
System of Magic: Two Gods

A war between gods destroyed countless realms. This war led to universal doom. Many gods perished and new ones appeared. The universe was divided and was taken over by different races. The race’s thirst for power led to many rulers starting wars. One of the wars unleashed an evil power that Daimi stumble upon.

Universal_Stories_8068 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Battle

  A bullet whizzed towards my face, but I managed to evade it in the nick of time.

  [YEAH! THIS IS THE FUN OF IT!] a voice exclaimed in my mind, filled with exhilaration at the prospect of battling an opponent stronger than my own physical abilities.

  The hunter tossed one of his revolvers into the air and swiftly fired a shot at me with the other one in his hand. The crimson bullet was aimed directly at my heart. Suddenly, an unfamiliar energy, or , surged into my mana core, causing a surge of heat and excitement to course through my veins.

  Without uttering a single word, the hunter moved with lethal precision to eliminate me as his enemy. He snatched the revolver still airborne, and a black mist enveloped the gun, emanating a red glow before transforming it completely into a shotgun. As soon as the mist dissipated, he unleashed a rapid burst of six dark-toned bullets.

  [OH! THIS IS GREAT!] It exclaimed internally, reveling in the intense battle unfolding before my eyes.

  As the hunter's shotgun bullets tore through the air towards me, I quickly tapped into my gope mana to create a shield for protection. The bullets collided with the ethereal shield, creating a resounding metallic clang as they were repelled.

  Surprised by the shield's resilience, the hunter swiftly adjusted his strategy. He aimed his weapon at the ground and fired another crimson bullet. Upon impact, the bullet exploded into a fiery blast, causing the ground beneath me to crumble and disintegrate.

  Utilizing my gope mana's control over elements, the system manipulated the earth below me to halt my descent, preventing me from falling further. While gazing back at the hunter, he fired a massive red blast in my direction, dwarfing the one he had unleashed against the monster earlier.

  The beam hurtled towards me at a tremendous speed, emanating a trail of red particles. The sheer force of the blast devastated the terrain in its path.

  My mana core surged with even more energy, enveloping me in a protective layer that radiated a brilliant blue light, akin to a nocturnal reflection.

  Upon collision with my barrier, the blast unleashed its full might, attempting to breach the shield. The sound of drilling reverberated as I focused on fortifying the barrier, channeling my mana into it. After a brief struggle, the blast gradually diminished, succumbing to the strain brought upon it. The resulting explosion was colossal, reducing the nearby ground to dust and sending debris soaring through the air. Amidst the dissipating smoke, a pair of red eyes locked onto mine.

  The hunter stared at me intently for a moment before lunging at me with lightning speed. He materialized right in front of my face and delivered a powerful punch to my barrier, causing a small crack to form. As I studied the hunter more closely, I noticed his teeth had sharpened, his muscles had grown larger, and his body emitted an overwhelming aura of deadly intent and suppression. Although his intensified mana had little effect on me due to my enduring barrier and a skill keeping me calm and focused.

  I turned my attention back to the hunter and countered his barrage of punches. While the force was deflected, the crack in my barrier widened.

  With one hand dedicated to maintaining the barrier's integrity, the other hand formed various intricate shapes. Gradually, my hand emitted a vibrant green glow, materializing into a long, luminous saber. In the heat of the battle, I attempted to strike him with my glowing saber. As the blade arced towards his chest, he retaliated by delivering a powerful blow that shattered the barrier between us. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged my hand at him, piercing through his chest. Despite catching him off guard, he remained composed, focusing on regenerating the flesh that started to close up around my hand. As the wound healed, it felt as though I was being encased in solid cement. However, with a final surge of effort, the saber, which had been lodged in his chest, began to liquefy, flowing downward and spreading throughout his body.

  He try to grab my head attempting to rip his finger into it, but before he could do so, the liquefied mana made him unable to regenerate, leaving him vulnerable. His face turned white in shock as to why he wasn't regenerating, and his insides started to melt into a puddle of blood. He began to scream in agony, trying his best to shake me off, but the more he moved, the worse it became. His skin continued to change color, taking on a more rotten appearance before he started to explode into bits.

  Looking back at my hand, I noticed it was bleeding from the explosion, but I was able to create a barrier between me and the explosion in a split second, preventing any harm to myself.

  [That was fun. Now you can have your body back and be the one who's in control now.] It said to me.

  My body was back to my control and the first thing I did was check my status.


Name:  Daimi    


Level: 9/50 (Rank: Intermediate eight stage)  

Strength: 19

Agility: 14

Mana: 1000/1300

Endurance: 48

Luck: -13

Charm: 25


〘Active Skills〙

Shot Accuracy: When using any range weapon your aim will be more precise and accurate enough to hit your target.

Mana: 50/s

Cooldown: 20 minutes

10 Shots: If you use a gun, it fire 10 mana bullets.

Mana: 100/per bullets

Cooldown: Unlimited.

Rage: Your mind will be fill with rage and anger. It increases your attack damage and stamina.

Side effects: The longer you use this the more your mind will become more like a monster who could only think about killing.

Mana: 200/s

Charge: Boosts your morale when you are facing more than one enemy. Increasing your agility and endurance.

Side effects: Nothing.

Mana: 150/s

〘Passive Skill〙

Mind focus: Your intelligence will be double, your thinking skill will be much faster when combating someone.』

  "Wait a minute... why is my class empty? I mean I got the skills out of the class but what does the class do tho?"

  [Wait, until you level up first. Then you will be able to see it.]

  I look at my shirt and pants and both are in a bad shape. The shirt look teared of, and my pant was reap below it.

  I look around the place for a while before, I took a walk to the other side of the forest.