
System Summon

A young man by the name of Aaron is murdered on earth and instead of fading into nothingness, he hears a feminine voice in his head... “Your soul has been selected to join the cycle of transmigration yet due to unknown circumstances there seems to be errors in your reincarnation... to correct this errors, you will be given an unique skill.” Follow the main character on his journey to become peerless in the new world with his unique skill.

S3NTI3NC3 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Two brothers, Aaron and Aziym step off the bus and start the short trek home after a grueling day of work. It was a rare occasion for both brothers to work the same shift and it happened to be a brisk winter night, creating the perfect conditions for a lengthy chat about reincarnation. Both brothers were greatly enticed by the topic causing the short distance home to feel even shorter. The two turn a corner and their chatter is abruptly cut short, the brothers find themselves in an alley that they weren't unfamiliar, however on this moonless winter night the alley possessed a chilling darkness and sense of danger foreign to them. Feeling the change in atmosphere, Aaron subtly enters a hyper vigilant state allowing himself room to act on any unknown at the quickest speed. Aziym however notices the strange air a few moments later before quickly entering an alert state and matching Aaron's pace.

The duo continues walking through the alley, however now in absolute silence and seriousness. At some point 5 silhouettes appear blocking the paths of Aziym, and Aaron who've now reached the depths of the alley. The silhouettes cause an inescapable sense of crisis to befall the brothers when a dark, long, and blunt object appears in the hands of one of the silhouettes. In that same instance Aaron makes his move, throwing his backpack at the figure furthest to the right of the group before launching himself at the silhouette beside the previous figure. Almost a second after Aaron makes a move Aziym follows suit closing the distance between himself and the three figures on the right in one large step, with his primary focus being the figure with the weapon. Aziym quicky grasps the wrist of the figure holding the weapon with his left hand before delivering a right elbow to the gut of the figure followed by a kick to the inner side of the figure's leg bringing him onto one knee. The whistling of wind resounds in Aziym's ear as a fist collides with the side of his face.

Two fierce brawls break out almost simultaneously right beside each other, however with both sides experiencing completely opposite dynamics. On Aaron's side he while not effortlessly, comfortably manages two opponents with neither side possessing an absolute advantage or disadvantage. On Aziym's side however a heavy punch from his blind spot leaves him in a compromising situation. The previous control established over the figure with a weapon was lost and with another whistling of the wind a heavy object intending to connect with Aziym's chin, instead lands heavily on his shoulder due to a timely side step. Aziym immediately feels a burst of pain shooting throughout his left arm as he retaliates with a powerful kick with his right leg, firmly landing on his attacker's genitals and bringing him crashing to the ground.

Unfortunately before Aziym can readjust himself a powerful fist from the second figure lands on his soft belly, knocking the wind out of him and triggering a severe asthma attack. The well placed gut punch is followed up by quiet squelching noise as the third figure  drives a butterfly knife into his kidney. Shock flickers in Aziym's eyes as he crumples to the ground in a pool of his own blood, slowly struggling less and less to breathe. Aaron witnesses the entire scene out the corner of his eye causing his combat prowess to spike, instantly shattering the previous stalemate. With almost inhuman speed he grasps the forearm of the fourth figure yanking him into a partial headlock with his own arm wrapped around his throat as he relentlessly pummels his kidneys, bringing the fourth figure to his knees. Then a surgical knee to the right temple seals the figure's fate. The fifth figure rushes over in a frenzy only to receive another surgical strike of Aaron's to the Adams apple causing him to violently choke and unable to block the following kick to the temple, bringing him crashing down onto the edge of a loose brick killing him immediately.

Panting heavily Aaron backpedals three steps to distance himself from the second and third figures as his eyes land upon the now deathly silent body of his brother. For a brief instant his mind staggers only to be shocked into clarity by the  whistling of wind. A loud thump cuts through the otherwise silent alley the first figure who was left incapacitated by Aziym lands his weapon on Aaron's right shoulder. The heart wrenching sound of bones breaking resounds throughout the alley followed by a stifled shout from Aaron as sidesteps to the left quickly. The pain shocks his brain allowing the second figure to land a solid punch on the left side of Aaron's jaw, leading him to stumble a few steps forward. A familiar squelching noise awakens Aaron from his daze as he launched a lightning quick kick at the third figure's gut, simultaneously pushing himself backwards. Now surrounded on three sides Aaron feels a rapidly overpowering sense of weakness as he falls to his knees and his left hand touched his stomach to reveal a handful of blood. A tragic smile breaks out on his face as traces of anguish and unwillingness flicker in his eyes. His eyes turn lifeless as the tragic smile on his face disappears just as quick as it appeared leaving him face down in a puddle of his own blood not ten feet from his brother.