
Resistance is Futile

"No, no, of course not. You are as equally as wonderful as mother," Xu Jing threw his hands up in surrender before adding, "It is just that I wish you can sometimes see things from mother's perspective…"

"Xu Jing, you know what," Joann cut him off. She placed the unfinished bun and her book on the bedside table and turned away from her husband as she laid down in bed, "I am getting tired. If you do not mind, I feel like sleeping already. I have work tomorrow morning albeit one that is apparently not as important as mother's."

Xu Jing looked at his wife's frame that was hidden under the cover and he sighed weakly to himself. There was nothing else he could do but say, "Good night then."

He stood up from the bedside and went to close the light before wandering out of the bedroom.

Until he left, Xu Jing could not figure out what really went wrong, which was totally understandable. He knew his wife was similar to his mother in the sense that they were both quick to anger but how was he to know which pressure point he had unwittingly stepped on this time.

To be perfectly honest though, that was not that hard of a problem to solve. In this quarrel, as with many other quarrels of similar nature, the problem lied in which side he picked. The moment Xu Jing leaned towards his mother was the moment he had accidentally lit up his wife's fuse.

Regardless, Xu Jing did not spend much time dwelling on this matter because he had long since surrendered himself to the fate of being the hapless victim between the two most important and headstrong women in his life.

He was the willing victim of the two women's focus fire, better he suffered than having them at each other's throat.

His role for the night had been accomplished so he was not going to waste his brain cell on figuring out how and why, because that was the kind of happy-go-lucky man Xu Jing was.

The room was dark and quiet.

Xiu Ling was falling asleep when she felt something solid poke at her lower back. Frustrated, she used her hand to reach over her back to swat at it.

When the thing bounced back and hit her palm, her eyes flew open with fear and anxiety creeping up her heart.

She turned her head around and saw Lin Kang flashing a wolfish grin at her. The man was in his birthday suit and he was looking at her like she was some kind of meat.

Xiu Ling quickly pulled her hand back to grab the cover and pulled it tighter around her body.

"I like that tease, why did you stop?" Lin Kang asked in a growling voice.

The question triggered something inside Xiu Ling's head and she turned to look at Lin Kang with pleading, watery eyes, playing the role of the unsuspecting victim to a tee.

"Are we going into role play now? You know how irresistible I find that," Lin King uttered through a fiendish smile.

Xiu Ling was starting to shake her head when the man pounced at her.

As the man's slobbering kiss landed on her bare skin, a surge of electricity shot through her body, causing every cell in Xiu Ling's body to come alive and every single of them was screaming for help.

However, Xiu Ling knew better than to cry or resist. The man was the quintessential sadist in bed and resistance only spurred him on. Xiu Ling had learned that the hard way, because that was how she landed in this mess in the first place.

The man enjoyed power fantasy even in bed or perhaps especially in bed and r*pe play was his favorite go-to.

Some might call this a crime and do not get me wrong, it certainly is but for Lin Kang, it was merely a fetish. For him, it was somehow justified as merely a part of his sexual fantasy. Who was going to argue with the man? The law? In real life, money triumphs over all sorts of law.

Xiu Ling thought she would have gotten desensitized to the man's curious quirk in bed by now considering the amount of time this had repeated itself after her marriage, but she found herself unable to do that. This was simply something that she could not get used to.

However, this merely played against her favor since this placed her into the perfect "victim" role to fulfil Lin Kang's fantasy. In a way, this was why Lin Kang had not tired of her yet and why Xiu Ling was allowed to survive in this contract for so long.

Xiu Ling's mind churned, trying to figure out a way to stop this madness. Then her mind latched onto the thing that had always been her golden ticket when it came to dealing with Lin family.

In spite of herself, she forced a smile and told the man, "Lin Kang, I appreciate your interest in me despite of the state I am in but if we allow this to continue, you might end up hurting your son."

As she wished, that did the trick. The man stopped advancing instantly.

He slowly climbed off of her and rolled to his side of the bed. The man had not said anything but was breathing heavily.

Xiu Ling assumed he was going to get mad but to her surprise, Lin Kang laughed.

"You're absolutely right. How can I have forgotten such an important detail? But that was a wonderful performance earlier, A+ for authenticity. I cannot wait for this pregnancy to be over, just imagine the fun we will have."

The comment caused Xiu Ling to shiver but she maintained the smile on her face.

Lin Kang then rolled off the bed. As he put his clothes on, he told Xiu Ling, "If you're indisposed for the night, then I shall be off to relieve my stress elsewhere."

Then, he walked out of the room.

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