
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

CHapter 22: Hero of Earth 2

Myles sat in the backseat of the police car, his hands cuffed behind his back, as he sang random songs by Michael Jackson. The cop driving the car was getting increasingly annoyed, but Myles seemed to be having the time of his life.

"Can you please stop singing?" the cop said, his voice filled with irritation.

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror," Myles replied, grinning mischievously. "I'm asking him to change his ways."

"I don't care what you're doing," the cop said, his tone becoming sharper. "Just shut up."

"Annie, are you okay?" Myles sang, ignoring the cop's request. "Are you okay, Annie?"

The cop let out a deep sigh, trying to remain calm despite Myles' constant singing. "Who's Annie?" he asked, hoping to divert Myles' attention away from singing.

"She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene," Myles replied, still singing. "I said, 'Don't mind, but what do you mean, I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round.'"

The cop shook his head in disbelief, wondering how he was going to make it through the rest of the car ride with Myles.

"I'm telling you for the last time," the cop said, his patience wearing thin. "Stop singing or I'll make sure you regret it."

"I'm sorry, officer, but you gotta be startin' somethin'," Myles said, grinning again. "You got to be startin' somethin'. It's too high to get over, too low to get under, you're stuck in the middle, and the pain is thunder."

The cop let out a groan, realizing that he had no choice but to endure Myles' singing until they reached the station. It was going to be a long ride.

The police car suddenly screeched to a halt as the cop noticed someone standing in the middle of the road. He recognized him immediately as Geomancer, a powerful meta-human who could control the earth.

The cop panicked and tried to back away, but before he could react, the police car suddenly flipped over, sending him flying out of the car. As time slowed down in Myles' perspective, he calmly phased through the cuffs and grabbed the cop before escaping the car.

Myles carried the confused cop to the side of the road, slowing down his super-speed as he did so. The cop looked around, disoriented by the sudden change of view, before he realized that Myles was a meta-human.

"What the hell just happened?" the cop asked, his voice filled with confusion.

Myles gave him a cocky grin and treated him like a child. "You're in the big leagues now, officer. You should know better than to mess with us meta-humans."

Without another word, Myles rushed towards Geomancer with a confident stride, ready to take on whatever challenge he posed. The cop could only watch in awe as Myles charged toward his opponent, his confidence unwavering.

Geomancer stood his ground, a look of confusion and wariness on his face as Myles approached him.

"What are you doing here?" Geomancer asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Myles responded with a smirk. "Just passing through. But now that I see you, I figured I'd say hello."

Geomancer scoffed. "You're just like all the other heroes. You think you're better than us regular folks. But I have the power of the earth on my side. You don't stand a chance."

Myles interrupted him mid-monologue, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Sorry to interrupt, but can we skip to the part where I kick your butt?"

Geomancer was taken aback by Myles' interruption, unsure how to respond. "Who do you think you are, interrupting me like that?"

Myles shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a guy who's tired of listening to villain monologues. Now let's get down to business." The wind whipped around him as lightning struck his Hawaiian shirt transformed back into his black and white speed force jumpsuit gleaming in the sunlight

Just as Geomancer was about to respond, he suddenly stopped mid-sentence, his eyes widening in shock. "Zoom?" he gasped.

Myles raised an eyebrow, momentarily confused. "Who's Zoom?"

Geomancer shook his head. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. I'll crush you just like I did to the Flash."

"Alright, let's dance," Myles said, charging towards Geomancer with lightning-fast speed. The two clashed in a blur of earth and lightning, their powers colliding in a fierce battle.

Geomancer had summoned pillars of earth from the ground, trying to strike Myles with them. Myles dodged and weaved through the pillars with ease, his speedster abilities allowing him to move at superhuman speeds.

As Geomancer tried to land a punch, Myles caught his fist with one hand and delivered a powerful punch with the other. Geomancer stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock as he fell to the ground, knocked out cold.

The cop stood there in disbelief, staring at Myles with a mix of fear and awe. Myles didn't even spare him a glance as he scooped up Geomancer's unconscious body and dragged him over to the cop.

"Here you go," Myles said, tossing Geomancer's body into the back of the cop car. "I'm off to enjoy my vacation now."

The cop just stood there, speechless, as Myles walked away, his jumpsuit morphing back into his Hawaiian shirt and shorts. As Myles disappeared into the distance, the cop shook his head in disbelief, wondering what other kinds of meta-humans were out there in the world.


The news anchors were discussing the latest topic in Central City: a new speedster in town. They brought up the question of whether he was a hero or a villain, and what his intentions were.

One anchor, a middle-aged man, expressed his skepticism about the new speedster. "I don't trust these so-called heroes," he said. "They always seem to have their own agenda, and I don't think this new guy is any different."

The other anchor, a young woman, disagreed. "We can't judge him before we know his intentions," she said. "Maybe he's here to help us, to save us from the other meta-humans that have been causing chaos in the city."

The news anchors then turned to the streets, interviewing various witnesses about their encounters with the new speedster. Some witnesses expressed their gratitude towards him, while others were wary of his motives.

One witness, a young man, said that the speedster had saved him from a mugging. "He was so fast, I barely saw him move," the witness said. "But he took down those muggers like they were nothing."

Another witness, an older woman, expressed her doubt about the speedster's true intentions. "I don't know if he's here to help us or to hurt us," she said. "He moves so fast, we can't even see his face. Who knows what he's really up to?"

As the discussion continued, the news anchors revealed a picture of the new speedster: Tachyon. The anchors expressed their surprise at the new information and their doubts about Tachyon's true intentions. They promised to keep the public updated on any new developments regarding the mysterious speedster.


Harrison Wells and his daughter Jesse were watching the news about the new speedster in town with great interest. Harrison, being cautious, was not sure what to make of Tachyon.

"I don't know, Jesse," he said, "this Tachyon character seems a bit too flashy for my taste. We don't know anything about him, and we can't just trust anyone who claims to be a hero."

Jesse, on the other hand, was more optimistic. "Dad, I think we should give him a chance. After all, if he's really a speedster like they say he is, he could be a valuable ally in the fight against Zoom."

Harrison nodded, considering her words. "That's true. If Tachyon is willing to help, then we should at least give him a chance. We need all the help we can get if we're going to stop Zoom."

Jesse smiled at her father's agreement, pleased that he was willing to keep an open mind about Tachyon. "I think you're right, Dad. We should at least reach out to him and see if he's willing to work with us."

Harrison nodded again, "I'll see what I can do to get in touch with him."

As they continued to watch the news, they both had the feeling that Tachyon was going to play a significant role in the upcoming battle with Zoom.


Myles sat on a rooftop, munching on a box of donuts he had stolen from a nearby bakery. He was still wearing his Tachyon jumpsuit, feeling the weight of his new status as a hero on Earth 2. It felt strange to him, having spent so much time as a villain and notorious thief on Earth 1.

He finished the last donut and sighed, feeling stressed. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched and that someone might find out about his true identity. He leaned back and closed his eyes, trying to relax.

"Being seen as a hero is so weird," he muttered to himself. "On Earth 1, I was a villain and everyone knew it. Here, they think I'm some kind of hero, but I'm still the same person."

He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky, feeling the breeze on his face. Despite the stress, he couldn't deny that being a hero on Earth 2 had its perks. He had access to more resources, and he could use his powers to help people without fear of being hunted down.

But the thought of being exposed and losing everything he had built up on Earth 2 still weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he had to be careful and not slip up, especially with a dangerous villain like Zoom lurking around.

Myles stood up and stretched his legs, feeling the energy coursing through him. He smiled to himself, feeling the rush of adrenaline that came with being a speedster. He glanced down at the stolen wallet in his hand and shook his head, knowing that he needed to keep up appearances as a hero.

With a burst of speed, he took off into the night, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.


Still wearing his Tachyon jumpsuit, Myles saw on multiple TV screens Harrison Wells of Earth 2 trying to contact him. He was curious about why Harrison would want to talk to him and why there were dozens of paparazzi outside Star Labs. Myles had been patrolling Central City, taking down any meta-humans causing trouble, but the news of Harrison's attempt to reach him piqued his interest.

When Myles arrived, he saw Harrison Wells waiting for him at the entrance. He jogged over to the scientist, still catching his breath. "What do you want from me, Wells?" Myles asked, looking at him curiously.

Harrison Wells replied, "I need your help in stopping Zoom. I'm sure you've heard of him."

Myles was already aware of Zoom's existence, thanks to his memories from his past life on Earth 1. He was unsurprised that Harrison didn't know about his status as a reincarnation or that he was from another Earth. But he decided to play along, "Yeah, I know Zoom. What's in it for me if I help you out?"

Harrison Wells knew he had to offer Myles something good in exchange for his help. "I'll provide you with anything you want to eat, it's on me," he promised. "Money, technology, anything.

Myles couldn't help but grin at the offer. "Deal," he said, as he eagerly accepted the scientist's proposal. "I'll start with a three boxes donut, three pineapple pizzas with pepperonis..." As Myles listed down every food he wanted Wells couldn't help but wonder if the young man in front of him was a hero or a thief who was trying to rob him.