
System Restrictions: Transmigrated Into The Weakest Student.

Jayson Light, a transmigrated soul who has a great burden forced upon him wishes for nothing but his own death. Granted a system, he is faced with a task which he cannot accomplish. He later accepts his faith, but his trauma was one thing which didn't let go of him. A psychopathic sixteen year old who wished nothing but death for those who tried to harm him, that was what he became. He was a ticking time bomb and simply wanted to make the most of his now shortened life.

noob6 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Predator Turned Prey.

After that, he was left lying on the floor of the dark place. His face bartered and bruised and blood gushing out of his mouth. His hands and legs were still bound and he was still barely clinging to life once again.

He fell unconscious soon after and woke up later to find himself lying on a bed inside a room. His gaze was still blurry and his face was hurting. There was a thick white clothe wrapped around his neck and prevented him from turning his neck.

A familiar masculine voice came from the side, " You seriously had to go and be stupid once again, honestly, you don't feel like the Jayson I knew ever since the past week."

He didn't reply to what he said, just kept staring blankly at the ceiling, thinking as to what had happened before he arrived at his current location.

" You failed woefully in your acquisition test and skipped every single one of your classes. Barely perform in any of the academy activities and only for me to find you hanging by a thread by the corner of an abandoned building." He said, staring at him sternly.

" I... I tried okay, but what's the point... what's the point of trying if it ends with the same result? I did my best okay, it wasn't my fault that I was born like this."

" So that's your problem huh? Merely existing, yet you still try as much as possible to cling to the very same forsaken life. Is it that you hope that you'll one day be better, or are you afraid, and of what exactly?"

The questions were unexpected and he didn't have any reasonable answers to any of them. Every one of his actions was different by a different emotion but he couldn't deny to fact that he was undoubtedly afraid.

" I'm scared, okay, of course I'm scared." He sobbed, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks, " I can't bring myself to accept this fate that has been forced upon me. What's the point of power if it merely exists to torment you? You wouldn't understand okay, strong and talented... what, just what could you possibly know about me?"

He had spoken through his shielded emotions. Everything he had been keeping inside himself was suddenly let out because he finally had someone he could talk to openly. But his words certainly weren't the best.

" Get some rest okay, we'll talk later, after you've cooled up a bit more." He said, walking away.

Tears began flowing down his cheeks right after that and dozed off after a while of tears. When he woke up, the white-haired man was sitting next to him once again, staring calmly at his face with a deep expression of worry.

" How long have been sitting there?" He asked, slowly blinking his eyes, trying to adjust to the rays of light.

" For almost eight hours." He replied, smiling at him, "You were saying some really weird things while you were awake, must have been a nightmare. Your temperatures were rising as well."

He felt incredibly tired and his assumption that he had a nightmare wasn't mistaken as well. There was a wet towel placed over his forehead and he was barely noticing it.

With his heart greatly pained and his voice trembling, he divulged everything he knew to his teacher. There was a moment of silence between the both of them as the handsome young man tried to process everything he had just heard.

" If the system really grants you a rapid growth in strength just as you have said, then I can only tell you to its full extent." He said, slightly patting the boy on the head, "Surpass the shackles that bind you and even if you're still not powerful enough, call out to me and I promise that I'll be right at your side before you even mention it."


The next day, he was left sitting on a swing in the middle of a park. He had a mug in his hand, one which he wished had the world's number one failure inscribed on it.

He stared into the cup, it contained a black liquid and an aroma oozed into his nose, one which wasn't very pleasing. He swirled the liquid a few times with the spoon placed inside before he proceeded to take a sip of it.

Veins instantly popped out of his forehead and he scrunched up his face as he gulped down the small amount he had taken. He only then realized how much he actually hated coffee and then aftertaste it had left in his mouth.

His taste buds were screaming in horror as he constantly pushed his tongue against his upper jaw in an attempt to get rid of the awful taste.

He got up from the swing and slowly walked towards the waste bin a little far by his side. He turned around and stared at the empty park for a while as memories up to that very point flashed in his mind.



Tier Upper 5



Strength: 18

Agility: 12

Stamina: 15




1: Lightning ball

2: Lightning barrage

3: lightning bolt

Special based ↓

1: Beast subjugation

2: Beast summoning

He could only manage to go through the basic parts of his system stats. A memory that he wished could be forgotten, but it wasn't like he had a choice either way.

" Tomorrow's the last weekend, I could at least try to waxen up a little bit before I return to the academy." He thought, slowly clenching his fist, " What could I do to pass the time."

Not long after that, he found himself strolling through the woods. There were a few warning signs against going into the woods and a certain level of restriction.

It was a mere warning anyway, there wasn't anyone there to try and stop him. As he slowly walked through the woods, an arrow shot straight past him and shot straight into the tree next to him.

He stopped in his tracks and quickly turned around to see a person dressed in black standing behind him. He had a hood over his face and a white owl mask with black line designs on it.

" How about we have a chat, I promise you it'll be quick." The masked man said, walking towards him.

System analysis initializing


System analysis complete


Creature: Human

Acquired infusion: Electro


Based on the depicted energy levels

Tier: Lower 4

The person before him was only about a degree above him which meant that their difference in strength wasn't too great.

" What is it you want?" He asked, looking up at the man with a stern expression on his face, " and please don't waste my time."

" Getting cocky now are we?" He said with a slight chuckle, walking closer to him, " Who knows what could happen while we're both in here."

His very words were just the signal he needed, an indirect threat to him. Moving his hand swiftly, he quickly drew the dagger which was placed by the right side of his trousers.

The glistering reflection of the sun's rays against the fine piece of armory shone brightly. He quickly backed away with the blade right in front of him, in preparation to defend against any sudden attacks.

" Maybe I should just get straight to the point." He said as sparks of lightning instantly engulfed his entire body.

He dashed towards the boy in front of him, quickly drawing his own dagger in an attempt to quickly hit away the dagger he had with him.

<Skill cast: Lightning bolt>

As the man came forward with his attempted strike, sparks of lightning engulfed his own dagger and he quickly swung it towards the incoming attack.

" He blocked it." He gasped in shock as he watched the boy's weapon hit against his, stopping its advance.

They were both right-handed and just as their weapons made contact, he proceeded to grab hold of his blade with his left hand.

The sharp blade instantly cut through his fingers but he didn't care anyway. The man tried to pull away the dagger, but the boy's grip was far stronger than he had originally thought.

With the man's dagger now partially restricted by him, he pulled back his own dagger and quickly went for a stab towards the man's right shoulder. His arm was grabbed midway and with a mischievous smirk on his face, he leaned forward and nodded the man hard against his face.

The force of impact was severe and forced him to quickly back away. Leaving both the boy's dagger and his.

" I thought you had a bow." He said, charging straight towards the man, "Maybe you should have used it!"

It was only a moment before the dagger held in his hand was inserted into the man's abdomen and he was left breathing heavily, his back against the tree and blood gushing out of his mouth.

He stopped to look at the helpless man with the other dagger held in his bleeding left hand. He slowly transferred the blade to his right with his gaze still on the man.

Suddenly, he jumped up, performing a diagonal spin in the air as a long arrow flew straight past him. While he was still in the air, he threw the dagger and right after that, a loud thump was heard from the distance.

The man's eyes widened after seeing what had just happened. Things weren't going well for him and it seemed that they were only about to get worse.

The boy slowly began to slowly lick off the blood on his palm, going up from the base, creating a menacing work on his face. Just as he reached the base of his fingers, he looked straight towards and with a smile on his face said, "Well, now it's your turn."