
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

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73 Chs

Chapter 28: And so it begins...

Chapter 28: And so it begins...

In the realm of the Primal Force, there was chaos, and yet, there was order in the madness. The infinite possibilities that existed within its realm were both beautiful and terrifying, with bright flashes of light that threatened to blind any onlooker.

The Primal Force was an entity that defied comprehension, a force that existed outside the boundaries of reality itself. Its realm was filled with swirling colors that seemed to exist in a state of constant flux, changing and morphing with every passing moment. One moment, it could appear as a sea of flames, while in the next, it might resemble a vast expanse of frozen tundra.

Within the realm of the Primal Force, one could find a multitude of things, each one more fantastic than the last. There were creatures that defied description, each one stranger and more fearsome than the last. There were mountains of gold and oceans of fire, and valleys filled with nothing but the purest of crystal.

Some said that within the realm of the Primal Force, one could find the answers to all of life's greatest mysteries. Others believed that to enter its realm was to invite madness, for the sheer scale of its power was beyond comprehension.

And yet, for those brave enough to venture into its depths, the rewards could be great. For within the realm of the Primal Force, there existed the potential for untold power, a force that could reshape reality itself.

In the midst of this chaotic realm, a figure slowly began to take shape. It was a being of immense power, a force of nature in and of itself. And as it began to coalesce, its eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light, a sign that it was ready to emerge into the world beyond.

As the figure from the Primal Force realm arrives, the white demon kneels before it, its head bowed in reverence. The air around them crackles with primal energy, causing the space to distort and twist in a chaotic dance. The figure is surrounded by an aura of pure energy, emanating from its form in a kaleidoscope of colors that shift and swirl with impossible speed.

The white demon's form begins to shift and change, its demonic features melting away to reveal a more humanoid shape. Its body elongates, and its limbs become more slender and delicate. The demon's skin turns a pale white, and its eyes, now devoid of malice, shine with a brilliant light. Its transformation complete, the demon stands tall, a vision of beauty and grace.

The creature wears a cropped eighteenth-century-esque suit, stitched with heart designs on the shoulders, and a black, tailed corset running down its torso. Its white ruffle tie is tied neatly around its neck, adding an air of sophistication and elegance to its appearance.

As the figure looks down upon the transformed demon, it speaks with a voice that echoes across the planes of existence. "Rise, my faithful servant," it says, "You have done well. Your efforts have weakened the vessel, and now, it is time for us to claim it for ourselves."

The demon nods in acknowledgement, its features betraying no emotion as it stands beside the figure, ready to carry out its will. Together, they vanish in a flash of light, leaving the realm of Primal Force behind, as they make their way towards the world of mortals, and their ultimate goal.

The white demon bowed low before the mysterious figure and said, "My lord, I do not understand why I was not allowed to destroy the cage. We had a perfect opportunity, but you stopped me."

The figure looked down at the white demon with an expressionless face and said, "The destruction of the cage is my alone, and I will not be rushed."

The white demon straightened up, looking skeptical. "Are you not afraid that the cage might get any ideas? It is a formidable opponent."

The figure chuckled. "Everything is going according to my plan. I have anticipated every move that the cage might make. Do not worry, white demon. We will emerge victorious."

The white demon's form slowly changed from its demonic shape to a humanoid form. It now wore a cropped eighteenth-century-esque suit worn open with the collar popped, stitched heart designs on the shoulders, a white ruffle tie, and a black, tailed corset running down its torso.

It narrowed its eyes and asked, "And how can you be so sure?"

The figure leaned forward, his eyes glowing with confidence and arrogance. "Because I now how that construct thinks. Because even if its a fake there's still a small part of me in there. Once it's gone I will have a body... I WILL HAVE MY BODY!"

The white demon couldn't help but feel a shiver run down its spine at the figure's words. It knew better than to question its master's plans but couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for the world once the cage was gone.

The mysterious figure's demeanor suddenly changes, and he adopts an informal speech pattern. He looks at the white demon and asks, "So, how's the wife and kids? Still busy breeding like rabbits?"

The white demon's expression softened at the mention of his family. "Oh, they're doing great! My wife is expecting our 33rd child, and the rest of the brood is healthy and growing strong," he responded happily.

The figure lets out a hearty laugh before making a comment about the demon's wife being a real succubus. "Man, she really knows how to keep you busy, huh?" he jokes.

The white demon chuckles, feeling at ease in the presence of the figure. "Yeah, she's definitely something else, She can't seem to get enough." he says. " But I wouldn't have it any other way. My wife is the light of my life, and my children bring me endless joy."

The figure nods, a sly grin forming on his face, "Well, it's good to see that you have something to keep you occupied while we're stuck in that cage."

"I still don't understand behind this plan of yours." The demon said. "You can't possibly think your imposter can be that foolish?"

"Oh trust me, I know just how dumb it is." The figure growled. "I would have done the same thing if I was in its place."

"So your plan is based around you doing the dumbest move?" The demon asked.

The figure shakes its head. "No of course not, My plan is based around what the SPEEDFORCE wants me to think!" The figure began to rant all it felt about the cage and the speedforce.

The demon sighs before looking at the figure. "Myles..." The demon called. Once Myles responded to the call, the demon gave him the most disappointed yet irritated look it can possibly give. "You're insane, you know that right?"

'Myles' merely smiles sweetly. "Love you too, White."


Myles slowly opens his eyes and feels the throbbing pain all over his body. His head feels heavy, and he tries to lift his hand, only to find it wrapped in bandages. He tries to remember what had happened but finds his memories hazy and blurry.

As he tries to sit up, the pain intensifies, and he groans before falling back onto the bed. Suddenly, the door opens, and Jesse Wells rushes in, her face filled with shock and joy. She rushes towards Myles and hugs him, causing him to wince in pain.

"Oh my god, Myles, you're awake!" Jesse exclaims, tears welling up in her eyes.

Myles tries to give her a confident smile despite the pain, "Hey Jesse, what happened? And where am I?"

Jesse looks at him with concern, "You were attacked by someone, and we found you lying unconscious in the city. We brought you to the hospital, and you've been in a coma for two weeks."

Myles feels a chill run down his spine as he tries to remember the attack, but his memories remain elusive. He notices the bruises and cuts all over his body and winces as he feels the pain.

"Where's your father?" Myles asks, trying to hide the fear in his voice.

"He's in the lab, trying to find out who attacked you," Jesse responds.

Myles nods before asking, "Do you have any leads on who attacked me?"

Jesse shakes her head, "No, we don't have any leads yet, but we are working on it. The attacker seemed to have a speedster's abilities, just like you, so we're trying to narrow down the list of suspects."

Myles' mind races as he tries to remember the attack and who could have possibly done it. He feels a sense of unease in his gut, but he tries to push it away.

"Thanks, Jesse. I need to talk to your father," Myles says, trying to sound calm and collected.

Jesse nods before leaving the room, and Myles is left alone with his thoughts, wondering who could have attacked him and why did it keep calling him fake, he was real. Yet for some reason, the demon's taunts kept coming as if it was a clue.


Harrison Wells sat in front of a massive bank of monitors, analyzing the footage of Myles' battle against an invisible foe. His fingers danced across a keyboard, typing in commands and studying the screen with intense focus. The footage was shaky and hard to make out, but it was clear that Myles was fighting with everything he had.

Suddenly, Harrison's attention was drawn to another monitor, displaying Myles' vitals and energy output. The numbers were fluctuating wildly, and Harrison's eyes widened in alarm. Myles' powers had become more erratic than ever before, and if nothing was done soon, they would reach critical mass and explode.

As Harrison watched, a door slid open, and Myles stumbled into the lab, looking worse for wear than the last time they had found him. Harrison leapt to his feet, his eyes scanning Myles' body for injuries. Bruises and cuts covered his skin, and Harrison could see the strain etched on his face.

"Myles, are you alright?" Harrison asked, concern lacing his voice.

Myles tried to put on a confident façade but failed miserably. "I've been better," he said through gritted teeth. "What's going on with my powers? They're getting worse."

Harrison's expression darkened. "I've been analyzing the data, and your powers are becoming more and more unstable. If we don't find a way to stabilize them soon, they're going to explode. And that's not even the worst part."

"What's the worst part?" Myles asked, his eyes widening.

"The worst part is that I'm not sure we can stabilize them," Harrison said, his voice heavy with worry. "We need to find a solution, and fast."

Myles felt a sense of panic rising within him as he realized that there might not be a solution to his problem. He turned to Gideon and called out to her, "Gideon, do you have any information about what can be a permanent solution for this?"

Gideon responded, "I'm sorry, Myles, but I don't have any information about a permanent solution for your problem. However, I can continue to monitor your vitals and energy output to provide real-time updates."

Harrison, who had been listening to the conversation, turned his attention back to Myles. "Myles, I have a device that might be able to stabilize your powers. But I must warn you, putting the device on might make you slower, and there are unknown risks, as it's still a prototype."

Myles weighed his options, feeling torn between risking the unknown and risking the explosion of his powers. He knew that he needed to act fast before it was too late. He finally made up his mind and said, "I'll do it. I don't want to be a ticking time bomb."

Harrison nodded and brought out a small, black device with various wires and sensors attached to it. He carefully placed the device on Myles' chest and activated it. Myles felt a strange sensation as the device began to hum, and he could feel his powers stabilizing. However, as Harrison had warned, he also felt slower.

Harrison continued to monitor Myles' vitals and energy output, and after a few moments, he breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems to be working. Your powers are stabilizing, and your energy output is back to normal levels."

Myles felt relieved but also worried about the unknown risks that the device might pose in the future. However, for now, he was grateful for the temporary solution that Harrison had provided.


"See told you its gonna do something dumb." 'Myles' smiled confidently and proclaimed his victory to be at hand, taking a sip of his tea. But as soon as the liquid hit his tongue, his expression turned sour, and he spewed it out.

"Why is this tea hot?!I specifically asked for it to be chilled!" he demanded, turning to one of the monsters. He took another sip and spit out once more. "Why the f*** does it even taste Lemon?"

The monster shrank back, not daring to meet the figure's gaze. "I-I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again," it stuttered.

"Damn right it won't," the figure muttered before throwing his cup at the monster.

One demon tried to calm him down, but to no avail. "My lord, please," he said, his voice shaking. "It's just a cup of tea."

"Just a cup of tea?!" the figure bellowed grabbing the demon by the neck. "It's the principle of the matter! You monkeys can't even complete a simple task! it's not just tea. It's a symbol of my power and authority. And you fools can't even get that right."

The white demon sighed and rolled his eyes, muttering to himself, "Oh, here we go again. Just when I thought you couldn't get any more weird." The white demon knew there was no reasoning for the figure in this state. "Perhaps I can fetch you a new cup of tea, my lord," he suggested.

'Myles' shook his head. "No, no. It's too late now. The moment has passed." He glared at the demons around him.

The white demon ignored him and scurried off to fetch a new cup of tea, the figure grumbled to himself. "Unprofessional dumbasses. Can't even make a proper cup of tea. How do you even make a tea with lemons..."

The white demon returned with a fresh cup of steaming tea, and the figure took a sip, nodding in approval. "Finally, some competence," he muttered.

The white demon couldn't help but roll his eyes at the figure's ridiculous behavior. "You do realize you're the only one who cares about tea, right?" he quipped.

The figure glared at him. "Don't be absurd. Tea is important for my plans to work."

The white demon couldn't help but chuckle. Despite the figure's outrageous behavior, he couldn't deny that it had a certain comedic charm. "How does tea even equate to your plans?"

The figure simply gestures to the demon to take a seat before ordering another to give him a cup of tea. Despite the white demon's annoyance, he complied and suddenly everything clicked when he received the tea.

There was a sense of primal control as if you've achieved something far greater than the cosmos itself. Having the tea just added the effects. The white demon quickly glared at the demon who had tainted such a primal feeling of dominance. Something this beautiful should only be done with utmost perfection. Such a sacred act should be treated with nothing but the highest form of respect. And for one of its kind to ruin such a sensation was blasphemy.

The rest of the demons could only think of one thing. "Oh sweet mercy, there's two of them now."