
Taboo Incest sex stories

some sort stories of taboo This story is a complete work of fiction; any resemblance to anyone, alive or dead is pure coincidence. All of the characters in this story are 18 years and older.

DJROM · Urban
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Family Game Night

it was Saturday night and my mother invited my cousin Carolyn over to have a game night with herself and my two sisters, Jennifer and Jaime. I never really took part in game night because it always turned into them drinking and gossiping about everything. I heard them downstairs through out the night getting louder and louder as they played game after game.

Periodically I got thirsty or hungry and went to look for something to satisfy my need. During my first visit I noticed the girls were playing candy land. Nothing to bad just the twins plotting together like they always do and my mother and cousin trying to work against them. I noticed a few open drinks around the table and on the counters meaning they definitely we already a few drinks in each.

Later on I went out again and noticed more than just a few drinks spread across the room and in the trash can. By this point they were getting pretty drunk. Looking over at them you could tell they had a few too many drinks and were getting way to comfortable. Carolyn was only in her bra and panties by this point while the twins had changed to oversized matching t-shirts and clearly weren't wearing bras. My mother was at least some what modest as she wore her robe covered at least a bit more. 

I tried to ignore them as I went back to my room. About 30 mins had gone by when I heard them yelling my name. Trying to call back to them they just asked for me to come to them. Reluctantly I got up and walked out to the main room.

"We need a spinner." My sister Jaime said handing me the spinner to the game twister.

"What?" Was the only thing I could say holding the game piece.

"Oh come on son it's family game night and you're the only one not out here." My mother said taking another sip of her drink.

Looking around the room I saw my cousin two sisters and mother all pretty drunk and pretty close to being naked. I wanted to leave but something made me stay. The longer I stayed the more I started to check all of them out. My cousin was actually pretty hot. Carolyn had blonde hair and blue eyes. She wasn't toothpick skinny but definitely wasn't fat. She was about 5'6", a little taller than the other girls in the room. Jennifer and Jaime were identical. Brown hair very much in shape, the two worked out together every single day and it showed. Mom wasn't to bad herself long brown hair with a body that she should be proud of after having 3 kids.

"Come on spin it already cous." Carolyn said ready to play the game.

I snapped out of it and hit the spinner. The first combo was left foot red. Carolyn placed her foot down and claimed her spot. Each took their turn as I spun the game piece over and over. Before I knew it Jaime was bent over right in front of me with her toned ass right in my face. She had on a pair of bright neon green panties that stretched over her butt as she bent over. Staring at her ass my eyes wondered a little lower and could see right up her shirt. Her tits were bare and hanging there as her shirt slowly began to fall. 

"What's the next combination?" I heard one of them call our as I quickly flicked the spinner.

"Right hand green!" I shouted for all to hear

Jennifer moved her hand off blue and over to green. As she did she had to move past our mother to place her hand down. I couldn't believe how flexible all these women were. Walking around the twister mat I wanted to make sure everyone was on the right colors. In doing so I was rewarded with amazing views of all of them. Jennifer had on yellow panties, Carolyn had on a matching red bra and panties set while my mother was wearing a blue thong. 

"Ah!!!" Jaime screamed out as her shirt finally came over her head. "I need to fix my shirt!" 

Jaime was about to move when Jennifer told her that if she moved then she would lose. Stopping in her tracks Jaime stood completely still stuck in her position, she wasn't about to give up even if it meant her tits were out. During her next move Jaime fixed her shirt and pulled down Jennifer's. Jennifer went to go fix it until she was warned by Jaime that if she moved she would lose. Carolyn laughed as Jennifer stood completely still waiting for her next turn. 

"Okay left hand red." Jennifer couldn't find any open red spaces and decided to place her hard firmly on Carolyn's ass.

"Hey he said red." Carolyn said shaking her ass to get Jennifer's hand off it.

"It's red and round so I'm putting my hand on it." Jennifer said leaving her hand in place. 

The first out was our mother who feel when it was left foot blue. She nearly had to do the splits and just couldn't hold it her footing any longer as she got up it turned out that Carolyn's foot was caught on her robe causing it to open up revealing everything. 

"Hey move you foot! I don't want my son to see his mother breasts!" My mother said trying to cover herself up. 

"What no way then I'll lose he has seen both his sisters' boobs tonight he can see his moms tits too." Carolyn said remaining in position.

"Fine he can see his cousin's as well then." She said undoing her bra.

Carolyn's tits swayed back and fourth as she was unable to cover them up. Continuing the game I tried to cover my hard on as my cousins beautiful breasts went every which way. Next out was Jennifer and she joined our mother on the couch. Looking over I saw my mom still hadn't picked up the piece of her robe and left it open. Her right tit was out as she drank her beverage. After 45 minutes of Twister the winner was Carolyn as she jumped for joy causing her massive tits to bounce with her. 

"No she didn't have loose clothing in the way as she moved around." Jaime complained getting up.

"Not my fault you decided to wear clothing while playing the game." Carolyn responded sticking her tongue out.

Jaime swiftly took her shirt off and called for another game. Hearing this Jennifer stood up as well and removed her shirt saying she wanted a rematch too. Seeing the three of them was driving me insane as I sat down and started to drink some alcohol myself and enjoy the show they were putting on.

"Oh you're just jealous of us and you always have been." Jaime and Jennifer said showing their well toned bodies off.

"Of your little C cups? Ha! Any guy would pick these double D's over those any day." Carolyn retorted back lifting her breasts having them drop back down to their original place.

"Ladies calm down." My mother said trying to put the three of them at ease.

"Mom is just mad cuz she knows her daughter's are looking better than her now." Jaime said as she ran her hands over her breasts and gave them a squeeze.

"Oh sweetie you're cute, however I was pleasing men with these tits," our mom said pulling her robe down. "This ass and this sweet pussy before you were even a drop of cum in your dads dick."

"Oh so you think you can please a man better than I can." Jaime said getting in our mother face.

"Well it's not like we have a guy to tell us who is better now do we." Carolyn said as the room grew silent and the only sound was me sipping on my drink.

They stared at me as I sat in the chair. All of them slowly approached me backing me into a corner. With no where to run I sat in silence awaiting what they were going to do.

"Hey cousin," Carolyn said winking at me. "We need your help deciding something for us.

"We need to know who the best fuck is," Jennifer said getting to the point before anyone else could drag it out. "And you're the only cock we have right now."

I couldn't help but stare at all their tits which were near eye level with me as I sat in my chair. Each one got closer trying to steal the spot light from the other one. Trying to pick which one was the best was damn near impossible let alone deciding which one was the best at pleasing a guy.

"Ladies, let's all calm down okay back away from the poor boy." Mother called out.

For a brief moment I thought I was saved from this decision and was going to go back to enjoying the show of all 4 naked women.

"This is game night after all so let's make a game out of it." Mother continued

She pointed out how each one of them was conveniently wearing a color from the twister board game. Carolyn was red, Jaime was green, Jennifer was yellow and she was blue. They would spin to see who would be the one to please me. 

"Okay but it's just hands and feet I'm not really a foot person." Carolyn pointed out.

"How about this then," mom explained. "Left hand is a hand job, right hand is a blow job, left foot is fucking him with our pussy, and right foot is players choice."

All the girls agreed to the rules and got ready to play. They were the players and I was the board. I tried to object as I didn't feel 100% comfortable having sex with my family members. They were drunk, however I was still sober to really see what was going on. I tried to stand up and leave to my room before things got to crazy until three of them grabbed me and I heard my mother tell them to bring me to her room as it had the biggest bed.

As I was dragged to my mother room they stripped my shorts and shirt off leaving me completely naked. I tried arguing and fighting back saying that I didn't want it only to have them pout out how hard my dick was after seeing them pretty much naked. My mother got some rope out as all the girls then worked together to tie me to the bed. Knowing it was useless at this point as they over powered me I was forced to let them tie me to the bed so I was fully exposed and on display for them.

"Damn bro," the twins said in unison. "You have a pretty big dick." I felt both of their hands grab my dick as they moved as one stroking me. 

"Hey you two no getting a head start." Mother commanded as she spun the dial seeing who and what was first.

"Ohhh looks like mommy gets to suck her sons big dick first." Was a sentence I never thought I would hear my mother say.

Looking down a saw my mother strolling towards me as her tits bounced from side to side. She had a devilish grin on her face as she crawled on the bed.

"Now watch carefully ladies. I'm gonna teach you how to suck the cum right out of a guys dick." Staring right at my dick my mother licked her lips ready to go down on her own son.

I saw her mouth cover my cock but only felt her warm breath against it. Taking in a deep breath I felt her lips lightly close around the base of my dick. Her mouth reached all the way to the bottom as I felt the back of her throat with the head of my cock. My mother lips slowly went from the base of my dick all the way back up the the tip. As my eyes rolled to the back of my head I felt her tongue circle around the head then her head move back down the shaft as her tongue slid down every inch of my throbbing cock. A timer went off as I tried to catch my breath, Mother's turn was done. Next up was left to fate as the spinner circled around each color until it finally stopped. 

"Left hand yellow, Jennifer go and stoke your brother dick." Carolyn said while slapping her ass for encouragement.

Jennifer slowly walked over and gave me a wink. Crawling into bed she slowly ran her fingers down my body and grabbed a hold of me. Her grip was a little tight as she started slowly stroking me.

"So big brother," Jennifer whispered into my ear as she started to pick up pace. "How many times have you jacked off this thick cock while thinking of me and Jaime. I bet you think about us all the time don't you."

I tried to catch my breath and swallow some saliva, but couldn't because by this point my mouth was bone dry.

"You probably wish you could see us showering together after a long workout don't you," she said getting closer and stroking faster. "I bet in that perverted mind of yours you imagine your twin sisters making out, rubbing each other's naked bodies and fucking a double sided dildo. Don't you." 

I couldn't speak and only nodded my head telling her that I have thought about my sisters doing that very thing. Moving my head I went to kiss her when the timer went off again causing Jennifer to stop and roll off the bed joining the others on the other side of the room. Jaime started walking over and sat on the other side that Jennifer was on.

"So big brother what did that little slut tell you huh? Jaime asked while stroking my cock. "Did she tell you how we know you try to spy on us in the shower? Or how we purposely leave our door open while we change so you can watch."

Not hesitating and feeling drunk with lust I turned my head and started to kiss Jaime. Her hand stopped as she kissed me back. Climbing on top of me I felt her thin panties press against my dick as I thrust back hoping to fuck her only to have her panties in the way. I felt her slide her panties to the side as she used her pussy juices as a lubricant. Pulling her head back she bit her lower lip and pressed her self down harder on top of me to get my dick as wet as she could.

"Times been up you two!" Our mother said trying to bring us back to the game. "It's family game night and we all have gone so it's Carolyn's turn, she got blow job."

We both felt Carolyn slap Jaime's ass before she got up. I saw Jaime look back and glare at Carolyn as she walked away. "I hope you like the taste of my pussy on his dick." 

Carolyn simply didn't care as she started to wrap her lips around my dick. She didn't hesitate one bit as she went from the top down as far as she could, about an inch and a half from the base then back up.

"Holy fuck cousin I can't wait to get the monster of a cock inside me." Carolyn said in one quick breath then going back down. 

I could feel Carolyn's drool running down the base of my cock with each motion that she made. Once the timer went off Carolyn stopped and stroked me one last time with her hand having some pre-cum release from the tip. I saw her use her tongue to lick it up as she kept it there for me to see as she winked.

"It's your turn again Carolyn and this time you have to fuck him." We heard Jennifer say.

She took her tongue back in her mouth as she stood up and removed her bright red panties. Getting back on the bed she placed her panties on my face making sure to have her pussy's scent right on my lips and nose. They were warm and wet and I could almost taste Carolyn's sweet pussy. My dick twitched a bit from the scent alone.

I felt Carolyn grab my cock with one hand as she lined it up with her pussy. My cock spread her pussy lips apart and I heard her moan from the size of it. Her hips touched mine as I was just about fully inside of her. She started to move her hips forwards and back having my dick stretch out her insides.

"Please fuck me cous, fuck me so hard!" She moaned out as her hands ran up her body and squeezed her tits.

All I could do in this position was flex which caused my hips to raise just slightly letting my dick get about one more inch inside of her. It felt like I was at the end of her pussy as she picked up pace. The timer went off but she didn't care, Carolyn kept fucking me.

"Okay you two times up!" Jaime said knowing it was her turn.

"30 more seconds, I'm so fucking close!" Carolyn screamed out as she kept rubbing her pussy on my cock having her clit just lightly touching my skin.

Jaime and Jennifer grabbed Carolyn's hips and stopped her from moving. Her body was shaking as it was being deprived of her orgasm. 

"Rules are rules, if you want to cum so badly then go fuck yourself or wait for your next turn." They said in unison lifting her up and off me. As my dick left Carolyn's pussy it slapped back down onto my Stomach covered in her juices. 

It was Jaime's turn again and she landed on blowjob. She wanted to fuck her brother but knew rules were rules. Before she started however she made sure to remove her panties and moved Carolyn's from my face. Instead of being at the foot of the bed Jaime placed her pussy right above my face and bent over so we were in the sixty nine position. Staring right at her pussy I could see her thin white creamy juices. Two of Jaime's fingers came down to her pussy to spread it apart, one of them tapped right on her clit indicating that's where she wanted me to lick. I did as I was instructed and both of us were now pleasing the other. 

Jaime kept her hand around the base of my cock so it wouldn't go to deep as I thrust into her mouth. Her pussy was getting wetter with each thrust and as I sucked in her clit. I could feel her pushing her pussy closer trying to get the most pleasure out of the situation. My hands became free and instantly they grabbed my sisters ass spreading them apart more so I could breath easier and so I could lick her entire pussy.

"Okay turns up time for a different game." My mother said. "It's obvious you're going to cum any minute now and that you want to fuck all of us. So now it's time for cum roulette."

Jaime got off of me as they untied to rope around my feet. I watched as my mother and Jennifer took off their panties and Jennifer bent over the bed. 

"You're gonna start fucking your sister Jennifer l, then me, then your cousin then Jaime and back again until you cum in one of us. Whoever you cum in son is the winner." Mom explained as she guided me to my sister's pussy. 

Jennifer was bent over and ready to take it. I put my dick at the entrance of her pussy and slid just the tip in to tease her a bit.

"Fuck! Stop teasing me big brother." Jennifer said clinching her fists on the sheets and tried to push back making me go deeper inside of her.

Quickly I thrust as deep as I could into her causing her to moan from both the surprise thrust and how big I was. As her hair bounced around I gathered it up and pulled on it lifting head from the bed so we could all hear each moan from every thrust I made. At this point Jaime moved from the back of the line and lay down so her pussy was right at Jennifer's mouth. Without hesitation Jennifer started licking Jaime's pussy.

"Well it looks like my daughters have done this before." Our mother said with a little surprise.

"We slept in the same room for over 19 years now mom. You think we haven't helped each other get off at least a few times. Everyone wants to see twins do this stuff at parties." Jaime's said as she pushed Jennifer's face closer to her.

The timer went off and my mother took Jennifer's spot. She had her back on the bed however letting me see her tits bounce as we fucked. Carolyn watched as I fucked her aunt and her cousins were eating each other out on the floor. Not being able to stand it she got on the bed and put her pussy above my mother's face in hopes that she would eat her out too. I watched as my mother stuck her tongue out and let me fuck her causing her to move back and fourth licking her niece's pussy. Carolyn leaned forward with one hand on the bed to keep her balance and the other on the back of my head to pull me in as we started to make out. The taste of Jaime's pussy lingered on my tongue as we kissed.

For a brief moment Carolyn stopped kissing me and whispered in my ear asking me a question. "How close are you to cumming?"

I tried to speak but only a few gasps came out as I tried to hold back from cumming inside my mother. The timer went off and Carolyn pushed me back just enough to for me to pull out of my mother. Seeing that my mother was laying down still Carolyn moved us to the side as she pulled me onto the bed. Carolyn was laying on her back and her beautiful breasts spread apart magnificently. We were both already so lubricated that I was able to slide inside of her with ease.

Leaning down I slowly fucked Carolyn making sure to enjoy her pussy. I turned my head and the two of us kissed each other like we never kissed anyone else before. Unable to take it anymore I told her I was going to cum. Hearing that Carolyn wrapped her legs around me making sure I wouldn't pull out.

"Then cum, cum as deep as you can in me." Was all she said as my dick started to twitch inside of her causing rope after rope of cum to fill up her pussy. She held me close as we kissed a few more times slowly making sure this moment would last as her body began to tense up as well. Once we both finished our orgasms we looked over as our family members watched us.

I didn't even get to fuck him." Jaime said slightly irritated. "Spread your legs Carolyn if I don't get to fuck him then I get to taste his cum from your pussy at least."

"Have at it." Carolyn said giving me another kiss before I got off of her.

Jaime climbed in between Carolyn's legs are made sure to lick up every last drop of cum that came from her pussy. While Jaime cleaned up Carolyn my mother and Jennifer cleaned off my cock getting any last drops they could.