
SYSTEM REBIRTH: Rise of the Forsaken Heir

In a world where power and magic shape destinies, "System Rebirth: Rise of the Forsaken Heir" follows the journey of Ichiro Takahashi, a young man from a lineage of legends. Born into a family of esteemed warriors, Ichiro's life takes an unexpected turn when he awakens a dormant system of ancient power. Ichiro's life has been marked by hardship and isolation due to his mysterious lineage. Mistreated by his family, bullied at school, and ostracized by his peers, he finds solace in his mother's old base, a shrine that holds memories of her heroic battles. Unbeknownst to him, this shrine is more than just a place of comfort – it's a key to his destiny. When a monstrous attack strikes the shrine, Ichiro is caught off-guard, forced into the frontlines of battle. In a desperate moment, he meets an untimely end, only to awaken to a surreal experience. A mysterious voice reveals that he shares a bloodline with a powerful system, making him its new master. Empowered with game-like abilities, Ichiro must now navigate a world teeming with magic, danger, and a legacy he never anticipated. As Ichiro grapples with his newfound powers, he's faced with internal conflicts of powerlessness and the desire for recognition. Guided by the system's voice, he learns to harness his abilities, discovering a purpose greater than himself – to protect the shrine, uphold his mother's legacy, and stand against any threat that arises. Throughout his journey, Ichiro encounters allies and adversaries, unveiling secrets that span generations. Along the way, he forms bonds with individuals who recognize his worth beyond his lineage, helping him overcome his past traumas and embrace his true potential.

AngelGrace · Fantasy
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143 Chs

CHAPTER 79 - Investigate the Shrine (3)

Upon arriving at the location where Ichiro detected the items, none of the group questioned how he was able to find them. Ichiro himself hadn't noticed these items on his previous visit, but with the newfound knowledge affinity, it seemed he now possessed capabilities akin to the system itself. However, he recognized certain limitations—his detection range wasn't extensive, requiring him to be within a specific proximity to sense things.

This realization sparked curiosity within Ichiro about the full extent of his new affinity. Just as Akihiko could create a wind barrier effortlessly, Ichiro wondered if he could unlock even greater capabilities. The prospect of exploring and understanding the true potential of his knowledge affinity intrigued him, hinting at the possibilities that lay ahead.

Akihiko examined the first two items they discovered and promptly identified them. "These are monster's bones," he declared.