

Both Leona and Cedric were surprised by the presence of the princess, and they showed her the utmost respect. Seraphina and Evelyn, in turn, were also amazed by the strength and skills of the Royal Knights.

Leona turned her attention to Creed and, with a hint of curiosity, asked him if he would consider joining the ranks of the Knights. However, Creed respectfully declined the offer, content with his current path. Leona, with a knowing smile, replied, "I knew you would say that."

The day had unfolded in ways no one could have anticipated, and a bond of respect and admiration was forged between the adventurers, the princess, and the Knights. It was a day that would leave a lasting impression on everyone involved.

As everyone talking to each other, Evelyn noticed the princess's fidgeting and desire to speak with Creed. Leaning closer to Seraphina, she whispered with a smug expression, "My Lady, go ahead. This might be your chance to talk to him."

Seraphina, in a whisper, expressed her anxiety, "I... I can't, he might not want to, you know," her voice quivered with uncertainty.

Creed, glancing in their direction, couldn't help but feel perplexed by their hushed conversation.

Evelyn, determined to play matchmaker, made a pouting face and decided to give Seraphina a gentle push towards Creed. Seraphina stumbled but was caught by Creed, who extended his arm to ensure her safety. She blushed at the unexpected contact.

"Are you okay?" Creed asked, concern in his voice. Seraphina, slightly flustered, apologized, "I... I'm sorry about that."

With newfound resolve, Seraphina decided to muster her courage and ask the question that had been on her mind.

Stuttering, she turned to Creed and asked, "Um, I... I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk with me..."

Creed, though slightly perplexed under his helmet, agreed with a nod and a warm tone, "Sure, I'd love to."

As they began their walk, Seraphina's heart soared with happiness, her cheeks still tinted pink. She glanced back at Evelyn, who gave her a thumbs-up and an encouraging smile, silently wishing her friend the best of luck on this new adventure.

Seraphina struggled to find the right words, her mind racing as she desperately sought a topic to discuss. "Wah... what should I do? What should I talk about?!" she pondered, feeling anxious in the silence.

Noticing her nervousness, Creed decided to break the ice. In a calm and soothing voice, he initiated the conversation. "This city is nice and peaceful, you know," he remarked. "Can you tell me about this wonderful place of yours?"

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with joy as she seized the opportunity to share her love for the city. "Yes!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "I love this city and its people. Even though struggles may happen at times, people always manage to get back on their feet. And one day, I will be the one to lead these people into a bright future."

Creed listened intently, his helmet concealing his expression but not his genuine interest.

As they continued their conversation and neared the exit of the palace, Creed noticed Shiiyo just outside the fence. He called out to him and, soon, they both headed toward the palace exit. However, before he left, Seraphina's voice, tinged with a hint of sadness, called him back. She hesitated for a moment before asking, "C... can we see each other again?"

Creed turned to her, and under his helmet, he wore a gentle smile. "Of course," he replied, his voice warm. "If you ever want to see me again, you can find me at the adventurers' guild anytime."

Seraphina's face lit up with delight, her worries fading as she smiled. She watched as he walked away, and Creed and Shiiyo left the palace. Shiiyo couldn't help but be curious about the interaction and inquired, "What was that all about, Captain?"

Creed, seemingly nonchalant, answered, "It was just a friendly conversation."

Shiiyo raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. His curiosity piqued, and he persisted, "Come on, tell me. It'll be just between us." They continued on their way to the guild, where a fascinating tale awaited his eager ears.