
Tachyon: Rise to villainy

a young man who reincarnates in the CW flash universe with the power of superspeed. The main character, Myles Walley, initially escapes from a military facility after learning about his powers, and spends his time learning and exploring his abilities. Despite initially considering being a hero, Myles ultimately decides to embrace his villainous side and takes on the moniker of "Tachyon." The story follows Tachyon as he plans his heists, taunts the Flash, and navigates the complicated world of being a supervillain in Central City. An: Just a little heads up, the original author quit on this fanfic so the majority of these chapters are undergoing an intense rewrite.

StoryCraft · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 20: Friends to Foes 

Chapter 20: Friends to Foes

Back in STAR Labs, Team Flash was worried sick about Barry, who had gone missing after his encounter with Myles Walley and Rainbow Raider. They had been trying to call him for hours, but he wasn't answering.

Dr. Wells, who was actually Eobard Thawne in disguise, was especially concerned. He had been secretly manipulating events to ensure that Barry would become the Flash, and now he feared that his plans were falling apart.

"Where could he be?" Caitlin wondered aloud. "Do you think he's hurt?"

"I don't know," Cisco said, frowning at his computer screen. "I've been trying to track his phone, but it's not showing up on any GPS."

"What about the recording from the bank?" Dr. Wells asked, his voice tight with worry. "Did you find anything there?"

"Yeah," Cisco said, pulling up the video on his computer. "I hacked into the security system and found footage of Barry fighting Myles and Rainbow Raider. He was holding his own at first, but then Myles started using some kind of advanced combat techniques that Barry couldn't keep up with. He was losing badly."

Caitlin gasped in horror, while Dr. Wells clenched his jaw. "And what about Rainbow Raider?" he asked.

Cisco fast-forwarded the footage to the part where Rainbow Raider used his powers. "Here," he said, pointing at the screen.

They watched in horror as the colors of the bank began to swirl and blend together. Suddenly, Barry's eyes widened in shock, and he began to tremble violently. "Oh my God," Caitlin whispered. "He's been hit with Bivolo's powers."

Abruptly Dr. Wells expression became dark. "We have to find him," he said. "Now."

The team sprang into action, rushing to put together a plan to locate Barry before it was too late. But as they worked, they couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over them. The thought of Barry being out there, alone and vulnerable, under the influence of Rainbow Raider's powers, was almost too much to bear.

They knew that they had to act quickly, but the stakes were higher than ever before. The fate of Central City, and perhaps even the world, hung in the balance.


Tachyon and Bivolo arrived at their safe house in silence, with Tachyon deep in thought. Bivolo knew better than to disturb him when he was like this and stayed quiet, waiting for his boss to speak.

Tachyon paced back and forth, muttering to himself as he tried to come up with a solution to stop Barry's upcoming rampage. He knew that if he couldn't find a way to control him, Barry would destroy everything in his path.

After a few moments, Tachyon turned to Bivolo and asked, "How long does your control last?"

Bivolo was taken aback by the sudden question. "Uh, it depends on the person. Why do you ask?"

Tachyon sighed heavily. "Your powers tend to last longer on metahumans, and I need to know how much time we have before Barry breaks free from your control."

Bivolo nodded in understanding, but before he could say anything, he asked, "Why are you so worried about Flash? Shouldn't you be happy that he's causing chaos?"

Tachyon's expression turned dark, and he spoke with an icy tone. "Flash is the only person who can challenge me, and that's the funniest thing I have going for me right now. But an angry speedster is bad news, and I need to make sure he doesn't become too much to handle."

Bivolo realized the gravity of the situation and nodded in agreement. "What do you want me to do?"

Tachyon paused for a moment, thinking, before he spoke. "Lay low for a few days. We need to let things cool down before we make any moves."

Bivolo nodded again, knowing that it was the best course of action. He left the room to prepare for his time in hiding, leaving Tachyon alone with his thoughts once again.

Tachyon continued to pace, trying to come up with a plan. He knew that he needed to find a way to stop Barry before it was too late. But as he thought, he couldn't shake the feeling that he might have made a mistake with Rainbow Raider's powers. He hoped that he hadn't pushed Barry too far, but deep down, he knew that it was already too late.


As Barry continues his rampage, attacking criminals with excessive force, the civilians in Central City begin to fear for their safety. They see their hero acting like a wild animal, with no regard for collateral damage or the safety of innocent bystanders.

The police are also alarmed by Barry's behavior. They try to stop him, but he moves too fast for them to catch him. They can only watch as he takes down one criminal after another, leaving them all traumatized and beaten.

Some of the civilians try to reason with Barry, pleading with him to stop and calm down. But their efforts are in vain, as his anger seems to be consuming him more and more with each passing moment.

Others are too afraid to even speak up, and they hide in their homes, praying that Barry's rampage will soon come to an end.

The police department is in a state of chaos, as they struggle to deal with the situation. They are stretched thin, as they try to respond to the various calls for help coming in from all over the city.

The media is also covering the story, and the whole world is watching as Central City's hero becomes its greatest threat. People all over the globe are glued to their screens, wondering what could have caused the once-loved hero to turn into a monster.

As the night wears on, Barry's attacks become more frenzied and violent. The police are helpless to stop him, and the citizens of Central City are left to fend for themselves.

It's a dark and terrifying night for the people of Central City, and they can only hope that their hero will soon return to his senses and bring an end to the chaos he has unleashed upon them.


Oliver sat in his Arrowcave, watching the news with a heavy heart. He knew that something was wrong with Barry, and the reports of him attacking criminals with excessive force only confirmed his suspicions. He couldn't just sit idly by and watch his friend spiral out of control.

He picked up his phone and called his team. "We're going to Central City," he said as soon as they picked up. "Barry needs our help."

There was a pause on the other end of the line as his team processed the information. Finally, Diggle spoke up. "Oliver, are you sure this is a good idea? We don't know what's going on with Barry, and we don't want to get caught up in the middle of something dangerous."

Oliver understood their concerns, but he couldn't sit back and do nothing. "I'm sure," he said firmly. "Barry is my friend, and I won't abandon him when he needs me the most."

Felicity chimed in, "I'm with you, Ollie. Let's go save our friend."

"I'm in, too," said Roy.

Oliver nodded. "Good. We leave in an hour. Pack for a few days, just in case."

As Oliver prepared to leave, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread in his gut. He had a sinking feeling that things were going to get much worse before they got better. But he couldn't let that stop him from trying to help his friend. Barry needed him now more than ever, and Oliver wasn't going to let him down.


The night was calm in Central City as Eddie and Iris went on their date. They discussed the recent events involving Flash's rampage and how the city was in chaos. Suddenly, Eddie was pulled out of the car and thrown onto the ground. He looked up to see Flash, his eyes glowing with rage.

"What are you doing?" Eddie asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

Flash didn't answer, instead he began accusing Eddie of betraying him and working with Myles. Eddie tried to defend himself but was quickly disarmed when Flash grabbed his gun.

Just as Flash was about to attack Eddie, Oliver Queen arrived on the scene. He tried to calm Barry down but it was clear that he was too far gone with anger. Oliver quickly realized that he had to engage Barry in a fight.

At first, Oliver was using his skills and tricks to outsmart Barry, but the speedster was just toying with him. That was until Oliver landed a punch on Barry's face, triggering him into a frenzy.

Barry began pummeling Oliver until Myles arrived and stopped him with a powerful kick. Barry's attention turned to Myles, his anger rising even further. Myles remained passive while wearing his speed force suit. The Mark I. wasn't needed for this and he also didn't want to rely much on the armor unless he wants to rip off Savitar. The two began to race around Central City, fighting each other with all their might.

As they raced, the city trembled beneath their feet, and people watched in awe and horror at the two god-like beings battling it out. Barry's eyes glowed with a white-hot fury as he unleashed his full speed and power, but Myles was equally matched.

The fight was intense, with both speedsters moving so fast that they were barely visible to the naked eye. They collided with buildings, cars, and anything else in their way, causing massive destruction.

As the fight continued, Oliver and the rest of the team arrived on the scene. They watched in shock as the two speedsters continued their battle. Oliver knew that he had to stop them, but he also knew that he couldn't do it alone.

He called for backup, and soon the entire team was working together to stop the two speedsters. They used everything at their disposal, but nothing seemed to be able to stop the two god-like beings.

Finally, Barry and Myles both stopped in their tracks, breathing heavily from exhaustion. Their eyes met, and for a moment, there was a glimmer of recognition. Then, without a word, they both disappeared in a flash.

Oliver and the rest of the team stared at the destruction in disbelief. They knew that they had to find a way to stop them before it was too late. But how do you stop two people with the power of a god?


Myles and Barry were racing around Central City, their movements too fast for the human eye to follow. Myles had been holding back, trying not to harm Barry too much, but he was slowly losing his patience. He was surprised by Barry's skills, which were more advanced than he had expected from a relatively new speedster. Barry was using techniques that only an experienced speedster would know, relying solely on his instincts.

As they continued their fight, Myles realized that he needed to end it quickly before he lost control and hurt Barry too much. He landed a few solid blows, and Barry stumbled back, disoriented. Myles took advantage of the opening and grabbed him, holding him in a chokehold. Barry struggled, but he couldn't break free.

Just as Myles was about to finish the fight, Wells and Joe arrived with the equipment they needed to undo Bivolo's influence on Barry. Myles hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, before finally deciding to let Barry go. He walked away, leaving Barry and the others behind.

Oliver tried to stop Myles, but he was too quick, and he managed to steal Oliver's quiver before disappearing into the night. Barry was furious, but he also knew that deep down, Myles had a good heart. He hated him for the things he had done, but he couldn't deny that they were both speedsters and shared a certain bond.

As they watched Myles disappear into the distance, Barry admitted to the others that he didn't know what to think about him. Today was not their day, but he knew that someday, they might meet again under different circumstances.

For now, Barry wasn't going to forget this.

