
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

New Objectives

As the final bandits were defeated, the trio stood amidst the grateful villagers, who praised them with joy in their eyes. The village chief approached the Trio with a warm smile, expressing their deep gratitude. "I can't thank you enough for saving all of us. Please accept this offer of gold. This is all we can give to you."

Creed, the resolute leader, shook his head with a sense of sadness in his tone, though hidden beneath his helmet. "If only... if only we had come earlier, this tragedy might have been averted."

The village chief, understanding the weight of their burden, insisted, "We've lost lives, but no matter how much you try, you can't save everyone. By saving a couple, you've given us hope that there's still good in this world."

Reluctantly, the heroes accepted the village's generous offer, recognizing the importance of hope in the face of despair. It was a small but meaningful gesture.

Shiiyo, seizing the moment, posed a question to the village chief. "Is there a place we can go, a place where we can learn more about this world?" The village chief pointed in the direction of the kingdom of Isendelle, not far from their current location.

The trio stood side by side, gazing at the vast city in the distance. Creed addressed his comrades with a sense of determination. "Well, boys, looks like we have a new task at hand. We'll head to the city and become adventurers. This way, we can learn more about this world and blend in while we're at it."

With their decision made, the Trio their sights on the bustling city of Isendelle, ready to embark on a new chapter in their journey in the mystical and fantastical world of Eldora.

As the trio prepared to depart on their new journey, the village kindly provided them with essential supplies for the road ahead. But just as they were about to set off, a familiar pair of voices called out to them. It was the two sisters they had saved earlier.

Tears of gratitude welled up in their eyes as they approached the Trio, their voices trembling with emotion. "Thank you once more for saving us," the older sister began, her voice filled with warmth.

The younger sister, still overcome with the emotions of the day, chimed in, "We can't express how grateful we are for your bravery."

With a hint of sadness, they asked the question that weighed on their hearts. "Will you ever come back to our village?"

Kyru and Shiiyo exchanged smiles, eager to offer comfort. "♪Of course♪," Kyru assured them. "We'll visit from time to time, and if you ever need help, you can count on us."

Creed, the stalwart leader, gave both sisters a reassuring pat on the head. "You take care of each other. We'll be back to check on you, I promise."

As the trio prepared to head out on their next adventure, they received a warm farewell from the villagers. The village kindly provided them with supplies and provisions for their journey, recognizing the heroes' selflessness and bravery.

Creed, displaying his usual stoic demeanor, leaned down to give the sisters a pat on the head before the trio resumed their journey toward the city, where their next adventures awaited.

As they walked together, reflecting on an eventful day, Creed broke the silence, his thoughts spoken aloud. "We just arrived in this world, and yet so much has happened in a single day."

Shiiyo nodded, his smile filled with a sense of fulfillment. "I agree with you, Captain. We were once helpless, unable to save innocent civilians because we were bound by orders. But now, it's different. We can save whoever we want."

Kyru, brimming with excitement, chimed in. "Yep, you're right!" he exclaimed. "No more lousy superiors telling us what to do." He clenched his fist, his determination evident. "This is our redemption, our moment to prove what we are capable of!"

With their newfound powers, skills, and the bonds they had forged, the Trio ventured forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges Eldora had in store for them.

As the trio made their way toward the city of Isendelle, Creed, the vigilant leader, initiated a conversation with Shiiyo regarding their supplies and the distance remaining to reach their destination.

Creed asked, "Shiiyo, we need to talk about our supplies. How are we looking on ammunition and rations?"

Shiiyo, with his tactical mindset, replied, "We've got enough rounds to last another two days of combat, and our rations should keep us going for at least a week. However, we'll need to replenish our stocks soon."

Creed nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of maintaining their resources. He then inquired about their progress. "And how far do you estimate it is before we reach the city?"

Shiiyo considered the question and responded, "By my calculations, we're roughly 20 kilometers out. If we continue at our current pace and avoid major detours, we should reach the city within the next two days."

Creed acknowledged the information with a sense of determination. "That's good to know. Our mission depends on getting there swiftly. Let's make the most of the daylight we have left."

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows, they decided to set up camp for the night. With their campsite arranged and a fire crackling in the background, Shiiyo took the opportunity to share some insights with his companions regarding the unique abilities they had gained.

Sitting around the campfire, Kyru began, "I've discovered a new ability. My eyes turned into crosshairs and I can target multiple enemies at once, and it's like having a built-in aimbot."

Shiiyo added, "And I found out that I can generate an ice bomb to freeze our foes in place. It was pretty handy back in the village."

Curious, Creed turned to them, his desire to harness his newfound powers evident. "I haven't figured out my skills yet. I just went with brute force against the bandit leader."

Kyru and Shiiyo exchanged knowing glances before Shiiyo reassured Creed, "Don't worry, Captain. You'll unlock your abilities someday. Now, let me show you how to open the interface and check your skills and abilities."

Shiiyo guided the others through the process of accessing their unique skills and abilities through the interface. They spent the evening learning more about their newfound powers and discussing their upcoming journey.

With their new knowledge in hand, they eventually settled down for the night, the campfire flickering under the starry sky. The Trio rested, ready to continue their adventure to the city the next day.