
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

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[In the present day]

The adventurers gathered outside the city's exit, their excitement palpable. The squad, with Shiiyo, tending to the carriage and Risky checking equipment, was ready for the journey. Creed surveyed the long carriage convoy and commented, "Damn, look at this convoy." Kyru added, "I thought we were the only ones in the meeting room ready for this fight, but it looks like we've got some C ranks joining as well."

Shiiyo called out, "Ey, we're all set!" Creed and Kyru nodded, regrouping with the squad. Aizeah finished checking the adventurers and signaled to head out. The convoy began moving, and anticipation rose among the adventurers. Risky, looking back at the large convoy, grinned, "Man, look at this. It's quite different from our world. It's so much more exciting. Fighting a huge wyvern is different from fighting terrorists."

As the convoy progressed, a carriage pulled up beside them—it was Mori and his party. Kyru greeted them with a smile, "Hey, it's you guys!" Mew playfully popped out from their carriage, "Hello-da nya♪!" Shiiyo, driving the carriage, added, "Good to see you guys again." Mori replied, "Same here. Good luck to us on this quest." The four chimed in, "Yeah!"

As the day progressed, Aizeah signaled a stop for camp. Scouts and hunters were dispatched to gather food. The four heroes attended to their tasks, setting up tents, starting a campfire, and preparing food. By evening, they gathered around the campfire. Mori approached, asking, "Hey, may I join your company?" The four happily welcomed him, offering a delicious meal.

Mori, experiencing a taste he had never encountered before, asked in awe, "What is this?" Risky, with pride, replied, "This, my friend, is a taste of Risky's finest. It's called Honey-Glazed Celestial Salmon, a dish that has graced the tables of kings and queens." Mew, drawn in by the smell, approached hesitantly, but upon tasting the food, exclaimed, "What is this da-nya? The fish suddenly melts in my mouth. Are you a god, nya?" Risky, still wearing his proud smug look, chuckled, "I'm no god, I'm just a cook."

As they savored the delicious meal, a curious Shiiyo couldn't resist asking Mori, "Hey, Mori, right? Have you ventured beyond this part of the land?" Mori, his eyes reflecting the tales of distant lands, nodded and replied sincerely, "Yes, indeed. I've traveled to the east side of this world, and let me tell you, it's a breathtaking experience."

Intrigued, Shiiyo leaned in, prompting Mori to share the wonders he had witnessed. Mori began recounting his journey to the east, starting with the captivating kingdom of Sakura Shogunate, a realm of peace and prosperity.

"The Empress Kaede Himura," Mori began, painting a vivid picture with his words, "rules with an indomitable spirit. Two regal purple oni horns crown her head, symbolizing her unyielding strength and connection to the elemental forces she commands. Her obsidian hair cascades like a waterfall of shadows, contrasting sharply with her porcelain skin as smooth as delicate cherry blossoms.

Amber eyes, reflecting the weight of a thousand battles, speak of the unwavering honor that defines her every step. She stands as the epitome of beauty, her regal presence akin to the purity of freshly fallen snow. Yet, beneath the graceful exterior lies a fire, an untamed force that responds to her command.

In the hush of the moonlit night, her katana unsheathes with a whisper—a silent promise of unparalleled mastery in the art of the blade. Her swordsmanship, a dance of lethal precision, is a testament to the disciplined warrior within. Stoic and unwavering, Empress Kaede embodies the essence of honor, a force to be reckoned with in both the tranquility of cherry blossoms and the roaring blaze of battle." The story unfolded, capturing the imagination of everyone around the campfire.

Kyru, wide-eyed with amazement, chimed in, "Woah, sounds like Japan. What do the people call themselves?" Mori nodded in agreement, "They call themselves Sakurashin, combining 'Sakura' to represent the city's abundance of cherry blossoms and 'Shin' symbolizing prosperity and peace."

Risky, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Empress Kaede sounds like my type of woman." Creed chuckled, "Good luck with that. She sounds like someone who would slit your head the moment you enter her chambers."

Intrigued, Shiiyo probed further, "What else about the other kingdoms from the east?"

Mori continued his captivating tales, "Nestled in the heart of the expansive eastern deserts, Saharabad stands as an oasis of knowledge and craftsmanship. King Rashid Al-Mahdi, a wise and respected ruler, has cultivated a kingdom that treasures knowledge and wisdom above all. Saharabad is renowned for its skilled artisans, intricate craftsmanship, and bustling markets filled with merchants hawking rare treasures. However, beneath the façade of enlightenment, the city grapples with a darker side — a thriving black market in illegal trade and a web of corruption woven by politicians who exploit the city's riches for their personal gain."

Creed commented, "Urgh, I hate the desert." Risky inquired, "Why is that, Capt?" Creed continued, "I hate operating in the desert; it's hot and itchy, and I always get sand in my boots. Also, the huge amount of land mines scattered around still haunts me." Shiiyo and Kyru nodded, empathizing with Creed's sentiment.

Mori then continued his story, "Coralhaven, a breathtaking city on the coast, is a vibrant hub of maritime trade and seafood delicacies. Queen Serena Nereida governs over a realm that believes in the protection of the sea god, a benevolent sea serpent that guides sailors on their perilous journeys. The city's bustling markets overflow with the bounty of the ocean, from exotic sea creatures to precious pearls. Coralhaven is also known for its unique alliance with the Aeronautilus, a floating sky city. The Aeronautilus people occasionally descend with their ethereal floating ships to engage in trade, creating a harmonious exchange between sky and sea."

Kyru, enthusiastic, said, "Seafoods and a Sea Serpent? Now you got me there." Risky also chimed in, "Man, I missed Sushis." Kyru, with a smile, agreed, "Tell me about it."

Mori then continued his last journey, "And lastly, a marvel suspended in the sky, Aeronautilus is a floating city known for its magical prowess in crafting flying ships. Ruled by the formidable Admiral Astra Ironwind, the city is a technological wonder, producing majestic airships that navigate the skies. Aeronautilus is renowned for its unparalleled transportation services, connecting distant parts of the world with swift and majestic vessels. The city is a bustling center of trade, attracting merchants from far and wide. Governed by a military leader, Admiral Astra Ironwind, Aeronautilus combines innovation and military might in equal measure, ensuring both prosperity and security for its people."

The four learned more about this world as they progressed, and yet, so many mysteries remained hidden. Listening to Mori's tales, they became increasingly intrigued and felt a growing desire to explore more about the land to which they had been transported.

As the night continued, Mori shared more stories about the kingdoms, cultures, and landscapes of the East. The adventurers sat around the campfire, captivated by the tales of distant realms and fantastical cities. Shiiyo, Risky, Kyru, and Creed found themselves drawn into the rich tapestry of this new world, eager to uncover its secrets.

In the flickering light of the campfire, surrounded by the vastness of the wilderness, the group forged a camaraderie fueled by curiosity and the shared thrill of exploration. Each story Mori told painted a vivid picture of the diverse and enchanting lands that lay beyond the horizon.